Forum: EasyBoot
Topic: Cannot get Inquisitor to load
started by: h3llscr3am

Posted by h3llscr3am on Jan. 21 2010,06:49
Hey there EZB, I'm having an issue and wondering if you would beable to help me, I'm trying to get an EZboot CD, that offers a bunch of benchmark suites, and one of the ones I want on it is inquisitor, which I can't seem to get to launch.

< > (latest beta version, i386)

I've tried simply running the .iso straight, and I've tried extracting t the contents and a .bif file, and running the .bif file, with and without the bootinfotable; option, and I've also tried messing with the to lower and to caps flags... but all I get is dumped to a GNU shell with a Disk error 0x88 or it freezes at loading stage 2 ....

any help is greatly appreciated, thanks :D

Posted by balder on Jan. 21 2010,08:31

Welcome to this forum @h3llscr3am :)

Did following
1. Extracted everything from inquisitor-ISO to EasyBoot\disk1
2. Extracted boot-file from inquisitor-ISO to folder ezboot (using name inquisitor.bif)
3. Used this command in EasyBoot menu:   bootinfotable;run inquisitor.bif
4. Created ISO with “Allow Lower Case” checked (very important as inquisitor uses grub)

Tested and I get to the menu and press Enter – linux start to “decompress” and it appears to work okay ???   but then this pops up:
”An unrecoverable processor error has been encountered The virtual machine will reset now” :(

Note: I use Microsoft Virtual PC to test ISO created by EasyBoot – it’s possible it will work if run from a “real” CD :cool:

Attention! Do no uppercase to anything – use files and folders as they are. You can do uppercase to everything but then you must change command lines in text file for grub “menu.lst” – you have this text file in “boot\grub” in inquisitor-ISO (or if extracted EasyBoot\disk1\ boot\grub)
Note: Grub is case sensitive when used on CD/DVD but not when used on file system like: FAT, FAT32 or NTFS
