Forum: EasyBoot
Topic: Problem With WinMiniPE on USB
started by: mosulii

Posted by mosulii on Jan. 16 2010,03:23
Hi all
i have a multi boot have 16 deffirents boots
and all it work on CD successfully, but when i boot it from USB flash disk only the windows miniPE did not work, it's loading and freaze on logo screen.
please any one can help me

MiniPE (2k5.09.03) XT
Command : run pe.bin
in disk1 i have i386 folder for windows files and all boot file in EZBOOT folder

Posted by balder on Jan. 16 2010,03:55

Quote: ”the windows miniPE did not work”

To help you I need some more information :O  

1. What kind of “miniPE” is this ???
2. What menu command did you use in EasyBoot menu ???
3. What is the structure in folder disk1 (very important) ???


Posted by balder on Jan. 16 2010,08:01

Quote: “in disk1 i have i386 folder for windows files and all boot file in EZBOOT folder”

If I understand you right here: You created ISO in EasyBoot (which works fine from CD). You then in some way want it to launch from USB. Correct ???

But how did you managed to transfer this to USB ???

Did you use my script - easyboot-usb.script - to launch EasyBoot-ISO-file from USB  :;):  
Or what process did you use to manage this :O

And finally – please show structure of USB (very important)


Posted by mosulii on Jan. 20 2010,04:56
yes , i use yur script "easyboot-usb.script " but again did not work
Posted by balder on Jan. 20 2010,08:17

You cannot launch such ”Live”-system this way :O  as the ”root” is lost. Root is disk1 in easyboot.

You have to use the “minint”-approach. Copy folder i386 and possible program-folder to the root of USB and then rename folder i386 to minint. Delete folder i386 in disk1 - you do not have any use for it there if using EasyBoot-ISO from USB.

You have to create a grub-kicker-image that you launch as usual from easyboot menu:  run XXX.img  
Use easyboot-usb.scipt as usual.
This start grub-kicker-image that then launch setupldr.bin inside folder minint on USB.

Creating grub-kicker-image is done with my script “EasyBoot kicker-image”.

Put in this command-lines in script “EasyBoot kicker-image”:

find --set-root /minint/SETUPLDR.BIN
chainloader /minint/SETUPLDR.BIN


Posted by mosulii on Mar. 22 2010,13:31
i am tired from tryings, but all go wind
Posted by balder on Mar. 22 2010,14:56

You can use easyboot-iso.script to solve this issue - You use the created ISO (MiniPE (2k5.09.03) XT) as it is (not extracting any folder).

Note: Check “Run from RAM” in script when you integrate ISO-file (read in help in script). And as ISO-file is loaded to RAM you need a lot of RAM – at least in this case 1GB recommended.
