Forum: EasyBoot Topic: SarduBoot CD and EasyBoot started by: slobabgd Posted by slobabgd on Feb. 25 2010,17:17
Hi everyone!Few days ago, I test Sardu app ( < > ) which create multiboot CD/DVD with several antivirus boot discs, couple of Linux Live distros (Austrumi, DSL, Slax...) and few utilities (GParted, UBCD...). When I put folders and files of Sardu ISO in EasyBoot/Disk1 and in EasyBoot menu type bootinfotable:run sardu.bif (created by UltraISO), everything works fine. But if I create DVD (or ISO) with miniPE, ERD Commander 6.5, Hiren 10 etc + Sardu, when I try to run sardu, then boot Slax! Sardu is isolinux - based disc. Here is list of files and folders in root of my disc: CODE ADDITIONALAPPS\ antivir\ austrumi\ avupdate\ bases\ boot\ boot.images\ bootdisk\ DOCUMENTS\ dosapps\ DrWeb\ dsl\ EFI\ EZBOOT\ gparted\ HBCD\ I386\ images\ kav_rescue\ KNOPPIX\ limp\ menu\ menus\ nimblex\ ntpasswd\ NTpwd\ ophcrack\ PartitionWizard\ pmagic\ PROGRAMS\ PSTART\ puppy\ safecd\ slax\ sources\ SRCD\ tables\ tools\ website\ AUTORUN.ICO autorun.inf bootmgr BOOTSECT.BIN cdrom.ico chain.c32 hdt.c32 HIREN ON WIN.BAT image.squashfs isolinux.bin isolinux.cfg leggimi.txt License.txt livecd memdisk memtestp.imz menu.c32 PSTART.EXE PStart.ico PSTART.xml readme.txt reboot.c32 sardu.jpg SARDU - Shardana Antivirus Rescue Disk Utility.url sbm.cbt splashpw.jpg sysrcd.dat TestDisk.imz vesamenu.c32 WIN51IP WIN51IP.SP1 WINBOM.INI ============= Problem solved! My fault, I was call submenu instead main menu in command "bootinfotable:run sardu.bif" |