Forum: EasyBoot
Topic: Bootable AIO DVD with Iso files
started by: nandeo_tifur

Posted by nandeo_tifur on Feb. 21 2009,04:07
Needing help with creating multiboot DVD with Iso images. I have attempted to follow previous guides but always seem to receive ntldr errors and additional ones that I cannot remember. My aim is to create a windows 2000-Vista AIO DVD with Hiren's BootCD & ERD Command 2005.

Versions of Windows:

Windows 2000 Pro
Windows 2000 Server
Windows 2000 Adv Server (win2kall.iso, 2k.bif)

Windows XP Home 32 bit (XPH32.iso, XPH32.bif)
Windows XP Pro 32 bit (XPP32.iso, XPP32.bif)
Windows XP Pro 64 bit (XPP64.iso, XPP64.bif)

Windows Vista AIO (vista.iso, vista.bif)

Hirens BootCD 9.4 (HBCD.iso, HBCD.bif)

ERD Command 2005 (ERDCMD2005.iso, ERDCMD2005.bif)


Currently I have created 2 menu's:


1. How would I go about setting up the file directories with these ISO files with the current  menu's etc?

2. What would be the run commands for these menu's?

3. The version of Windows 2000 Iso file I am currently using already has a Dos multi menu option to select between different versions. Will this break the process?

4. Will the difference of 32/64 bit boot cd's cause additional multiboot errors?

Thanks for the help in advance.

Posted by balder on Feb. 22 2009,03:57

First of all, welcome :)

Quote: Needing help with creating multiboot DVD with Iso images
Note: I'm unsure what you mean with this, but I guess that you are trying to run (start) ISO as they are, using bcdw-command (I guess), if so, please read following down here.
Straight answer is: you can't use this approache  :O

You cannot use ISO files directly to start setup (folder i386) or start LiveXP-systems (BartPE or Reatogo or ERD5 etcetera). Folder i386 is hard coded and cannot be used from inside of any ISO file.

About creating multiboot cd/DVD. Please read help>>Practical guide in EasyBoot help.
Secondly, please use search function and when using search, please test with setting search from OLDER respectively NEW topics to find different guidelines.

I used search for hiren (used settings OLDER topics) and found this:
< >

I used search for hiren (used settings NEWER topics) and found this:
< >

I used search for ERD5 (used settings OLDER topics) and found this:
< >

I used search for ERD7 (used settings OLDER topics) and found this:
< >
(Read from post 6)


Posted by nandeo_tifur on Feb. 22 2009,12:06
I am trying to make a multi installer DVD for Windows 2000 Pro, Server, Advanced Server; Windows XP Home 32 Bit, XP Pro 32 Bit, XP Pro 64 Bit; Windows Vista AIO; Hiren's Boot CD; ERDCommand05.

I've read several of the tutorials as well as the help file's Practical Guide: Create Nin1 bootable CD/DVD With multiple Windows NT/2000/XP.

Currently one of the ISO files I have for Windows 2000 already has a Dos Menu selector for installation. It allows selection of the 3 different versions.

This new DVD would be similar with a graphical user interface instead if possible. As well as the 3 versions of Windows XP would also be Slipstreamed with current service packs.

Posted by balder on Feb. 22 2009,12:59
@nandeo tifur

Quote: My intention is to create an all-in-one windows install dvd with all these various version of windows and also bootable diagnostic cd's.

The upside is that you sure have come to the right place :)
The downside is that there is no short cut (or complete help file) to create such a multi-boot DVD that you suggest, but it is possible to do it!
Start with reading Practical guide in - EasyBoot help - to get the basic stuff how to create multi-boot CD/DVD. You have to use Search and read different topics
When you are stuck - start asking questions :O
