Forum: EasyBoot
Topic: Hiren's BootCD 9.9 - Autoexec.bat / Config.sys
started by: fe007

Posted by fe007 on Jul. 25 2009,13:01
I extracted the boot image from the boot.gz archive in the HBCD directory, opened up autoexec.bat and config.sys, changed the colour and stuff in the menu. But now I wanna add an option in the main menu that will take you to the EasyBoot menu via You're only allowed to have 9 menu options so I removed one and put my own that goes to Can you tell me what commands I should in autoexec.bat and config.sys. I tried:
menuitem=EZBOOT, EasyBoot Menu
But I keep getting errors when I build my iso image and run it in Virtual PC. It opens up ok. My menu comes up, but when I choose the EasyBoot Menu option i get error in config.sys on XX line.

Posted by fe007 on Jul. 26 2009,10:33
Ok I almost got it right.
I placed a copy of inside the boot image, Put these lines in config.sys:

menuitem=EZBOOT, EasyBoot Menu

In Autoexec.bat I put these lines

IF %config%==EZBOOT goto ezb

But when I run Hiren's ISO in Virtual PC, the menu comes up but when I choose the option EasyBoot command line comes up and I get an error. Cannot find kernel. ???

Posted by fe007 on Jul. 27 2009,08:38
Can anyone help? And also what program can edit .cab files? I wanna edit the DRIVERS.CAB file in the boot image.
Posted by madar on Jul. 27 2009,10:23
for cab files:
1_Extract that some where.

2_Make any changes you want.

3_Go to start,click RUN then type iexpress.exe

give address of modified files ,and it will make cab for you

Posted by madar on Aug. 01 2009,04:41
I am going to upload a tutor about this topic
"How to make your own Hiren's Boot CD"
may be will help you