Forum: EasyBoot
Topic: Ghost PE Hacked bin
started by: raisdead

Posted by raisdead on Aug. 13 2009,23:41
I have Ghost PE and I found the topic to put it on howver it requires a hacked setupldr.bin from here

< >

and the domain is no longer registered.

Can anyone help me?

Posted by balder on Aug. 14 2009,03:37

I’m not 100% sure what setupldr.bin file you mean ???  but I guess it’s setupldr.bin used in server2003-sp1 or similar. If this is the case you can hack this file and in same time (if wanted) make changes to “folder name” :)

Read post-9 < here >


Posted by madar on Aug. 14 2009,03:58

(raisdead @ Aug. 14 2009,04:41)
I have Ghost PE and I found the topic to put it on howver it requires a hacked setupldr.bin from here

< >

and the domain is no longer registered.

Can anyone help me?


You can learn hacking/cracking setupldr.bin,and also downloading cracked one from link below:

< >

Posted by raisdead on Aug. 14 2009,08:10
Thanks for the quick reply.

Where should I start if I want to learn about about cracking the bin files.

I would appreciate any help you can give me.

P.S. It worked. Thanks a bunch.

Posted by madar on Aug. 14 2009,09:09

I am not going to talk about hacking/cracking
any way if you read the content of the page you downloaded
the cracked setupldr.bin from that page,there is written how to do that

Another way for this example is :

open both origional  and cracked setupldr.bin and compare
them to see the changes made