Forum: EasyBoot
Topic: How to load acronis true image
started by: kraker

Posted by kraker on Feb. 13 2005,12:20
please help with acronis true image it's a real pain. i tried everything but just don't want to boot. i use the latest version
of easyboot. please help me with suggestions. sorry about my english
Posted by Incroyable HULK on Feb. 13 2005,14:31
Here is my method using a CD-ROM

1) Start Acronis Media Builder and make a True Image CD.
2) Start UltraISO and extract the Boot Image File (.BIF) with the option Extract boot file from CD/DVD... under the Bootable menu.
3) Now you can run this .BIF with EasyBoot using this command: BOOTINFOTABLE;RUN XXX.BIF

Here is my current method using Floppy Images:

1) Start Acronis Media Builder and insert your first empty floppy. Let the media builder finish the first diskette and copy the files from the floppy drive to a temporary folder named SOURCE. The thing you will notice is that Windows still have those files in memory so there is no actual reading of the floppy! Ultra reliable and fast!
2) Do the same for the rest of the floppy required for your Acronis product.
3) Use EasyBoot to create a floppy image of the FIRST diskette
4) Use EasyBoot to create a floppy image to the size required by the number of diskettes and use the floppy image you created at step 3 as the SEED image.
5) Open this new oversized floppy image (empty) with WinImage
6) use the INJECT option and add all the files from the SOURCE folder
7) save
8) Now you can run this .IMG with EasyBoot using the following command: RUN XXX.IMG

that's it! No more tampering with diskettes.

So far I've created all the floppy image for Disk Director Suite 9 and True Image 8 Corporate Workstation (total 6 images) without a hitch!

P.S. I think this technique will also work with any utility which create boot diskettes like Hard Disk Drive Diagnostic, etc...

Posted by kraker on Feb. 13 2005,15:06
i tried already this metods but it says : boot failed press any key. I don't understand how a metod that works fine for others it doesn't work for me, in fact is the same software
Posted by xoben on Feb. 13 2005,22:19
Hello kraker, please make sure that the .bif or .img file is in c:\easyboot\disk1\ezboot folder.
Posted by shakko on Feb. 25 2005,12:41
I found a way to LOAD the ISO file DIRECTLY with EasyBoot and BCDW ( Bootable CD Wizard)
Just 3 files.

This is what I did:

1) Create a BCDW folder in the "disk1\" folder. (disk1\ BCDW)
2) Start Acronis Media Builder and make a True Image CD.
3) Start UltraISO and make an ISO of this CD and save it as TI.ISO in the "disk1\ BCDW" folder.

4) Get BCDW @ < This site > (after searching for it on google)
get the file " ".
5) Within that zip file extract the file "BCDW.BIN" from the "BCDW" folder and save it in the "disk1\easyboot\" folder
with the other boot files.

6) Inside the "disk1\ BCDW" folder create a file called BCDW.INI and copy this into it:



7) Create a menu item in EasyBoot and to run it use:
run bcdw.bin

this method only works with isos that have the program in the boot file of the iso, like aronis TrueImage.

there should be 2 files in the BCDW folder:
and one more in the "disk1\easyboot\" folder

This worked for me I hope it helps you too.
Let us know if you were successful.


Posted by sling on Mar. 09 2005,02:27
The method provided by shakko works but if you have several acronis images you can do the following

1) Create a BCDW folder in the "disk1\" folder. (disk1\ BCDW)
2) Create a ISO Folder in the "disk1\" folder. (disk1\ISO)
3) Start Acronis Media Builder and make the product image
4) Start UltraISO and make an ISO of the CD and save it in  "disk1\ISO" folder. Give a unique file name to every image (4 character long)

5) Get BCDW @ < > (after searching for it on google)
get the file " ".
6) Within that zip file extract the file "BCDW.BIN" from the "BCDW" folder and save it in the "disk1\easyboot\" folder
with the other boot files.
7)copy the "bcdw.bin" to the same file name as the iso you created.
eg copy bcdw.bin atiw.bin

8) Inside the "disk1\ BCDW" folder create a file called atiw.ini and copy this into it:



9) Use HexEditor to edit "disk1\easyboot\atiw.bin". Look for "\bcdw\bcdw.ini" and change to "bcdw\atiw.ini"

10) Create a menu item in EasyBoot and to run it use:
run atiw.bin

I have several *.bin copied from bcdw.bin
and several ISOs in disk1\ISO
and several INIs in disk1\BCDW

At this point I'm trying to find a better way to make ERD ISO work the same way as how I did for Acronis ISO images.

Hope this help
Posted by noXon on Mar. 26 2005,12:55
i will make a win2k and winXP dvd with iso files.
i make all the steps 01-10 (post by sling) and i get this error:
can't found ntldr
what is the problem ?

sorry 4 my bed english.

Posted by shakko on Mar. 31 2005,16:20
Quote (shakko @ Feb. 26 2005,01:41)
this method only works with isos that have the program in the boot file of the iso, like aronis TrueImage.

This method does not work with Operating System type of Isos yet.
It is the wish of many in this forum that Ultraiso or EasyBoot will
do it in the future. hint, hint :-)
Posted by Limerick on Apr. 03 2005,15:43
Quote (Incroyable HULK @ Feb. 14 2005,03:31)
Here is my method using a CD-ROM

1) Start Acronis Media Builder and make a True Image CD.
2) Start UltraISO and extract the Boot Image File (.BIF) with the option Extract boot file from CD/DVD... under the Bootable menu.
3) Now you can run this .BIF with EasyBoot using this command: BOOTINFOTABLE;RUN XXX.BIF

Hello Hulk ;)

I'm trying to make a CD with both Acronis True Image and Disk Director Suite.

I did all what you say for the two *.bif (I hope so) but when I run the CD, it says Error Loading Image.

Do you see where is my mistake ?

Thank you,
Posted by Incroyable HULK on Apr. 03 2005,21:10
Is your .BIF files present in the \disk1\ezboot folder?

Check if your .BIF files are between 2Mb to 15Mb... (not empty files)
Posted by Limerick on Apr. 04 2005,16:41
Hello Hulk,

My .bif were not empy but I succeeded when using the "cdmenu" provided, just with changing the "run" command as adviced.

So I can boot with easyboot.

BUT... ???

I've one minor problem

With both Acronis Disk Director Suite and True Image Server:

Just after the sentence "Starting Acronis Loader" appears, an on other sentance appears saying :
Code Sample
hub.c :connect-debounce, failed, part 1 disabled

But after about 10 to 20 seconds, it disappears and evrything  seems to go right (I can enter DDS and perform a format).

So what to do to avoid this warning message ?

And back to my previous question, I don't know why, if I create my on .ezb file (based on the config.ezb) it doesn't work. I use all other files with. I change just nam and path before creating the .iso.

Thank you for your help,

Posted by Incroyable HULK on Apr. 04 2005,18:36
about Acronis Disk Director Suite and True Image Server; in the full version, they are both trying to load drivers for your USB ports, Network card and they seem to have trouble with your USB ports... but anyway it is working.

I suppose that if you keep your version of Acronis Disk Director Suite and True Image Server up to date they will support even more hardware and you won't see theses messages again...

For the file problem with EasyBoot, I'm not sure I can help you... check your setting, etc.
Posted by Limerick on Apr. 05 2005,13:43
Quote (Incroyable HULK @ April 05 2005,06:36)
about Acronis Disk Director Suite and True Image Server; in the full version, they are both trying to load drivers for your USB ports, Network card and they seem to have trouble with your USB ports... but anyway it is working.

I suppose that if you keep your version of Acronis Disk Director Suite and True Image Server up to date they will support even more hardware and you won't see theses messages again...

For the file problem with EasyBoot, I'm not sure I can help you... check your setting, etc.

In fact, this is both last version of these Acronis product, and they already support USB.

And if there's a problem with the USB port, there will be a problem because I have some images saved on external USB2 HDD. So I couldn't rely on this bootable CD to restore such images.

If I keep the two media builder on each original CD, I don't have such warning message.
This why I supppose these problem comes from my bad using of EazyBoot.

Can I fix it in an other way ?
Posted by Limerick on Apr. 05 2005,16:59
You're right Hulk,

I found < this > on Acronis forum.

The answer is the same.

But there's something quite strange as I don't have the warning message if I use the "normal" CD media builder, instead of the EasyBoot one. ???

Posted by Incroyable HULK on Apr. 05 2005,22:54
I don't know if this matter but I am using the Floppy image version of Acronis... not the .BIF file.

But sometimes I get an error on some specific machines but not the majority of the time... and I am not sure I get exactly the same message as you do.
Posted by Limerick on Apr. 06 2005,15:17
Ok, thank you Hulk,

I'll try some things cause I'd like to work with .bif.
Are they some differences between .bif and Floppy images ?
Posted by sirams on Apr. 12 2005,02:43
Wow, thanks guys. I just registered in this forum to find out how to make my multi-boot CD to load AcronisDiskDirector; it failed always. And as I am here I see that you already talk about the problem.
But I have a question:
as I see EasyBoot supports many useful commands not only RUN. Is there any documentation available which lists the commands and explains their usage? The EasyBoot Help file is poor, it just tells about RUN command and doesn 't tell anything even about parameters of RUN.
It seems that in more complicated cases (like Acronis one) it is possible to get further only with knowledge about more sophisticated methods than simple RUN.
Posted by mattStrat on Jun. 16 2005,09:29
One thing that has not actually been mentioned - and I guess it's obvious when you think of it - and further, I wish I twigged to it before wasting several hours attempting to get the Acronis True Image working, is that it seems in order for you to successfully execute the
bootinfotable;run AcronisImage.bif
command from your Boot Easy Menu, you need to ensure you have checked the
generate Bootinfotable (from the same menu)
before running the
Extract Boot File from CD/DVD... to give you a successful BIF file  :p

Isn't it amazing how one seemingly innocuous setting can lead you through endless frustrations - but I guess it's also well said, "no matter how idiot proof you make something, someone will come up with a better idiot"  :laugh:
Posted by hakerfox on Sep. 11 2005,16:39
very good
Posted by koolmind on Jun. 07 2006,04:33
The method provided by sling works (more or less)... but I've got a problem.
I realized a CD with these programs inside: Acronis True Image 9.1, Windows XP sp2  and Hiren's Boot CD.

The only one that does not start is Acronis True Image... reporting this error message: "not enough memory to load file (0016h)". WHY??

Posted by argon70cv on Sep. 21 2006,11:49

(Incroyable HULK @ Feb. 13 2005,19:31)
Here is my method using a CD-ROM

1) Start Acronis Media Builder and make a True Image CD.
2) Start UltraISO and extract the Boot Image File (.BIF) with the option Extract boot file from CD/DVD... under the Bootable menu.
3) Now you can run this .BIF with EasyBoot using this command: BOOTINFOTABLE;RUN XXX.BIF

See my topic:
< TrueImage 9, Disk Director 10 and Norton Ghost 10, All in one CD >

Posted by hcr1966 on Oct. 23 2006,17:07
i use the bcdw-command from easyboot to start my isos, put the iso-file in the ezboot-folder and start with:
bcdw \ezboot\ti9.iso
<;f=1;t=1277 >

Posted by loopback on Aug. 02 2009,16:38
hello, here's a usefull tutorial on how to use Acronis True Image Home.

< >

Good Luck!!!