Forum: EasyBoot
Topic: (Tutorial) Run XPsp3 + Hiren 10 From USB
started by: madar

Posted by madar on Oct. 24 2009,03:39
(Tutorial) Run XPsp3 + Hiren 10 From USB

Hi all

(This small tutor is the answer to several messages to me from easyboot users)

1.Do as tutor (link below) and make your EasyBoot iso  (Running
XPsp3 + Hiren 10 From DVD).then save your ISO some where for example
in C:\

<;f=1;t=2922 >

2.Download Balder's starKit from link below and extract that some where for
example to C:\
(Thanks balder for making this nice script)

< >

3.Just do easy steps as balder says in link below.your usb flash will be made
and will run XPsp3 + Hiren 10

< >

I Tested the project by my flash stick (4G Transcend) was OK

Posted by fsaaib on Oct. 26 2009,14:20
where to put the .iso file i just made??

i've put it on the iso folder inside the winbuilder\ folder that was created when i extracted the rar file from balder's site

i pressed the play button, goes to the option to select wheter or not to format my usb stick, i choose yes, and then it says "chicken"

and the whole process stops

any other instructions you might passed by when making the tutor?

will keep on trying and wait for another tip/answer on howto make this.


Posted by madar on Oct. 26 2009,14:55
Dear fsaaib

it is not important where you put your iso file.

do as below :

_run win builder

_In comming window,in left panel,Click on "+" (in left side of EasyBoot Folder)

_Now click on EasyBoot-USB in left panel

_In right panel you will see EasyBoot-USB options window

_Under Main Process section,click on start button

_the program will do some actions then will ask for ISO file

_Give the address of your iso

_After a while it will be done.

Posted by fsaaib on Oct. 26 2009,16:02
Hi, i just made it once again, this time i have prrof :p some screenshots (perhaps the winbuilder is not compatible with windows 7, wich i'm using right now) thanks Microsoft :)

First it asks to format the drive, everything seems to be working OK, but then...

Then this mighty window shows up:

What to do next?

I'm currently using for test purposes a 8gb Data Traveler 112 UFD from Kingston

Will keep up posting results


Posted by fsaaib on Oct. 26 2009,16:17
Ok tried once again, this time with a Transcend JF V30 / 2 Gb UFD, same error above, so now i discard a UFD issue, waiting for other tips/instructions


Posted by balder on Oct. 26 2009,16:37
I have to admit that I have not tested this script in win7 only winxp and vista :O  It’s possible that there are some security “gates” that stop script or something. My guess is that when script tries to get access to usb drive it is stopped.

I’ll be home in less than two days. And when back to “office” I’ll take a look into this.


Posted by fsaaib on Oct. 26 2009,17:00
I have no oportunity to format all of my info on the laptop im currently using (personal/work), but will try on an XP box, to check everything is working OK on that OS, wish me luck!


Posted by fsaaib on Oct. 26 2009,17:20

(balder @ Oct. 26 2009,21:37)
I have to admit that I have not tested this script in win7 only winxp and vista :O  It’s possible that there are some security “gates” that stop script or something. My guess is that when script tries to get access to usb drive it is stopped.

I’ll be home in less than two days. And when back to “office” I’ll take a look into this.


That should be something reasonable, since when the script (supossedly is formating my UFD, the LED on the flash drive isn't blinking/nor shows any activity, thus makes sense that the script is being stoped somehow...

I will not give up on this.


Posted by madar on Oct. 26 2009,17:23
Dear fsaaib

It surely will work fine in XP,But i do not know about working
in win 7.

Posted by balder on Oct. 26 2009,17:29

You have a message sent to you :)


Posted by balder on Oct. 26 2009,17:46

About problems related to usb-script and win7.

As I have told @fsaaib in internal messenger. I do not own or use win-7 at present time, so it’s difficult for me to adjust script to run properly in win7 systems. It’s possible I have a solution to this. One question though, vista is loaded with some kind of boot manager “bootmgr” (or bootmgrv) that is placed on the root [C:].  Correct? In winxp ntldr and is the main ones. I have asked @fsaaib if he can sort out what boot manager that is used in win7.

Problem is that script is looking for boot loaders used in winxp and vista, but not looking for boot loader in win7. So when script doesn’t find any legal boot loader it stops accusing user to be a “chicken”! Sorry about that :;):  You may see this as a safety precaution. Script always tries to not destroy data. So better stop and shouting chicken :D  than doing something that for the script is like walking on sloppy ice.

Another problem is that I cannot access my server from where I write this text. This means no upload to edited script. I have to wait until I get home (take a couple of days).

Regards balder

Posted by fsaaib on Oct. 26 2009,17:58
As i type i'm testing balder's script on a WINXP (SP3) box, and seems to be working OK, wait for news.


Posted by fsaaib on Oct. 26 2009,18:12

I'm amazed!!

IT Finally werked !!!

I owe you big time (balder, madar, easyboot, all of you guys out there wishing me luck)

Thanks, i've finally have a full working UFD with my multiboot OS DVD menu

Im shooting some pics with my ever-loving 4 years old Sony Ericsson P1i phone, and post them in here so you can see the final results.


Posted by fsaaib on Oct. 26 2009,18:21
Well the excitement was OK for a few minutes untill i tested over (my own build wich comes with wifiway on it)

I guess i'm dropping my own project this time since i've got no solution for it to run OK with no issues, will be making up another (new yet) version of the Windows XPSP3 (unattended) and Hiren's BootCD only (this time) for the time that i find some other way to load both of the wifiway and hirens bootcd tools... :( *sighs*

Thanks a lot guys, will be around for any fixes/updates


Posted by madar on Oct. 26 2009,18:29
To Dear balder

Thanks a lot for rapid asnswer,
hope success for you all the times

To dear fsaaib

I am happy that you are done ok

Posted by madar on Oct. 26 2009,19:15
Hi Dear Balder

I have 3 windowses installed in my computer
Drive C: >> windows 7 ultimate
Drive D: >> windows XP (persian support)
Drive E: >> windows XP (English)

I tested the project in drive C: (windows 7),it worked perfect.

Just for your information

Posted by fsaaib on Oct. 26 2009,19:24
Another question comes in to my mind...

How should i add a menu (to be run on windows) made by autoplay media studio


Posted by madar on Oct. 26 2009,19:30
hi dear fsaaib

This is 3.00 oclock after midnight here and i am realy too tired
So let me answer to this question, tomorrow!!
Just tell me what is your need to have menue in windows?
what do you want to do?

see your notes tomorrow,
good night (may be it is not night for your country)

Posted by balder on Oct. 27 2009,01:41

Quote: “I have 3 windowses installed in my computer
Drive C: >> windows 7 ultimate
Drive D: >> windows XP (persian support)
Drive E: >> windows XP (English)
I tested the project in drive C: (windows 7),it worked perfect.”

Thanks Shirin for clarifying :D

Regards balder

Posted by balder on Oct. 27 2009,02:05

Recommended command to use for hiren v10 is:  bcdw /hbcd/isolinux.bin
Excellent described < here > by @madar

@fsaaib Please notice that launching “projects” (setup winxp etcetera or run bartpe or similar) cannot be done in same way as “standard procedure” in easyboot when easyboot is run from usb device. Read < here > take attention to post 25, and 27 in this tread.

But you can use easyboot as usual launch floppy images and launch hiren for example. You can create such ISO in easyboot and let my script put it on usb devive (stick or whatever) and ISO can be used as it is. But “hard coded” stuff like setup xp, setup vista or run bartpe need workaround to be able to launch from easyboot menu. It’s really not complicated I use “kicker-images” (grub based) to achieve this.


Posted by fsaaib on Oct. 27 2009,13:15

(madar @ Oct. 27 2009,00:15)
Hi Dear Balder

I have 3 windowses installed in my computer
Drive C: >> windows 7 ultimate
Drive D: >> windows XP (persian support)
Drive E: >> windows XP (English)

I tested the project in drive C: (windows 7),it worked perfect.

Just for your information

I also have Windows 7 Ultimate (build 7600) but the script just keeps giving me that error every once i tried to use it, it worked all OK on Windows XP, dunno what might be the difference between your copy of windows to mine's...

Anyhow, its OK it has finally worked.


Posted by madar on Oct. 27 2009,17:46
My windows version is Windows 7 Ultimate (build 7100)