Forum: EasyBoot Topic: Offline NT Password & Registry Editor 080802 started by: fe007 Posted by fe007 on Jul. 15 2009,08:26
Hi. Im new here. Im having trouble with the cd version of this software. How do i make a floppy image of this. The iso is over 3mb. Everytime i try making a floppy image over 2.88mb i get invalid system disk error. I also tried all the methods from this topic. <;& > the method in post 7 doesnt work. When i insert the command in my menu and when i save it, it says that isolinux.bin cannot be found.
Posted by madar on Jul. 15 2009,13:55
Hi fe007just do as below: 1.Download "" (CD release of Offline NT Password & Registry Editor) from link below: < > 2.Extract "" some where ,you will have "cd080802.iso" 3.Open "cd080802.iso" by UltraIso and copy contents of that to...\EasyBoot\disk1 directory 4.Use command below in EasyBoot and make yoyr final iso bcdw /isolinux.bin --------------- I tested it by wmware was ok Posted by fe007 on Jul. 15 2009,14:45
Thanks madar.It worked! I never realized that the files have to go into 'disk1' directory and not into 'ezboot' Posted by madar on Jul. 15 2009,15:20
hi fe007I think you can do the same for your question that i answered in link below: < > |