Forum: EasyBoot Topic: allgames71 started by: allgames71 Posted by allgames71 on Apr. 09 2010,16:26
I've download the Partition Wizard 5.0 Fee CD Version ISO. I don't know to boot this from EasyBoot. I've try to boot it's bif by command "bcd /ezboot/pw5.bif". Also I've try to extract all files to EasyBoot\disk1 and by command "run pw5.bif" ; it's all fail. In the ISO , it's got only one folder "Boot" , the content as folldw :IOSLINUX (Folder) BOOT.CAT ISOLINUX.BIN ISOLINUX.CFG SPASH.JPG VESAMENU.C32 BZIMAGE tinycore.gz X86.IMG |