Forum: EasyBoot Topic: Editing Background Image started by: avin7000 Posted by avin7000 on Aug. 18 2009,17:15
Hi all. I am new to Easy Boot forums. Recently i have started using Easyboot program & its really awesome ![]() I have downloaded a Easyboot menu from net & it is used to boot XP & Norton Ghost. My question is, to change/modify the background. In easyboot diretcory, i have a file cdmenu.bm1, after searching through this forum, i found out its the background image. So plz can any1 tell me, how to modify this image ? ? ? (Convert it to BMP & den again to BM1 i guess.) ( PS: when i came to know, esayboot uses BMP image of 256 colours format, i used photoshop to convert a .jpg file to bmp. But after booting up the image just didn't shown up. Then i searched in forum, later i used Irfanview. But i need a good software which converts images without any loss in quality. Kindly suggest me. ) Thanks in advance ![]() Posted by avin7000 on Aug. 19 2009,03:00
So many views n why no reply ? guys i am waiting. Plz any1 help me or just give me a clue.
Posted by madar on Aug. 19 2009,06:43
You do not need to have any application to changes bmp to bm1 format.jus make your favorite bmp and easyboot will change that to bm1 Posted by avin7000 on Aug. 19 2009,07:51
Thank you for replying sir. But actually i want to edit the file BM1 which is already in the directory. So how to edit it sir ? Thanks in advance
Posted by madar on Aug. 19 2009,09:10
1.Remove BMP and BM1 from ezboot directory and save in anotherplace to edit later 2.Edit BMP file then place it in ezboot directory again know run easyboot,it should make BM1 file for that ,if did not and gives error go to "file" section ineasyboot menu and in "Logo Image setion type the name of BMP file (default is "LOGO.BMP") and save that and restart Posted by avin7000 on Aug. 20 2009,07:05
Thank you very much. My problem is solved.