Forum: EasyBoot
Topic: How do I add UBCD and DBCD to a multiboot DVD?
started by: Alegom

Posted by Alegom on Dec. 30 2008,22:26

I am currently working on a project with EasyBoot, and I have some doubts. I was trying to integrate bootable pre-made CD's in my multiboot DVD, such as Diamond BootCD and Ultimate Boot CD, but I am not accomplishing it. How can I put them in?

I know that UBCD is an isolinux based system, and I believe that it is what is making this so hard, and I also know that DBCD uses EasyBoot too, but you'll see why it makes things harder instead easier.

I will divide the post into sections.

I tried several ways:
   1. To extract the CD's content to the DVD's root and extract the boot image to the ezboot folder, with the proper command in the EasyBoot program.
   2. To place the CD image on the ezboot folder and use the bcdw tool properly.

Through those methods, I obtained the following results:
   - UBCD:
         - Method 1: It works.
         - Method 2: "Could not find kernel image: linux" on the first line, and "boot: (fill)" on the second line.
   - DBCD:
         - Method 1: I can't apply this method to DBCD because there would be conflicts with XP's setup files.
         - Method 2: "Error loading image: CDMENU.EZB".

Here’s the situation status:
- I would rather use the second method for both of them, because it's the "cleanest", but if I don’t have any other option, I’ll use the first method to UBCD, although I can’t use it for DBCD.

- How to make both of them to work using bcdw?
- If it isn’t possible, I will use the method 1 to UBCD, but how do I make with DBCD? If the two methods I described are the only possible ones, I must go for the first, but in that case, there would be an overwriting of the files shared by XP and DBCD. Which of them should be kept in order to both work?

What do you advise me to do?

I would appreciate any help in order to one of those methods or even a new one to work.

This may sound incredibly hard, but for those who understand EasyBoot well, it’s easy to help, I just explained everything with many many details and with all the steps.

Thanks in advance for all your help. ;)

PS: You may notice that this topic was already posted 2 days ago. I have deleted it and re-posted it because I needed to change the topic title and there was no other way.

Posted by balder on Dec. 31 2008,03:15
Hello Alegom

The “UBCD problem”.
Well to my knowledge method 1 is the only one that’s been presented to work. It should be possible to make it work in other ways to, but as isolinux (or linux system as well) is a pain in the *** :angry:  to start, you can be happy its working. In fact, I’m very imprested you get it working so far – congratulations to you

About “Diamond BootCD”.
As far I now this is a mix of Hirens boot cd and a kind of BartPE ISO. Correct ???  

As we cannot start BartPE (folder i386) directly from ISO - as this system is “hard coded” - we have to copy folder i386 including appendixes (folder with programs) and ident files (win51 etcetera) to the root of CD/DVD build (EasyBoot\disk1) as you already know. And yes we now have a problem. Obviously we can only use one folder i386 at time on the root of CD/DVD build (EasyBoot\disk1).

Method 1 (the easy way) is to copy folder i386 to the root of CD/DVD build (EasyBoot\disk1) and rename folder i386 to another 4-letters name like: live, bart, abcd, PE12 or whatever 4-letters name you prefer. Let’s say you rename folder i386 to pe12 you then set this command in EasyBoot menu:  bcdw /pe12/setupldr.bin

It’s tested in virtual pc but not in “reality” (on CD/DVD). Would you please test if this simple command works as suggested? If this works we can put several different “LiveXP”-systems on CD/DVD build without doing any hex edit :)
Note1: check that you have bcdw.bin in ezboot folder.
Note2: You can of course use same ident files to several different “bartpe” (folder i386).
If your goal is to use ERD Commander-5 you can use above method. If you are going to use ERD Commander –7 (or ERD-8) you have to copy “old” setupldr.bin from ERD-5 to the newer built ERD-7 (or ERD-8).
Note: ERD-7 (and ERD-8) is based on server 2003-sp1 with it’s newer setupldr.bin. It is this setupldr.bin that’s causing us trouble. But as I pointed out, use the “old” setupldr.bin in ERD-5 so you then can use menu command:  bcdw /erd7/setupldr.bin  (in this case, folder i386 changed to erd7).

Method 2 (always working) is to hex edit setupldr.bin file in folder i386 and follow up with hex edit w2ksect.bin (w2ksect.bin comes with EasyBoot). And finally change name to folder i386 to something else with 4 letters name (LIVE, BART, TEST or whatever same hex edit must be done to setupldr.bin and w2ksect.bin).
Note: If using method 2 and BartPE (folder i386) is based on server 2003-sp1 you need to practice this: <;f=1;t=2595;st=0 > (post nr 9)

Solution for Hirens boot cd:  < [URL=]null >[/URL]
Attention! As option, delete jo.sys (not io.sys) in hirens.wbt image to start hirens bootCD without delay.
Note: Bootsector on hirens is basically a normal floppy image and can be opened using winimage or ultraiso

Please note that I’m unsure how and what folders structure you have on your CD/DVD build. If this different “systems” uses same “programs folder “ (or program files folder) it could be a problem. You have to be a little bit more precise how structure looks out on your CD/DVD build.


Posted by Alegom on Jan. 01 2009,10:23
Hello balder.

First of all, I would like to deeply thank you for answering my question. Honestly I wasn't expecting such a great answer as the one you gave me.

To reply to everything, I'll divide my post into sections, as I made with first post.

The “UBCD problem”.
Well to my knowledge method 1 is the only one that’s been presented to work. It should be possible to make it work in other ways to, but as isolinux (or linux system as well) is a pain in the *** to start, you can be happy its working. In fact, I’m very imprested you get it working so far – congratulations to you

Thank you.  :)

So I would better leave that as the way it is, since it's working.

About “Diamond BootCD”.
As far I now this is a mix of Hirens boot cd and a kind of BartPE ISO. Correct ???

Yes, you are correct.

As we cannot start BartPE (folder i386) directly from ISO - as this system is “hard coded” - we have to copy folder i386 including appendixes (folder with programs) and ident files (win51 etcetera) to the root of CD/DVD build as you already know. And yes we now have a problem. Obviously we can only use one folder i386 at time on the root of CD/DVD build.

Yes, it was (attention to this "was"... :D) the basis of my problem.

Method 1 (the easy way) is to copy folder i386 to the root of CD/DVD build and rename folder i386 to another 4-letters name like: live, bart, abcd, PE12 or whatever 4-letters name you prefer. Let’s say you rename folder i386 to pe12 you then set this command in EasyBoot menu:  bcdw /pe12/setupldr.bin

It’s tested in virtual pc but not in “reality” (on CD/DVD). Would you please test if this simple command works as suggested? If this works we can put several different “LiveXP”-systems on CD/DVD build without doing any hex edit
Note1: check that you have bcdw.bin in ezboot folder.
Note2: You can of course use same ident files to several different “bartpe” (folder i386).

So, I tried out this method, and surprisingly it worked out just great. It loaded BartPE without any problem!

You can't possibly imagine how happy I am. I was trying to make this work for about 1 year and a half, and finally a week ago I gave up. And I'm seeing it was the best thing I could ever done. :D

If your goal is to use ERD Commander-5 you can use above method. If you are going to use ERD Commander –7 (or ERD-8) you have to copy “old” setupldr.bin from ERD-5 to the newer built ERD-7 (or ERD-8).
Note: ERD-7 (and ERD-8) is based on server 2003-sp1 with it’s newer setupldr.bin. It is this setupldr.bin that’s causing us trouble. But as I pointed out, use the “old” setupldr.bin in ERD-5 so you then can use menu command:  bcdw /erd7/setupldr.bin  (in this case, folder i386 changed to erd7).

Method 2 (always working) is to hex edit setupldr.bin file in folder i386 and follow up with hex edit w2ksect.bin (w2ksect.bin comes with EasyBoot). And finally change name to folder i386 to something else with 4 letters name (LIVE, BART, TEST or whatever same hex edit must be done to setupldr.bin and w2ksect.bin).
Note: If using method 2 and BartPE (folder i386) is based on server 2003-sp1 you need to practice this: <;f=1;t=2595;st=0 > (post nr 9)

As it worked, I won't need to hex edit any files, as you mention, but anyway it's a very useful information, and I am truly thankful because you helped me so much.

Solution for Hirens boot cd:  < null >
Attention! As option, delete jo.sys (not io.sys) in hirens.wbt image to start hirens bootCD without delay.
Note: Bootsector on hirens is basically a normal floppy image and can be opened using winimage or ultraiso

About Hiren's BootCD, DBCD already has got it loading perfectly (my only problem was the file conflict between BartPE and XP), so I kept it that way.

Please note that I’m unsure how and what folders structure you have on your CD/DVD build. If this different “systems” uses same “programs folder “ (or program files folder) it could be a problem. You have to be a little bit more precise how structure looks out on your CD/DVD build.

Let's say that I have Acronis, XP, Vista, UBCD and DBCD, and you can imagine the rest...

Once again, thank you very much.

I have already started well the year with your reply, so I hope you have started yours well too.


Posted by balder on Jan. 01 2009,12:47

I must express my honest THANK YOU for the most ambitious answer (or shell we call it feedback) I ever have got in this forum.  I’m blushing :)

Such a feedback is very rare to get – but it’s not only nice – it’s in your case so clear and feeds my hunger for greater knowledge how to use EasyBoot.

Greetings from Sweden to you and I wish you a good (and great) new “EasyBoot year” :;):
