Forum: EasyBoot
Topic: how to start XP/2003 install with DVD > 4Go ?
started by: Fredh

Posted by Fredh on Jul. 24 2009,04:23
Sorry for my English I'm french!
I have a MultiBootDVD with many Install systeme (XP,2003, Linx, ubuntu, Part magic etc..).
Wenn the size of DVD exced 4Go then i have this error for XP install:
< >
I have changed the name of TXTsetup.sif while i have more that one TXTSETUP.sif file in my DVD ! And i have the same probleme with originale name!
The file is correct whenn i editing this on dvd !

I start the XP install with normal XP file such as setupldr.bin, ntldr etc..
The command in EZB is : run XP.bin

I mean the XP launcher works false with dvd > 4Go

Do you have an Idea to help me ?