Forum: EasyBoot
Topic: hbcd v10.1
started by: bigrig0424

Posted by bigrig0424 on Feb. 04 2010,21:10
:(  hello i copyed hbcd v10.1 to easy boot/disk1. also extracted boot file and saved it to easy boot/disk1/easyboot and named it hbcd.bin. when i ran in vm it comes back in a command line in grub4dos. it looks like it is looking for menu.1st. in hbcd. i checked the file is there.  so i desided to look for answer in this forum. found sombody else had problem and was asked to input memdisk/hbcd/boot.gz in the run command box.
i tryed this. got the following message
boot: memdisk initrd=hbcd/boot.gz
loading memdisk....
could not find ramdisk image: hbcd/boot.gz
boot _

I gues i just dont understand what is going on here. can
anybody help me with this.

thanks in advance

Posted by balder on Feb. 05 2010,03:04

Test this:
Copy the folder HBCD from ISO to EasyBoot\disk1 directory

1) To Run Hiren 10.1
Use menu command line in EasyBoot:  
memdisk /hbcd/boot.gz

2) To Run Mini XP (that is a option in Hiren)
Use menu command line in EasyBoot:
run /hbcd/xp.bin

Or alternate :)  
bcdw /hbcd/xp.bin
If having problem :O  please read from post 12 < HERE >
