Forum: EasyBoot Topic: EZBoot and MemTest started by: weirddemon Posted by weirddemon on Sep. 15 2009,16:05
I'm trying to use Memtest 3.5 with Easyboot, but it doens't seem to work.I converted the ISO to an .IMG file, but it's a no go. I also tried a .BIF file, but it also does not work. Is there something else that needs to be done so that EZBoot can recognize it? Any help is appreciated. Thanks Posted by madar on Sep. 15 2009,16:52
weirddemon1_ Download Memtest3.5.ISO for windows from link below: < > 2_ Extract contents of ISO to ...\EasyBoot\disk1 directory. 3_ Use Command below in EasyBoot: bcdw /isolinux/isolinux.bin 4_ Make your iso I tested by QEMU was OK. Posted by weirddemon on Sep. 15 2009,17:14
Thanks, madar.I'll test it when I get home tonight. Posted by weirddemon on Sep. 15 2009,22:01
Madar,When I run it your way using "BCDW", it says unexpected error. When I run it with "run" it says file not found. I extracted the files to the location you mentioned. Also, what does BCDW do? I'm testing it with Virtual PC Console instead of actually booting the image. That wouldn't be an issue would it? Posted by madar on Sep. 16 2009,02:59
weirddemonsome kind of iso's can not be run in some old versions of vmware or virtualpc please try qemu or vmware 6.5 I think if you test by other versions ,you will not have problem |