Forum: EasyBoot
Topic: USB Boot
started by: iphoneu

Posted by iphoneu on Jul. 12 2009,04:39
I have created a Multi Boot disk with ezboot with GUI menu Optipons. I can boot perfectly from cd/dvd with this disk. Now I want to transfer this to USB pen drive and make the usb pen bootbale. Please guide how to do this.
Posted by balder on Jul. 12 2009,12:30

Read < here >


Posted by iphoneu on Jul. 12 2009,13:15
TRIED  This method but doesn't work.
I think there is some bug in this method.
Just like @abubin I am also unable to make it work
Any other way Sir

Posted by balder on Jul. 12 2009,13:44

Well, there is no problem using this method – it works :;):
Note: I have personally tested this method – witch bye the way at present time - is the only method that makes EasyBoot run from USB device – as far as I know.
I quote:
I just have to say that I followed the initial instructions here and it worked beautifully!!

Make sure that name on your ISO-file (ISO-file created by EasyBoot) is the same as in command line for grub (mycd.iso).

This “standard”command is used for grub (starting EasyBoot):

title Start EasyBoot
find --set-root --ignore-floppies /iso/mycd.iso
map /iso/mycd.iso (hd32)
map --hook
chainloader (hd32)

Change to this:

title Start EasyBoot
find --set-root --ignore-floppies /iso/mycd.iso
map –mem  /iso/mycd.iso (hd32)
map --hook
chainloader (hd32)

As you can notice, only insert “–mem” to map iso to memory (RAM).
Note1: This means that ISO is loaded to RAM and then executed – witch might take a long time to finish :(  (depending if your motherboard uses USB-1 or USB-2 in “DOS-mode”).
Note2: You need plenty of RAM if using a big EasyBoot-ISO file


Posted by iphoneu on Jul. 12 2009,14:26
You are right Sir,
After defragmenting the iso file with "WinContig.exe", it worked for me. I got the usb booted. Now there is other problem. I have one menu option in my ezboot iso and that is of " Live Windows" . When tried to boot thro' that option it halts with blue screen. There is no prob with other menu boot-options.
The "window live" option works fine when I boot same iso thro CD/DVD.
Any guidelines Sir

Posted by balder on Jul. 12 2009,14:56

I guess that you with “Live Windows” means Reatogo or BartPE or winbuilder or similary (using folder i386) :) . If so, you cannot start such a “Live Windows” from USB in this way. You have to use “minint” approach when running “Live Windows” from USB or load “Live Windows” to RAM  (I personally mostly use minint as this is in most cases is up and running quicker than using RAM loading=depending if your motherboard uses USB-1 or USB-2 in “DOS-mode”).

Read post 1 in < this topic > how to change and use minint to folder i386 (and of course read everything below as well in this topic)

Regards balder

Posted by iphoneu on Jul. 12 2009,23:14
Thanks for your prompt response Sir!
I will try and let you know

Posted by iphoneu on Jul. 16 2009,12:40
Hello @Balder
I could make my ezboot iso and  windows live bootable in my USB_PEN DRIVE very well with the Instructions given by you and "PeToUSB" in combination.

Thanks a lot to you and all the POSTs here!