Forum: EasyBoot
Topic: Burning Windows 7 to USB drive - What Settings?
started by: Gigahertz20

Posted by Gigahertz20 on Aug. 08 2009,06:48
I have an ISO image of Windows 7 64 bit off TechNet, I was told you can use UltraISO to burn the ISO image to a USB flash drive and then boot off it and install.

I just want to know what settings to use?  I open the image file in UltraISO, then go to the "Bootable" drop down menu and choose "Write Disk Image" and then it brings me to the menu where I choose my USB drive.

I choose "USB-HDD+" for write method, but what about the "Xpress Boot" option?  I googled it and I guess it keeps the original disc format intact or something like that, should I use the "Xpress Write" option then?

Also, what is the difference between USB-HDD+ and USB-HDD?

Thanks to anyone for awsering my questions!   :)