Forum: EasyBoot
Topic: Run BartPE  ISO by EasyBoot
started by: madar

Posted by madar on May 18 2009,12:09
Run BartPE ISO from CD/DVD by EasyBoot

1.Make ....\EasyBoot\disk1\I386 Directory.

2.Copy "SETUPLDR.BIN" and "NTDETECT.COM" from "windows server 2003 sp1" setup
CD to ....\EasyBoot\disk1\I386 Directory,(Note that it is essential to use jus
"windows server 2003 sp1" not other version).

3.Copy files below from your xp setup cd to ....\EasyBoot\disk1\ Directory


4.Open Notepad and type lines below on it,and save that as D:\Source\WINNT.SIF

BootDevice = "ramdisk(0)"
BootPath = "\i386\System32\"
OsLoadOptions = "/noguiboot /fastdetect /minint /rdexportascd /rdpath=BART.ISO"


Now it is time to create or BartPE ISO.
Note:when creating an iso by pebuilder,at the end that iso is made,if you look
inside pebuilder installed directory ,you will see that there is made a new
directory (default name is BartPE) that contains all files needed for making
bartpe.iso . we will use this folder as source in this step of tutor.

1.Copy "BartPE" directoy to D:\

2.Delete files below from D:\BartPE\I386\directory:


3.Delete file RAMDISK.SYS from D:\BartPE\I386\SYSTEM32\DRIVERS\ directory.

4.Copy "SETUPLDR.BIN" and "NTDETECT.COM" from "windows server 2003 sp1" setup
CD to D:\BartPE\I386\directory.

5.Copy "RAMDISK.SYS" from "windows server 2003 sp1" setup  CD to
D:\BartPE\I386\SYSTEM32\DRIVERS\ directory.

6.Now Create Bootable ISO of contents of D:\BartPE.(use D:\BartPE\bootsect.bin
as boot loader) by your favorite isomaker tool.

7.Save your iso by the name of BART.ISO at ...\EasyBoot\disk1\ directory.

8.Rename D:\BartPE\bootsect.bin to BART.BIN and put it in

....\EasyBoot\disk1\ezboot\  directory

2.Use command below to run Bart.ISO


thats all you need to do

Posted by Mega_num on May 28 2009,14:22
Thanks madar
good tutor,complate and clear description

Posted by mahdi on Jun. 09 2009,05:22
hi madar
i have seen your tutor about running bartpe iso and Winbuilder livexp iso (link below).my question is can we do the same by easyboot too?
< >

Posted by madar on Jun. 28 2009,16:57
hi mahdi

1.sorry for late response,i was very busy last 2 weeks.

2.yes we can,the process is almost the same,but here
as i have seen ,are just talking about using easy boot.
i have not seen topic about winbulder projects.