Forum: EasyBoot
Topic: i'm dummy . plz help
started by: un4g1v3n

Posted by un4g1v3n on Oct. 27 2008,06:26
hi every one.
i've read all topics here but could'nt find my answer.
i want to put these iso files into 1 bootable dvd usin easyboot:

1- windows xp sp2
2- ubcd4win (customized iso included some programs)
3- hiren's boot CD 9.6
4- erd commander 2008
5- kaspersky emergency boot cd ( or Quick heal)
6- Dos 6.2

think i'm a dummy and don't know anything.
please someone give me a full guide to create my own dvd.
just step by step.
thanks alot.

Posted by madar on May 20 2009,17:01
1.For windows XP,refer to link below,i have explained that step by step there.

<;f=1;t=2774;r=1 >

2.I have hiren's boot CD 9.5 in my archive.Do as below for it,i think will work
by v9.6 too:

a)_ Extract contents of hiren's boot CD to ...\EasyBoot\disk1

b)_ Get Bot information of hire's CD by winimage,for example "hiren.ima",and
put that in ...\EasyBoot\disk1\ezboot directory .

c)_use command below in EasyBoot for running hiren's CD
bcdw hiren.ima

3.For KasperSky,i have Kaspersky AntiVirus LiveCD 2008,for this do as below:

a)_ Extract Contents of KAV LiveCD 2008 to ...\EasyBoot\disk1

b)_ Use command below in EasyBoot for running that:

bcdw /isolinux/isolinux.bin

4.I do not have erd commander 2008 to test it

5.I did not understand what do yoy mean by DOS 6.2