Forum: EasyBoot
Topic: How to integrate DriverPacks ?
started by: Leines-123

Posted by Guest on Dec. 30 2009,12:50
Hello, to all people,

@ Balder

I create a Multiboot DVD with 3 Win XP and Erd Commander and it works very nice. Thank you for all Idea here i found.

Now I want to integrade the DriverPacks with Driver Base.
When the Setup ist starting it give an error to me. " There ist a mistake in the Txtsetup.sif and the Setup will stop. "
May be I have to copy some files also, because the " wxp.bat " is very old. Can you help us ?

Thank you very much

Posted by balder on Dec. 30 2009,13:06

Hi, Leines-123

Yes you are correct about wxp.bat it covers a “standard” folder i386 (English version) and not a build with integrated driverpacks (same if using N-light to integrate driverpacks to folder i386).

How about testing my script easyboot-aio.script? This script may work for you  :)

Scroll down to Welcome to my website here and do your downloads :;):

Regards balder

Posted by Guest on Dec. 30 2009,13:42
@ Balder,

thank you very much for your helping and very fast answer.

I think this script is very helpful.

But I am sorry, I never work with Script, so I do not know to start it, and do not know with Programm will start the script, may be you help again, for this easy answer ?


Posted by balder on Dec. 30 2009,13:53

You first download ”Startkit” – it’s a zip-file. Extract folder winbuilder from this zip-file (extract to disk C:\). Inside folder winbuilder you have “winbuilder.exe” doubleclick to this exe-file and you are up and going :)

On my web-site you can continue to “More scripts with information how to handle winbuilder is located here” and there you also have description how to handle script and where to extract downloaded script.
Note: every time you extract a new script into winbuilder you must restart winbuilder.exe so that winbuilder can register the new script in its "brain".

About WinBuilder and my scripts. When you have started winbuilder.exe - do not push “PLAY”-button in the upper right corner – forget this button. It is the “Start-button” in script that starts process of script.
Note: Each script has a working area named “Main Process” or "Main Section” and in this section you always have a Start-button and also a tiny “Help-button”. Press help-button in each script to get some basic help what script does and if there are settings you get some basic explanation how to handle this.

Attention! Nearly all scripts need some basic settings typically: "Scroll to where folder i386 is placed. Don't open folder i386." Or "Where is EasyBoot installed? Scroll and open folder EasyBoot" or "Set new name to folder i386 here”. You must of course help script with this basic settings before you press Start-button in script.

Regards balder