Forum: EasyBoot Topic: boot with key f1 the submenu started by: papadrellbo Posted by papadrellbo on Aug. 12 2009,10:07
Hello,i started to create a new multiboot-dvd but i have some probs! 1. I created one defaultmenu als complete *.bmp and another menu complete as *.bmp. 2. My questions are: I want to switch from the firstmenu with key 1 or f1 to load the second menu directly! Is this possible - how and where should i put in the commands? Should i say easyboot at first which is main an which is submenu?? Please help me.....iam a beginner! Thanks a lot. cu papadrellbo Posted by FRS on Aug. 17 2009,09:54
go to "other" and add a new key.choose a key, for example F1 and write the command "run xxx.ezb". xxx = the name of your submenu |