Forum: EasyBoot
Topic: rename folder i386
started by: AhrimanSefid

Posted by AhrimanSefid on Jan. 03 2009,05:10
How can I rename folder i386?
When I rename it,it hanges in blue screen.
I know I shoud change theese files (boot.bif),( TXTSETUP.SIF ),( SETUPLDR.BIN ),but they don't change and hanged in blue screen.
Thanks alot.

Posted by balder on Jan. 03 2009,07:02
Hello AhrimanSefid

It’s not clear to me what kind of folder i386 we are dealing with here ???

If we are dealing with WindowsXP-setup folder you can follow EasyBoot helpfile>>Practical Guide
Read also here about problems if using non English version of WinXP-setup <;f=1;t=2650 >

If we are dealing with WindowsXP-“live” (bartpe or reatogo or winternal erd5) you can use this tutorial <;f=1;t=2653 >  (Post Number: 2)

Please be more specific what type of folder i386 you mean :;):
