Forum: EasyBoot
Topic: Universal Microsoft Diagnostic and Repair Tool Set
started by: MrParker

Posted by MrParker on Feb. 28 2010,22:10
I would like to make a Universal Microsoft Diagnostic and Repair Tool Set (MDaRT)
This is basically ERD for XP 32b, XP 64b, 2000 32b, 2000 64b, 2003 32b, 2003 64b, vista 32b, vista 64b 2008 32 bit, 2008 64b, 7 32b, 7 64b, 2008 R2 32b, 2008 R2 64b. it consists of 6 ISO images.
Info: ERD was bought by Microsoft, and named MDaRT, that's why the last EDR was in 2007.
CD #1 for XP, 2000, and Server 2003 32Bit.
CD #2 for XP, 2000, and Server 2003 64Bit.
CD #3 for Vista and Server 2008 32Bit.
CD #4 for Vista and Server 2008 64Bit.
CD #5 for 7 and Server 2008 R2 32Bit.
CD #5 for 7 and Server 2008 R2 64Bit.
problem is the XP CD's have the same directory structure, and the vista and 7 CD's have the same directory structure.
that's my problem.

here's what I've tried.
BCDW /ezboot/xp32.iso
BCDW /ezboot/xp64.iso
BCDW /ezboot/V32.iso
BCDW /ezboot/V64.iso
BCDW /ezboot/732.iso
BCDW /ezboot/764.iso
Doesn't work
any help would be appreciated, thanks

Posted by madar on Mar. 01 2010,04:04

you can get some helps from link below:
<;f=1;t=3040 >

Posted by balder on Mar. 01 2010,15:28

Suggestion by madar works fine (as usually :D ) but only covers two of your wanted options.

You can test my scripts (scroll down to “Welcome to my web site here”) to integrate all those different ERD-PE-systems.

CD #1 for XP, 2000, and Server 2003 32Bit. Use script “EasyBoot-Live.script”
CD #2 for XP, 2000, and Server 2003 64Bit. Use script “EasyBoot-Live.script”
Note: For above you must extract folder i386 and ident files win51 etcetera to some temporary folder

CD #3 for Vista and Server 2008 32Bit. Use script “EasyBoot-ISO.script”
CD #4 for Vista and Server 2008 64Bit. Use script “EasyBoot-ISO.script”
CD #5 for 7 and Server 2008 R2 32Bit. Use script “EasyBoot-ISO.script”
CD #5 for 7 and Server 2008 R2 64Bit. Use script “EasyBoot-ISO.script”                
Note1: You do not need to extract anything from above different ISO-files if using “EasyBoot-ISO.script”. ISO-file is launched as it is using grub loader.
Note2: I presume that ISO-file is based on Vista\Win7 (inside ISO-file you have folders like: boot, EFI, sources and file bootmgr).

Attention :O  As my script is used for solutions above, I recommend you to run this script in WinXP, as this is a more “free system” – without all stupid security latches that Vista/Win-7 is overcrowded with :angry:


Posted by MrParker on Mar. 02 2010,12:11
balder, Your script works perfect, Thank you.  :)
Posted by MrParker on Mar. 03 2010,13:27
Another note:
1st: You Rock.
2nd: I ran your script on windows 7 64Bit with no security issues.

However: I may have already disabled security prompts that may interfere(cut thru the crap) with your script. ?

Posted by balder on Mar. 03 2010,14:25

Quote: ”1st: You Rock.” He, he that was a nice one :D
”2nd: I ran your script on windows 7 64Bit with no security issues.” Even better :laugh:

Quote: “However: I may have already disabled security prompts that may interfere(cut thru the crap) with your script. ?” Yes, this may bee the case for you ???  

Note: There is no way script can make any changes to your “security latches” in your OP-system – no way. However, problems that been discovered during development of different scripts pointed me to how sensitive this Vista\Win7 OP-systems are when script(s) is run in this environment (comparing to WinXP). Here is an example:

In many of my script you may need to set path to - let’s say – folder EasyBoot. If you run script in WinXP and you set path like this: “C:\easyboot\” it works fine in WinXP. But if you do the same in Vista or Win7 script fails completely. In Vista and Win7 you must use this path: “C:\easyboot” – so this slash “\” stop script from working correctly in Vista\Win7 – such things really makes me maaaaaad :angry: . You may call it a bug – but I name it with “unspeakable” words :cool:  (not to be used in this forum I guess).

Note: I have today updated EasyBoot-ISO.script to launch ISO-file from RAM using “Fira-disk”-solution. This means that you can launch ISO-files from ERD5, ERD7, Reatogo or BartPE – basically any “Live-PE”-ISO that uses folder i386 as base. You do not need to extract and then hex edit anything – you can run ISO directly from RAM instead – this is a big improvement if I may say.

Again – thanks for doing this tests of script – because I do not use Vista\Win7 as primary OP-system. Vista is used as my “hate object” when I’m mad, and second “hate object” is Win7. But – he, he - I’m working on to reduce my “hate” to Win7 for future use – I guess that I one day must migrate to Win7 (that will be the day….).

Regards balder