Forum: EasyBoot
Topic: Vista & XP Multiboot DVD
started by: westylakey

Posted by westylakey on Apr. 07 2007,11:44
Hi, has anybody managed to create a successful xp and vista bootable disc?
im trying now but if anybody can give any help :D
will be much appreciated.


Posted by joe941988 on Apr. 07 2007,20:32
Well... Gee... I was hoping to get help from this thread as well.  I guess not.

Posted by westylakey on Apr. 08 2007,11:32
lol, ive wasted 2 dvd-r's already and have only got 2-3 crap discs left to use..... so please please please can sum clever person who has done it b4 have ago, i have read the threads about 98/2000/me/xp etc in 1 but vista is built differently there is no i386 folder....


Posted by joe941988 on Apr. 08 2007,18:00
AhAAA Buddy!  Never ever burn another DVD without knowing if it will work!  Microsoft has made their Virtual PC free on their website.  It is THE best thing.  Just search for it.
Posted by westylakey on Apr. 09 2007,18:58
cheers m8, will look. i aint that bothered about the discs cuz they were ones i found lying about (scratched loads) lol. so nobody has worked out the vista xp disc yet then?


Posted by kallstrom_74 on Apr. 15 2007,09:15
no luck yet about vista+xp? i would also like to know how
Posted by chenchu on Apr. 30 2007,14:50

It is here  Yes U can make bootable CD/DVD with XP and Vista together with other options .ok

1: keep your XP, Vista and other Bootable ISO files ready . Remember bootable ISO  ok   not data ISO

2: open XP ISO  with ultraiso and "save boot file" under bootable option of main menu , and save the file to /easyboot/disk1/easyboot   . save as XP.bif

3: extract all files to /easyboot/disk1

4: open vista iso with ultraiso and rename the setup.exe as setup1.exe and save the iso image

5: open vista bootable iso with ultraiso ( remember u should see the setup1.exe ) and save boot file to /easyboot/disk1/easyboot  Vista.bif

6. extract all the files to disk1

Balance as normal procedure.

Enjoy man  :D . but it was 2 months pain for me  :( .

Produly an INDIAN  .

Posted by joe941988 on Apr. 30 2007,18:12
El Che.... Pttt!

Anyway... What is "Hanu Tools CD"

Posted by chenchu on May 01 2007,12:11
joe941988   what do u mean  "El Che.... Pttt!" ?
Posted by joe941988 on May 01 2007,12:30
I mean that I hate him.  Not because of what he is known for, but because I always see people wearing a shirt with his face on it. And the person has no idea who they are representing with the shirt.
It's always some ignorant punk rock kid too, that really pisses me off.
So Che N Chu, if you know who the guy is and what he was about, then my bad.

Anyway, what are Hanu Tools?

Posted by westylakey on May 04 2007,09:28
Hi, cheers for the info.

i now have a working XP/Vista boot dvd :D

It was a long process of creating menu's and customising but well worth it in the end.

Use CDMenuPro V6 to create a new autorun menu so u can choose XP Or Vista while in windows.

DOS Boot Menu

< >

Autorun Menu In Windows

< >

Posted by edy on May 19 2007,15:54
Please help me details to make Multiboot DVD Vista and XP.. :D
I'm New User  :(

Posted by kallstrom_74 on Mar. 19 2008,12:02
"chenchu"  thanks for your guide, in hell do i do when i want vista and server 2008...if i save the server 2008 files in "disk1" and saves vista files..many (all?) files have the same filenames and are both cases when i try to starts..not server 2008

please tell me how to put those on the same disc

Posted by Daniel0312 on Mar. 29 2008,07:42
I have the same kind of question.
The idea is to make a muliboot CD including 2 WinPE2 based images (Ghost12 rescue CD and Active Disk Boot CD).
Following the many advices here on the forum, I was able to have one or the other work, not both, for the reason stated just before!
Has anybody any idea how it can be done?

Posted by billonious on Mar. 30 2008,14:39
hey Daniel. In the case that both Ghost & @active boot cd are Vista Pe systems, you can't drop them together in the same disk. I have not succeed yet.
Posted by SpikerzZ on Apr. 19 2009,14:07
Ok, I get everything, but how do we make a boot.iso for vista are anything? I know how to make the data iso, just not the boot iso one? lol
Posted by punani on May 14 2009,13:29

(westylakey @ Apr. 07 2007,16:44)
Hi, has anybody managed to create a successful xp and vista bootable disc?
im trying now but if anybody can give any help :D
will be much appreciated.


hi everyone, i've managed to make a bootdvd with vista/erd/98/xppro/xphome/hirens/win2k but the most important thing is to use uppercase folders and files esp with vista....
Posted by punani on May 14 2009,13:31
copy sources,efi,boot and bootmgr to \disk1
then rename all of those files and folders with uppercase names and extensions
use the easyboot default settings

Posted by madar on May 20 2009,11:48
take a look at link below for setups for vista and to kinds of xp

<;f=1;t=2774;r=1 >

Posted by nitin_friendsall on Nov. 17 2009,02:27
hi chenchu ,
                   thanks for this article plz tell me one thing after doing everything u saying above .when we make iso file through easyboot there is  option  in make iso(boot image).plz tell me   we have to change any file here or by default loader.bin is perfect