Forum: EasyBoot
Topic: Vista, XP, and 98SE
started by: SpikerzZ

Posted by SpikerzZ on Apr. 19 2009,10:38
Hey, I was woundering how we get Vista, XP an 98SE on one DVD? I just want an ultimate boot DVD that reads all that and partition magic, I think I figured that one out, but not sure till I try the other ones, lol thanks for any help you can give :D
Posted by balder on Apr. 19 2009,13:13
@ SpikerzZ

For WinXP
Copy folder i386 from your install CD (in fact you can copy the whole content if you like) to EasyBoot\disk1
Copy every tag-file win51 etcetera to EasyBoot\disk1
Use w2ksect.bin (you have this file already in EasyBoot\disk1\ezboot-folder)
Use command run w2ksect.bin  (or rename file to something more suitable winxp.bin or whatever)

I used search function (searched for “older topics”) and found so much so I got “overflow”  :laugh:
One search example for each system showed below.

For win98
<;f=1;t=342 >

For Vista
< > Read post 7
