Forum: EasyBoot Topic: How to suppress a default menu option started by: kenalcock Posted by kenalcock on Nov. 01 2009,00:18
So I've been using Easy Boot for quite a few years now and it still kicks major butt. But I was disappointed today when I was updating my System Tools CD to multi-menus. There seems to be no obvious way to suppress a default menu option from executing.Let me explain my situation in more detail. My latest System Tools CD has many tools on it, so it is very unlikely that any single tool (menu item) will qualify as my default action each and every time time I boot up a PC with this CD-ROM. Furthermore, many of the tools are one-way streets; that is, once you launch said tool, you must reboot the PC afterward and you cannot run and return to your menu. This is the main reason I do not want any option to be the default. It is likely that I will multitasking and using my System Tools CD on several machines at once, and I don't want one of them start running something that I cannot back out of without rebooting. I also like to configure the Accelerate Key option to Run Directly, so when a user (usually me) types an accelerator key associated with a menu item, the associated tool executes immediately. So I always want my CD to wait for the user to make a decision, but once the user has made his decision I want my CD to waste no further time in executing it. I have tried disabling both the Show Progress Bar and Show Counter options on the Misc tab, but this only results in my the menu still executing any default item, but this time with no visible warning. And no where on the Easy Boot GUI does there seem to be an obvious way to Set No Default Item. However, I am also a persistent bastard, and I managed to find a workaround, but I'm not sure it if is the intended design or not.
The end result will be that the default item does not actually exist, and therefore it cannot be executed. It isn't elegant, but it is effective. |