Forum: EasyBoot
Topic: MultiBoot Partion Logic
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Posted by on Mar. 29 2009,12:46
Hi. I know my issue may seem obvious, but I read all topics regarding iso and still cannot understand what to do. I believe I miss a little step.

Let's make it simple. I need to create a multiboot CD including partition logic, starting from its ISO: partlog.iso

I put this iso inside ezboot CD folder and tryed this:
bcdw /ezboot/partlog.iso
It soon crashes because it doesn't find the files that are inside the iso.

This partlog.iso is a bootable iso, and its boot file is an emulated floppy containing only two files: "visopsys" and "vloader". The ISO itself contains
DOCS (folder)
PROGRAMS (folder)
SYSTEM (folder)

How can I have it bootable without placing this PROGRAMS folder in the CD root directory? I already have a Programs dir, and would like to keep these folders separated. Can I put the files contained in the iso in a different folder, i.e. D:\EZBOOT\PARTLOG\*.*

It there a way to to this using bcwd or isolinux?

Posted by on Mar. 30 2009,18:07
No ideas? Any help appreciated, thanks.
Posted by on Apr. 04 2009,21:33
Anybody knows anything useful? Still trying to solve.
Posted by on Apr. 16 2009,18:42
Just curious: is there anybody reading this forum? Just to know if I should continue waiting.