Forum: EasyBoot Topic: Polish lang in EasyBoot (język Polski) started by: gsm_virus Posted by gsm_virus on Dec. 13 2008,19:50
Hi all.I am lacking choice of Polish for in one piece EasyBoot interface, perhaps already mow he made such a translation and he has the entire menu in my native language. I know that it is possible to make it with the help some of tools in C++, but of which? I know that for example a file is responsible for a German tongue. dll (lang_de.dll) perhaps somebody already prepared lang_pl.dll for EasyBoot. Perhaps I would give names, and Polish names suiting them : File -> Plik Layout -> Wyglad Text -> Tekst Posted by xoben on Dec. 14 2008,20:15
Sorry, translation of EasyBoot in Polish is not available yet.