Forum: EasyBoot Topic: Organising OSes started by: rohit91 Posted by rohit91 on Feb. 04 2009,12:06
Hello,I'm a new user to Easyboot. I want to know if i can put different OSes (ex-Win 7,vista,xp sp2,sp3 etc) in different folder in 'disk1' directory and still boot them. It will unclutter the root directory of iso image.Please tell the procedure to do, also. Please help me !!!! Posted by mmarx82 on Feb. 09 2009,15:25
I am pretty sure as far as uncluttering the root directory for what you are asking is not possible. However you shouldn't have a problem with adding all those OS's to the disk until you get to the Windows 7 and Windows Vista.< Follow this for multiple XP Versions > As far as Vista or Windows 7 goes < Follow this > To do both Vista and Windows 7 I think your going to have a problem until someone figures out how to properly edit the BCD files(I think) < See this link > and < this link > As you can tell there has been no answer for it yet. |