Forum: EasyBoot Topic: Run several OS setups from one DVD started by: madar Posted by madar on May 20 2009,11:31
Run several OS setups from one DVD============================================== I have seen in several posts,requesting about having windowses vista and windows xp setups together.this is easy job,because most of the process needed to do is writed in EasyBoot help file.and we need just some considerations for using windows vista. Any way I have tested operating systems below: Windows vista (I tested by vista home lite version 2). Windows XP sp2 Origional English Windows XP sp2 Customized Step_1: ======= 1. Copy All contents of you Vista bootable DVD (or CD for lite version) to ...EasyBoot\disk1 directory. 2. Make directories below in ...EasyBoot\disk1 directory: ...EasyBoot\disk1\SYS ...EasyBoot\disk1\SYS\XPEN ...EasyBoot\disk1\SYS\MYXP 3. Copy all contents of "Windows XP sp2 Origional English" to ...EasyBoot\disk1\SYS\XPEN 4. Copy all contents of "Windows XP sp2 Customized" to ...EasyBoot\disk1\SYS\MYXP 5. Copy files below from One of XP CDs to ...EasyBoot\disk1\ Directory (you will need to copy other files too if you want to have win 2000 or 2003 setups too): WIN51 WIN51IP WIN51IP.SP1 WIN51IP.SP2 Step_2: ======= 1_ Make another directory by the name of "XPEN" inside ...EasyBoot\disk1\ directory and Copy just "I386" Directory of "Windows XP sp2 Origional English" CD inside it. 2_ Make another directory by the name of "MYXP" inside ...EasyBoot\disk1\ directory and Copy just "I386" Directory of "Windows XP sp2 Customized" CD inside it. 3_ Copy "wxp.bat" from ...\EasyBoot\resource directory to ...EasyBoot\disk1\XPEN directory an run it.after a while you will have some other files and directories inside ...EasyBoot\disk1\XPEN directory Now you can delete "i386" directory from ...EasyBoot\disk1\XPEN directory. 4_ Do just as above for ...EasyBoot\disk1\MYXP directory then delete "i386" directory from ...EasyBoot\disk1\MYXP directory. 5. Make two copies from ...\EasyBoot\disk1\ezboot\w2ksect.bin in this directory then rename one of the copies to "XPEN.BIN" and other to "MYXP.BIN" Step_3 ======== If we burn our DVD just by files above,it will not be bootable,because files are not placed in standard We need to edit few files in "BOOT" directory ,to say to system,where to find boot files for each windows and how to run them. 1_ Open ...\EasyBoot\disk1\ezboot\XPEN.BIN by your favorite hex editor,Search for string "i386" on it and replace all instances by the word "XPEN".and save it. 2_ Do the same process by file ...\EasyBoot\disk1\XPEN\SETUPLDR.BIN and save that. 3_ Open ...\EasyBoot\disk1\XPEN\TXTSETUP.SIF" by notepad, search for "SetupSourcePath" section, you will see that it is as: SetupSourcePath = "\" change that to: SetupSourcePath = "\SYS\XPEN" 4_ Do the same processES 1 TO 3 for "Windows XP sp2 Customized" ,just use string "MYXP" in hex editing and address below: SetupSourcePath = "\SYS\MYXP" You should Do the same process if you want to have other windowses,Just note that: Step_4 ======== iN eASYbOOT USE COMMANDS BELOW: (FOR SETUP OF WINDOWS VISTA)-->run vistaldr.bin (FOR SETUP OF WINDOWS XP ORIG)-->run XPEN.BIN (FOR SETUP OF WINDOWS XP CUSTOMIZED)-->run MYXP.BIN ====================== Notes: ======= 1.I used HexEdit for editing BIN files and used XPEN and MYXP (Uppercase) in them. 2.I have named All folders in Disk1 in Uppercase (i mean MYXP,SYS,XPEN folders and also SYS\MYXP and SYS\XPEN) ============================= THATA ALL,I checked it by vmware was OK. Thanks a lot from balder that helped me a lot and taught me a lot in this tutor Posted by mahdi on May 27 2009,04:31
hi madar,thanks a lot.i tested it was ok i have seen your the same topic by you ,by other program,in other site too. thanks for all your good tutors,hope to be successfull every time in your life. Posted by Mega_num on May 28 2009,05:50
Thanks a lot madari have read this tutor and tested it it works great i registered here to say thank you and to learn more from other topics Posted by allencltnc on May 28 2009,22:16
Tried this method and am getting "CDBOOT: Couldn't Find NTLDR"
Posted by madar on May 29 2009,03:52
1.I have tested this method many many times and the burned dvd's are are used with a lot of my friends for a long time. 2.When making project Do step by step,and check step by step,in virtual machin. if you don't there may be some mistakes 3.I think you have some mistakes in editing BIN files and TXTSETUP.SIF 4.Please try again ,do first OS ,check it,then proced to other 5.Do not forget to put files below as said in step 5 of tutor in root of your DVD WIN51 WIN51IP WIN51IP.SP1 WIN51IP.SP2 -------- and please inform me about your test Posted by balder on May 29 2009,13:57
@madarAbout WinXP… It’s not only an issue if “ident files” (tag files) has been copied to the “main root” (EasyBoot\disk1). It’s a issue if “ident files” (tag files) has been copied to the “second root”, witch in your tutorial is EasyBoot\disk1\SYS In fact, it’s impossible that your tutorial works as there are mistakes involved into it ![]() To @mahdi and @Mega_num How did you have success with a tutorial that doesn’t work ![]() Why not use original tutorial in EasyBoot help file together with tutorials originally written by xoben ![]() balder Posted by madar on May 29 2009,14:33
I am very sorry that you talk about some thing that you did not test it yet. you just think it is un correct i have done the same project by other programs like "Aero Studio' and "BCDW" and i have my ISO's in my archive. please first try that then give answers like this. it is not important for me what you said to me,but you have do that by other users too "mahdi and mega.." all are laying and you are right??? please try the tutor it will not take more than hour for you thanks Posted by balder on May 29 2009,14:51
@madarIn Step_2: I quote from point 2:” Make another directory by the name of "MYXP" inside ...EasyBoot\disk1\ directory and Copy just "I386" Directory of "Windows XP sp2 Customized" CD inside it.” This is correct ![]() I quote from point 3:” Copy "wxp.bat" from ...\EasyBoot\resource directory to ...EasyBoot\disk1\SYS\XPEN directory an run it.after a while you will have some other files and directories inside ...EasyBoot\disk1\SYS\XPEN directory Now you can delete "i386" directory from ...EasyBoot\disk1\SYS\XPEN directory.” This is not correct ![]() I suggest you change tutorial to… “Copy "wxp.bat" from ...\EasyBoot\resource directory to ...EasyBoot\disk1\XPEN directory….” In this way you create the necessary boot folder (XPEN in this example) that’s needed. Don’t you agree with me ![]() This is needed as you in step3 (I quote): “1_ Open ...\EasyBoot\disk1\ezboot\XPEN.BIN by your favorite hex editor,Search for string "i386" on it and replace all instances by the word "XPEN".and save it.” This is correct. By the way…Why not use EasyBoot>Tools>Replace text instead of external hex editor as this is far more easier for new users ![]() @madar (Shirin Zaban) I do like (respect) you tutorial but only if they works. In fact plenty of your ideas are brilliant ![]() balder Posted by madar on May 29 2009,15:19
Hi balder1.thank you for your notes 2. at the time after replaying you i did test again my project it worked are right ,in tutor i have a mistake as below: "After using wxp.bat the i386 directories below should be deleted ..disk1\xpen\i386 and ..disk1\myxp\i386 not (...disk1\Sys\xpen\i386 and ..disk1\Sys\myxp\i386) thank you for your help,and i am going to change that lines, thanks again Posted by balder on May 29 2009,15:28
@madarAgain I must repeat that you need ident files (tag files) at the “second root” witch is another problem with your tutorial. Your “second root” is EasyBoot\disk1\sys You have changed this here: SetupSourcePath = "\SYS\XPEN" You need to copy ident files (tag files) to folder EasyBoot\disk1\sys Don’t you agree ![]() balder Posted by madar on May 29 2009,15:41
Dear balder i have said in tutor that "Copy all contents of XPCD to ...\sys\xpen and ...\sys\myxp" not just "i386" folder. hope if i can not understand your mean because of my bad english,you will please tell me at the end:nice having a friend like you Posted by balder on May 29 2009,16:03
@madarQuote: “i have said in tutor that "Copy all contents of XPCD to ...\sys\xpen and ...\sys\myxp" not just "i386" folder.” Yes I have noticed that, but some people forget (I don’t now why ![]() Nice we now understand each other (that’s the best part in life). edit: Bye the way, I have created a script (runs in winbuilder) that runs this process in an fully automated way without any need of support from user. regards balder Posted by madar on May 29 2009,16:16
Dear balder1.Thanks a lot for your mentions,and your help mor point,i have called to mahdi and said the matter and he said that "he and mega" has tested the topic from other tutors of me (in other site) 3.Thanks a lot again,just in other time would you please tell me how can i chang my name "madar" to "shirin zaban" in this site.I say later because in my country (Iran) it is 12:45 midnight and i do not know your time Many thanks again and many thanks for fast replays Posted by balder on May 29 2009,16:30
@madarQuote: “tell me how can i chang my name "madar" to "shirin zaban" in this site” Sorry, to my knowledge You can’t change user name. You can change password or email etcetera, but not user name as far as I know. What’s the point? You have at the end of each post your real name – works fine to me and most likely to everybody else in this forum ![]() balder Posted by madar on May 29 2009,16:35
thanks Dear friend
Posted by balder on May 30 2009,07:21
@madarYou still need (or at least point out differences) to your tutorial. It’s about lower/uppercase when hex edit boot file (w2ksect.bin) and setupldr.bin If using case sensitive hex editor text strings are not found. On the other hand, if using hex editor that is not case sensitive it do works. If a user take advantage of built in EasyBoot hex editor (EasyBoot\Tools\replace Text) you must show differences about lower/uppercase (caps or not caps). Quote: “1_ Open ...\EasyBoot\disk1\ezboot\XPEN.BIN by your favorite hex editor,Search for string "i386" on it and replace all instances by the word "XPEN".and save it.” Sorry there is no such string in this boot file, it’s uppercase you mean for (w2ksect.bin) like this “I386” and lowercase “i386” in setupldr.bin that’s has to be used when hexedit this two files. Okay as I pointed out, it works if you are sure to not use hex editor that are case sensitive. Please read post 2 here to better understand what I mean < > balder Posted by madar on May 30 2009,13:11
Thanks a lot dear balderyour notes thought me a lot I added a note for tutor (i thought every ones that visisit this site and other sites in these topics,are advanced users any way i have learned a lot from you ) thanks Posted by mahdi on Jun. 09 2009,10:52
to balderI am sorry for making trouble for you and madar i have read befor madar's tutor about almost the same topic in link below and i have tested that was ok and i just wanted to say that it works < > Posted by balder on Jun. 09 2009,12:33
@mahdiYou are welcome ![]() But you said in post 3 and I quote: “i have read this tutor and tested it it works great”. And I quote from post 9 (madar): ” you are right ,in tutor i have a mistake as below:” I do have problems when somebody claimed that a tutorial works when it definitely doesn’t work ![]() Please note that I am a big fan of shirins (madar) tutorials. Most of them are brilliant. Credits to shirin (madar) for this great work done by him. Well this is no big deal, as tutorial was corrected by madar in an accurate way ![]() By the way, read < this > by gosh Nothing new under the sun I should say ![]() balder Posted by Guest on Jun. 19 2009,13:50
(madar @ May 20 2009,16:31) QUOTE Run several OS setups from one DVD ============================================== I have seen in several posts,requesting about having windowses vista and windows xp setups together.this is easy job,because most of the process needed to do is writed in EasyBoot help file.and we need just some considerations for using windows vista. Any way I have tested operating systems below: Windows vista (I tested by vista home lite version 2). Windows XP sp2 Origional English Windows XP sp2 Customized Step_1: ======= 1. Copy All contents of you Vista bootable DVD (or CD for lite version) to ...EasyBoot\disk1 directory. 2. Make directories below in ...EasyBoot\disk1 directory: ...EasyBoot\disk1\SYS ...EasyBoot\disk1\SYS\XPEN ...EasyBoot\disk1\SYS\MYXP 3. Copy all contents of "Windows XP sp2 Origional English" to ...EasyBoot\disk1\SYS\XPEN 4. Copy all contents of "Windows XP sp2 Customized" to ...EasyBoot\disk1\SYS\MYXP 5. Copy files below from One of XP CDs to ...EasyBoot\disk1\ Directory (you will need to copy other files too if you want to have win 2000 or 2003 setups too): WIN51 WIN51IP WIN51IP.SP1 WIN51IP.SP2 Step_2: ======= 1_ Make another directory by the name of "XPEN" inside ...EasyBoot\disk1\ directory and Copy just "I386" Directory of "Windows XP sp2 Origional English" CD inside it. 2_ Make another directory by the name of "MYXP" inside ...EasyBoot\disk1\ directory and Copy just "I386" Directory of "Windows XP sp2 Customized" CD inside it. 3_ Copy "wxp.bat" from ...\EasyBoot\resource directory to ...EasyBoot\disk1\XPEN directory an run it.after a while you will have some other files and directories inside ...EasyBoot\disk1\XPEN directory Now you can delete "i386" directory from ...EasyBoot\disk1\XPEN directory. 4_ Do just as above for ...EasyBoot\disk1\MYXP directory then delete "i386" directory from ...EasyBoot\disk1\MYXP directory. 5. Make two copies from ...\EasyBoot\disk1\ezboot\w2ksect.bin in this directory then rename one of the copies to "XPEN.BIN" and other to "MYXP.BIN" Step_3 ======== If we burn our DVD just by files above,it will not be bootable,because files are not placed in standard We need to edit few files in "BOOT" directory ,to say to system,where to find boot files for each windows and how to run them. 1_ Open ...\EasyBoot\disk1\ezboot\XPEN.BIN by your favorite hex editor,Search for string "i386" on it and replace all instances by the word "XPEN".and save it. 2_ Do the same process by file ...\EasyBoot\disk1\XPEN\SETUPLDR.BIN and save that. 3_ Open ...\EasyBoot\disk1\XPEN\TXTSETUP.SIF" by notepad, search for "SetupSourcePath" section, you will see that it is as: SetupSourcePath = "\" change that to: SetupSourcePath = "\SYS\XPEN" 4_ Do the same processES 1 TO 3 for "Windows XP sp2 Customized" ,just use string "MYXP" in hex editing and address below: SetupSourcePath = "\SYS\MYXP" You should Do the same process if you want to have other windowses,Just note that: Step_4 ======== iN eASYbOOT USE COMMANDS BELOW: (FOR SETUP OF WINDOWS VISTA)-->run vistaldr.bin (FOR SETUP OF WINDOWS XP ORIG)-->run XPEN.BIN (FOR SETUP OF WINDOWS XP CUSTOMIZED)-->run MYXP.BIN ====================== Notes: ======= 1.I used HexEdit for editing BIN files and used XPEN and MYXP (Uppercase) in them. 2.I have named All folders in Disk1 in Uppercase (i mean MYXP,SYS,XPEN folders and also SYS\MYXP and SYS\XPEN) ============================= THATA ALL,I checked it by vmware was OK. Thanks a lot from balder that helped me a lot and taught me a lot in this tutor Dear Madar Thanks for your topics (Run several OS setups from one DVD) and (Run Hiren's BootCD 9.9 by EasyBoot) i tryed to make a DVD contains Hiren's bootCD and an english version of windows XPSP2 and other Customized windows XPSP2. The hiren's works but, the two windows didn't works, so please i need ur help with all my thanks . ![]() Posted by Guest on Jun. 20 2009,03:25
Dear Madar Thanks for your topics (Run several OS setups from one DVD) and (Run Hiren's BootCD 9.9 by EasyBoot) i tryed to make a DVD contains Hiren's bootCD and an english version of windows XPSP2 and other Customized windows XPSP2. The hiren's works but, the two windows didn't works, so please i need ur help with all my thanks .
Posted by madar on Jun. 20 2009,03:43
Dear shahgul1.using "" and "setupldr.bin" from only win 2003 sp1 is essential. 2.use uper cases in names of folders and files you make or change. sure you have placed files below in root of your dvd : WIN51 WIN51IP WIN51IP.SP1 WIN51IP.SP2 note that you should put the above files in in assosiated folders that you have made for eack xp version.for example in my example in tutor in ..\\SYS\XPEN\ hope you will do successfully Posted by bozon42 on Jul. 09 2009,07:52
Hello,please see post#2 in < > Quoting xoben between lines: === >>Adding Windows XP Pro Here is a step by step instruction for adding Windows XP (English version): 1) Make a folder named 'xpen' under 'c:\easyboot\disk1' 2) Copy 'win51' and 'win51p' (from root directory of original CD) to 'c:\easyboot\disk1' 3) Copy I386 folder to 'c:\easyboot\disk1\xpen' 4) Copy wxp.bat from 'c:\easyboot\resource' to 'c:\easyboot\disk1\xpen', and run it there 5) Copy w2ksect.bin in 'c:\easyboot\disk1\ezboot' to a new file xpen.bin 6) Start EasyBoot, click 'Tools'->'Replace Text', browse file 'c:\easyboot\disk1\ezboot\xpen.bin', and specify 'I386' as "Text to Replace", 'XPEN' as "Replace to", then click 'Replace', 1 occurence should be replaced 7) Do step 6 to 'c:\easyboot\disk1\xpen\setupldr.bin', and replace 'i386' to 'xpen', 4 occurences should be replaced 8) Open 'c:\easyboot\disk1\xpen\txtsetup.sif' by NotePad (or UltraEdit), search for 'SetupSourcePath', and change [SetupSourcePath = "\"] to [SetupSourcePath = "\XPEN"] (not include []) 9) Set the menu item's command as 'run xpen.bin' 10) Save menu file === which I tried today - and is working. 2 notes: Note1: Since I have WinXP+SP2, step 2 is this: 2) Copy 'win51' and 'win51p' and 'win51ip.SP2' if SP2 is included) (from root directory of original CD) to 'c:\easyboot\disk1' Note2: I have used ( bozon42 Posted by Torpedro on Jul. 19 2009,03:05
Thank you for your tutorial!I have one big Problem: I cannot install both OS from one iso because of formatting issues! ![]() - When i create the DVD WITHOUT UDF i can install ONLY XP, but NOT Vista (or Win7) (CDBOOT: Couldn't find BOOTMGR) -When i create the DVD WITH UDF i can install Vista (and Win7), not NOT XP (NTLDR not found) I tried different settings for Joilet and all other settings also (in Ultraiso), but none installs both Windows versions. What are the correct setting for both?? Is there anything else i'm missing? Thank you! Torpedro Posted by madar on Jul. 19 2009,05:04
Dear shahgulPlease be sure you have done as below: 1_ It is essential using "NTDETECT.COM" and "SETUPLDR.BIN" from just sp1 version of win 2003 ,not other versions. 2_ "NTDETECT.COM" and "SETUPLDR.BIN" should be UPERCASE 3_ Folders ,you make for using XP should be UPERCASE 4_ Files below should be copied to (Root of DVD) and (Root of all folders you make for using XP) WIN51 WIN51IP WIN51IP.SP1 WIN51IP.SP2 5_ If you use XP sp3 you shoud add "WIN51IP.SP3" to files above. 6_ Please make and test each step seperatly Posted by bozon42 on Jul. 20 2009,07:17
Hello all,I created MultiBootDVD with the following apps: Paragon Drive Backup 8.5 Boot from Hard Disk Insert 1.3.9b Hiren's Boot CD v9.8 WinXP_SP2_SATAint_SP3int booting+runnnig of each is ok But after I added: Paragon HD Manager 2008 Suite Ubuntu 9.04 neither Insert nor Paragon Drive Backup 8.5 can run. It seems as if Ubuntu somehow spoiled the whole DVD. Can somebody give me a hint? Thanks and regards, bozon42 Posted by madar on Jul. 20 2009,10:08
1. As i know When adding linux based system,the loader looksfor lowercase names in root. please check Ubuntu 9.04 and paragon folders to be sure they are lowercase 2.There is a very nice and almost complate notes about linux based systems by "billonious" in link below: <;f=1;t=2071 > Posted by bozon42 on Jul. 20 2009,10:28
(madar @ Jul. 20 2009,16:08) QUOTE 1. As i know When adding linux based system,the loader looks for lowercase names in root. please check Ubuntu 9.04 and paragon folders to be sure they are lowercase 2.There is a very nice and almost complate notes about linux based systems by "billonious" in link below: <;f=1;t=2071 > Hello Shirin, thanks for having look at my mail. Actually these two sw should not interfere, since Paragon HD Manager 2008 Suite was running from only one file paragon.img from ezboot dir (according to < > and ubuntu was copied to disk1 and only ubuntu.bif was put to ezboot dir. see: < > As for paragon Drive Image I followed: <;f=1;t=1825 > and for Insert I followed the same link you mentioned. == Remove Tools dir from InsertCD and rename isolinux dir to inslinux. Copy content of Insert CD to \disk1 use: bcdw /inslinux/isolinux.bin /inslinux/vmlinuz initrd=/inslinux/miniroot.lz init=/etc/init nomce noapic dma boot_image=insert +check Joliet === Hmm, I should maybe repeat the steps once again. Anyway thanks again. bozon42 Posted by Torpedro on Jul. 22 2009,16:32
(madar @ Jul. 19 2009,10:04) QUOTE 1_ It is essential using "NTDETECT.COM" and "SETUPLDR.BIN" from just sp1 version of win 2003 ,not other versions. Hi Madar, Thank you, i must have overlooked this info. Unfortunately i don't have access to win2k3 SP1 (Only without SP or with SP2) because we did a complete upgrade of all our server a few weeks ago and the old things where deleted. I assume it doesn't work with SP2, because i get the message "NTLDR is corrupt." when i try to use the files from SP2. Even with the NTLDR form W2k3 SP2. Posted by logajith on Aug. 14 2009,09:34
Dear madar,I tried ur help file to create 1 vista+XPEN+MYXP, i do what is in ur help file 100% but unfortunately i cant boot the two xps, its showing the ntldr is missing.And where i can get the vistaldr.bin, i am searching in ezboot root directory and vista cd and all vista folders.In vista cd only bootmgr only. so can you help me ASAP.If i do something in wrong step pls let me know. My step by step creating the iso i attached here . Thank you Posted by madar on Aug. 14 2009,10:56
Dear logajith1. you can get vistaldr.bin from adress below: ...\EasyBoot\disk1\ezboot\ directory 2.Would you tell me the content of your project (i mean the picture of directories and files of your ISO or your Disk1 folder) to find out the problem Posted by logajith on Aug. 15 2009,07:19
Dear Mardar,I put 1 tiny visa unattended, xp sp3 orginal cd copy,and unattended xp sp3+7 theams cd copy.The ezyboot menu i put the command is "run xpen.bin" and "run myxp.bin".but i put the bin file name as caps (XPEN.bin AND MYXP.bin)in the root folder disk1/ezboot.May be its the reason. Please help me. Once u see the attachment u can see the vistaldr.bin is not available Thank you Posted by logajith on Aug. 15 2009,07:24
sorry i forget to attache the file .pls find the attachment here Posted by madar on Aug. 15 2009,08:03
Dear logajith------------- I Could not find out what is problem,and the attachment picture is not what i wanted. any way look to your project and see have you done as below?? 1.May be you are using old version of EasyBoot If you use version you will have file vistaldr.bin in address below: ...\EasyBoot\disk1\ezboot\vistaldr.bin 2.XPEN.BIN and MYXP.BIN and vistaldr.bin should be in ezboot directory: ...\EasyBoot\disk1\ezboot\XPEN.BIN ...\EasyBoot\disk1\ezboot\MYXP.BIN ...\EasyBoot\disk1\ezboot\vistaldr.bin 3.Folders MYXP and XPEN and SYS and all contents of vista setup media shoul be in disk1 directory: ...\EasyBoot\disk1\MYXP ...\EasyBoot\disk1\XPEN ...\EasyBoot\disk1\SYS ...\EasyBoot\disk1\ "All contents of vista setup media" 4.SYS folder should have ...\EasyBoot\disk1\SYS\MYXP >>Should contain ALL contents of MYXP CD ...\EasyBoot\disk1\SYS\XPEN >>Should contain ALL contents of XPEN CD 5.Files below should be in disk1 directory (depending to your used version of XP) WIN51 WIN51IP WIN51IP.SP1 WIN51IP.SP2 WIN51IP.SP3 6.Files abow shoul be in directories below too: ...\EasyBoot\disk1\MYXP ...\EasyBoot\disk1\XPEN 7.Use uppercase in names of folders ...\EasyBoot\disk1\MYXP ...\EasyBoot\disk1\XPEN ...\EasyBoot\disk1\SYS ...\EasyBoot\disk1\SYS\MYXP ...\EasyBoot\disk1\SYS\XPEN 8.Files below should be uppercase: WIN51 WIN51IP WIN51IP.SP1 WIN51IP.SP2 WIN51IP.SP3 XPEN.BIN MYXP.BIN 9.when changing strings in bin files us uppercase too Posted by logajith on Aug. 16 2009,02:13
Dear Mardar,Greetings!!!I tried again this project but unfortunatly its 2 windows xp versions not working but vista is working. Please find belowed my project prosedure and any thing wrong please let me know. Directories and contains Easyboot/disk1/all vista files Easyboot/disk1/WIN51,WIN51IP,WIN51IP.SP2,WIN51IP.SP3 files only from one winxp cd. Easyboot/disk1/MYXP/files and SYSTEM32 folder extracted from i386 by wxp.bat Easyboot/disk1/XPEN/files and SYSTEM32 folder extracted from i386 by wxp.bat Easyboot/disk1/SYS/MYXP/all files from unattended xp cd Easyboot/disk1/SYS/XPEN/all files from orginal xp cd Easyboot/disk1/ezboot/XPEN.bin(copy and renamed w2ksect.bin) Easyboot/disk1/ezboot/MYXP.bin(copy and renamed w2ksect.bin) and all other default files created by easyboot. opened in easyboot,tools, replace text option and find the file EasyBoot\disk1\ezboot\XPEN.BIN and i386 replaced to XPEN(0 string affected) opened in easyboot,tools, replace text option and find the file EasyBoot\disk1\ezboot\MYXP.BIN and i386 replaced to MYXP(0 string affected) opened in easyboot,tools, replace text option and find the file EasyBoot\disk1\XPEN\SETUPLDR.BIN and i386 replaced to XPEN(4 string affected) opened in easyboot,tools, replace text option and find the file EasyBoot\disk1\MYXP\SETUPLDR.BIN and i386 replaced to MYXPXP(4 string affected) opened EasyBoot\disk1\XPEN\TXTSETUP.SIF" by notepad and SetupSourcePath = "\" change to SetupSourcePath = "\SYS\XPEN" opened EasyBoot\disk1\MYXP\TXTSETUP.SIF" by notepad and SetupSourcePath = "\" change to SetupSourcePath = "\SYS\MYXP" save all and make iso. after testing 2 xp is not working showing ntldr missing error. Kindly note this procedures and anything wrong get back to me. Also pls find the attached files. Thank you Posted by madar on Aug. 16 2009,03:09
Dear logajithi think some process is wrong but i do not know which one. so: 1_This project works,i checked my archive and tested it again (when writting a tutor i save all the files i use and Last ISO in my archive) 2.Lets try your project just by your XPEN windows,just do as below: A_ Just copy All contents of your XPEN setup CD to ...\disk1 directory B_May be your w2ksect.bin is currupted so please get bootinfo of your xpen from ISO of your xpen CD .(use bartpe image extracyor to have BIN format) and rename it to XPEN.BIN and put it in ezboot directory. C_Do not make any change on any file and use command (run XPEN.BIN) If it works we will go to other step if not ,that means your XP CD's files are currupted. Posted by logajith on Aug. 16 2009,05:31
My dear friend,i tried the bartpe image extractor,do u know how to use it. In simple english i tried in this way start-run "cmd"and enter after drag and drop the bbie exe after drag and drop the xxx.iso after press the enter its showing image1.bin extracted.but i cannot fine the extracted file.where is this keepit. Thanks Posted by madar on Aug. 16 2009,05:50
Dear friend,For using "bartpe image extractor" do as example below: 1.Put XPEN.ISO in root of your windows for example C:\XPEN.ISO 2.Place "bartpe image extractor" files (bbie.exe and bbie.lic) in address below (I suppose that you have your windows in drive C: and you logon to your windows by the name of logajith): C:\Documents and Settings\logajith\xxxx directory 3.go to run,type CMD and in comming window type: cd xxxx heat enter then type: bbie c:\xpen.iso heat enter,after a while you will have image1.bin in address below: C:\Documents and Settings\logajith\xxxx\image1.bin ================ Short telling "the bin file is created in where the bbie.exe is there Posted by logajith on Aug. 16 2009,07:40
Dear Madar,I tried this, i extract my boot image file from cd via bartpe image extractor and put the ezboot directory.Copy all the files and folders in xp cd to disk1 directory.After i make an ISO and tried,this time its dosnt showing any error but i start to install winxp its blinking only. Can i get any other way to make vista+xpsp3+Xpsp3 unattended. I tried to download the aero studio but once download started but its breaked means the exe file i didnt get properly. Pls help Posted by madar on Aug. 16 2009,08:51
Dear logajithI think your source files are currupted.any way: --------------------------------------------------------------- 1.Get latest version of aero studio from link below: < > 2.May be it will be good background if you read my tutor about MultiOS DVD by aero in link below : < > 3.and for learning more about aero studio go to link below (in this link you will see my tutors by my real name "Shirin zaban") < > Posted by balder on Aug. 16 2009,16:27
@ logajithSorry to interrupt here, but if you try to change text in w2ksect.bin using i386 you are bound to fail ![]() Quote: ” opened in easyboot,tools, replace text option and find the file EasyBoot\disk1\ezboot\XPEN.BIN and i386 replaced to XPEN(0 string affected)” ”opened in easyboot,tools, replace text option and find the file EasyBoot\disk1\ezboot\MYXP.BIN and i386 replaced to MYXP(0 string affected)” In replace text option you must find and replace I386 (not i386). Test and se if it works ![]() balder Posted by Sentense on Aug. 18 2009,23:45
@TorpedroRegarding the "NTLDR is corrupt. The system cannot boot." errors 1. open setupldr.bin with hex editor 2. goto hex address: 0x2060 3. change "74 03" to "EB 1A" 4. save it source - < > Posted by Torpedro on Aug. 19 2009,04:25
(Sentense @ Aug. 19 2009,04:45) QUOTE @Torpedro Regarding the "NTLDR is corrupt. The system cannot boot." errors 1. open setupldr.bin with hex editor 2. goto hex address: 0x2060 3. change "74 03" to "EB 1A" 4. save it source - < > Thank you Sentense! But i already found the most easy solution: All files in the boot folder of Win7 have to be UPPER CASE, then the DVD will work without UDF for both XP and Win7 in parallel. Another point is: now that Win7 is available and performing better than XP, WinXP will not be needed any more, but Win7 x86 and x64 with integrated Language pack (and hirens, Acronis,...). Greetings Torpedro Posted by logajith on Aug. 20 2009,06:21
Dear shirin,Thanks your Valuable post.Really sorry the delayed reply. I will check and let you know. Thanks Posted by logajith on Aug. 21 2009,08:19
my dear Shirin,Thanks your links.I am honestly telling to you that your aero help is not worth for me. I dont use any win live cds,i want to use 1 unattended xp, 1 Windows xp sp3 and 1 windows tiny unattended vista.These are the main things and other dos tools.If you find the pic you can see what i want.In aero studio or ezboot anthing i need to creat a single it possible? ,do you know how its, pls letme know or anybody can help me. Thanks & regards Posted by sagarushi88 on Dec. 19 2009,09:08
(madar @ May 30 2009,03:35) QUOTE thanks Dear friend Hi friend i'm new to this forum even to this site can u please guide me prepare a multiboot dvd with xp+vista and user friendly softwares too in it........ Please help me i really wasted three months but couldn't make it.... ![]() Please friend help me... ![]() If possible please attach the updated and corrected procedure... Thanks in advance.... ![]() Posted by Maverick_3722 on Feb. 21 2010,03:37
Hi!!!I've beeb trying to make sense out of the EasyBoot software.But i manage to lift of the ground till i finally ended here.I only need to have WINXP,WINVISTA,WIN7,&aCTIVE@bOOTiMAGE IN ONE DVD.Is it also possible to have this DVD in my USB Hard disk?Thanks and more power. Posted by madar on Feb. 21 2010,05:01
Hi Maverick_37221.For DVD project ,you can not have both vista and windows 7 together you can have just one of them plus XP and other tools.for this work read this topic from post#1 2.You can have xp,vista,win 7 and your other tools in USB flash disk for this job use "balder's" scripts and tutors in link below: < > |