Forum: EasyBoot
Topic: help: how to create multiboot?
started by: sebayan9

Posted by sebayan9 on Sep. 01 2008,11:10
i just downloaded easy boot but i dont know how to use this software.
i'm newbie. i want to create multiboot contains:

1. Hiren's boot cd 9.5
2. XP password reset
3. Pe builder/BartPe

any help would be appreciate :)

Posted by gokujames on Oct. 04 2008,09:07
Do you have all in the form of ISO.if so the answer is easy one.
Requirements :Ultra ISO(the best) and Magic ISO
First download Ultra ISO
Install it and all that blah,blah
1.Open the Hirens CD iso with Ultra iso
2.Go to  Tools--->save boot file and save the bootimage as hiren.bif(approx 1.44Mb i think it is)
3.Similarly do the same for all ISO
4.Now Install magic ISO
5. It has a feature called multiboot CD/DVD creater(Click it)
6.Gives u GUI easy to understand.
i'll continue things late

Posted by bugme on Dec. 27 2008,02:47
so how does this thread end?
Posted by freeze_love on Dec. 28 2008,00:26
Hello everybody, I've been a new mem on 28th Dec 2008. May I ask everybody some questions about Boot ISO Images? I 've had a Hiren's Boot CD, WindowsXP setup and now, I want to add both of them in a CD (that can boot with menu) and I've created them by EasyBoot but when I saved, Name of them changed (for example: WINFXDOCOBJ.EXE.MU_ was changed with WINFXDOC.Mu_ ) please tell me why and help me soon!