Forum: EasyBoot
Topic: I need help with making boot on the usb
started by: b00gie

Posted by b00gie on Oct. 22 2009,18:13
Hello everybody =] i'm new here

Well i did not understand how i use this program :(

I have a DISK ON KEY that is bootable and formatted to NTFS  working great !

but i want to make a boot menu with the Easy Boot
with 2 diffrent folders

in each folder i have a bootable system with the same files for that i need to diffrent folders

i want a menu for example :
1) Deploy all models
2) Deploy New Platform

when i click on 1 it will boot me the first system
Please help me with that it's very important to me

Posted by balder on Oct. 23 2009,07:03

Welcome to this forum b00gie :)

I’m not 100% sure what you mean in this case ???
What I can understand so far is that your intentions is to run (boot) easyboot from usb when you restart/boot computer? Correct?

You intension when easyboot menu comes up is to have two choices to run some type of program (setup) or “live”-system? Correct?

Quote: i want a menu for example :
”1) Deploy all models” What models?  
”2) Deploy New Platform” What platform?


Posted by b00gie on Oct. 23 2009,09:53
yes you right !

My Big question is how can i boot easy boot from USB ?  because from CD it's work great

But From usb it's not booting :(

And when i wrote about the Deploy All Models etc.. i meant about the text

Like : Install Win xp
Install Win 98
so instead this text i wil wrtie : Deploy and etc.. but now i realized how i'm doing that
By the way is easyboot can run bin files ? or opened iso ?

PLEASE  help me out with the USB problem

Posted by balder on Oct. 23 2009,12:30

Quote: ” By the way is easyboot can run bin files? Or opened iso?”

Easyboot have some troubles launching “bin”-files (the large bin/iso files) :O
But there is workaround for this. I personally use “kicker-images” that inside has grub loader and let this images start iso-files (if iso is bootable witch not all iso files are :angry: ).

ISO created by Easyboot can easily boot from usb device. You can create iso as usual and boot this from usb.
Note: You have to download tool for this. You have my website below (Welcome to my website). Follow instructions and enjoy :D

Attention! You cannot launch setup of winxp or win7 in the same way as you do in easyboot. You have to use a “out of the box” solution for this. Read from post 24 < here >. Be patient it take some time to fully get things right :;):


Posted by b00gie on Oct. 23 2009,13:18
well i downloaded the utility from your site

and i run the script.. i'm asked for choose iso file and i did that

i wait like 30 sec and it's told me that he finished

i restarted my PC and it's not working :(

i don't have even a DOS menu y is that ?

Posted by balder on Oct. 23 2009,14:05

1. Let easyboot create iso file.
2. When script asking for iso scroll to easyboot iso-file and use this

Of course you have already made necessary changes in BIOS (set BIOS to boot from usb as first choice ??? )

Note: you even don't need to reboot computer use built-in test in script


Posted by b00gie on Oct. 23 2009,14:36
well it's alredy first boot (usb) :)

and it's not working :(

i will try another DOK

Posted by b00gie on Oct. 23 2009,14:45
LoL wtf is that Warning ? =] it's my first time that i see this

and i have only 1 usb conected  :p

it's happen to me when i'm trying to check another DOK :\ strange..

when i run the script on my first DOK there was no problem when i'm trying to run again on another DOK i get this warning

BTW !!! i tested  the usb with the test program  that comes with the WINBUILDER and it's working !!! but why when  i restart my computer i cant boot it :( ?

Posted by balder on Oct. 23 2009,15:01

Message indicates that there is more than one usb unit (printer or external harddisk or something) in use.
Do you have some usb hub connected to usb? Or having usb printer connected to computer. Basically, only have your usb device (stick or whatever) in use nothing else.

Note: you can test if usb device is bootable using built in test (qemu test) in script (no need to reboot).


Posted by b00gie on Oct. 23 2009,15:05
no i dont have any printer or HDD EXTERNAL with USB

BTW !!! i tested  the usb with the test program  that comes with the WINBUILDER and it's working !!! but why when  i restart my computer i cant boot it  ?


Posted by balder on Oct. 23 2009,15:25
@ b00gie

Quote: ” tested  the usb with the test program  that comes with the WINBUILDER and it's working !!! but why when  i restart my computer i cant boot it”

Well this indicates that usb device is working allright.

It is most likely something with settings in BIOS. Some BIOS is a little bit tricky. It’s not only the boot sequence. Sometimes (in some rare BIOS) there are more settings to take care off – typically: set bootable usb device to “removable” or “fixed” disk.
Make sure no usb hub is in use as well.


Posted by b00gie on Oct. 23 2009,15:31
ok 10x alot =]

but when i think about this... i dont need the Easy Boost if i have a grub that working on usb

i just can edit the menu.lst and write where is the files

and than i dont need ths iso files ! i can put the extraced iso on the DOK =]

but i need to find some nice splash image not the blue one that i have now that come with the script

Posted by balder on Oct. 23 2009,15:35

Yes you are right there :;):  but does script work all right now and you can do a “warm boot” to your computer and usb device boot up as supposed ???

Note: I just updated usb-script. Now script ask you to choose between ISO and floppy image (script support everything in this matter).

Quote: ” i need to find some nice splash image” He, he that’s the main reason why you should use easyboot.  In easyboot you surely have very nice “splash images” :D


Posted by b00gie on Oct. 23 2009,16:00
10x again for the help but i have a tiny  problem ! maybe i wrote a line not right but i tried to load bootable files  that they are extracted from ISO

i wrote this in menu.lst :

splashimage /wallpaper/skull.xpm.gz
foreground = FFFF80
background = FF0000
timeout 6
default /default

title Deploy All Models
find --set-root /iso/all/bootmgr
chainloader /bootmgr

title Deploy 7800+7900
find --set-root /iso/7900/bootmgr
chainloader /bootmgr

title Launch support for USB2.0
root (hd0,0)
kernel /iso/plpbt.bin

title Reboot

title Shutdown computer

so what i wrote not good ? and what is it "chainloader" ?

Posted by balder on Oct. 23 2009,16:30

ERROR 15 indicates that file you try to launch isn’t found.

It seems that you try to launch some kind of win7 or vista boot loader? Correct?

Try change

title Deploy 7800+7900
find --set-root /iso/7900/bootmgr
chainloader /bootmgr


title Deploy 7800+7900
find --set-root  /bootmgr
chainloader /bootmgr

Note: bootmanager (BOOTMGR) must be put on the root.

As this is easyboot forum :O  I suggest that you learn more about grub commands < here >

Point is that I use easyboot because it's versatile and I can use "kicker-images (using grub in images) to launch whatever I like.


Posted by b00gie on Oct. 23 2009,16:41
damn but i have 2 files with bootmgr ! :( i need to put in 2 diffrent folders

how can i do  it ?

i tried now to delete the old iso.iso

and change the name of All models.iso to iso.iso

and it's working !! but when i trying to add some line for 7800+7900 and change it to iso1

it's writing me : invalid or unsupported executable format

why i cant boot 2 iso files from usb :( ?

Posted by balder on Oct. 23 2009,16:59

I have no idea what you are trying to launch ???  
These guys are superior in boot loading read < here >


Posted by b00gie on Oct. 23 2009,17:07
i have an idea !!! and it's working =]

Deploy ALL.ISO
will boot like iso file

and the 7800+7900 it will boot from bootmgr

i tried it now and it's working ! i placed the bootmgr of 7800+7900 in the root and all modeils iso in the folder - "iso"

and it's work ! god damn i worked on this 2 days :0