Forum: EasyBoot
Topic: Mutliple Vista folders
started by: robbin

Posted by robbin on Oct. 11 2008,13:48
I would like to create a multiboot DVD containing several deferent Vista builds.
Since all folders should go into C:\easyboot\disk1, there would be overwriting files and folders, Is there a solution for that?

Posted by dearjym on Nov. 08 2008,08:18
This is a problem for me too-

Vista, Active@ 4.1 WIN, and Ghost 12 are all vista folders. I've searched thru the forum and the web, with no luck. I'm working on a solution now, any advice?

Posted by neuropass on Dec. 11 2008,21:23
wow this is really absurd. nobody answer the posts!! it really freaks me out! and i bet i'm not the only one... thankfully it was only 30 bucks for buying the software.. it's called easy boot, and guess?? it difficult like a hell!! and we all seem to have the same problem " how to use different folders" and that supposed to be the meaning  of the multiboot... at least 3 different OS... wow compliments to all the stuff very active support!! i'm really going mad 459 views!!!

Posted by Burn on Feb. 19 2009,05:30
Maybe these two links will help you to solve the problem.

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Posted by mmarx82 on Feb. 23 2009,11:14
I found a solution, though it's not tried and true by me (yet). Though it may be for vista and server 2008 it should work the same. Good Luck and let us know if you get it working.

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