Forum: EasyBoot
Topic: Factory.exe Netrwork Error
started by: zia abbas

Posted by zia abbas on Apr. 05 2010,07:58
Hi all,

guys hows ya.

Hi balder hows ya.

Balder I have converted erd ISO to ISO.gz and put the file on to usb under ISO folder and put en try into menu.lst to point the iso file via firadisk.

Now the ERD goes very well but only one thing, I get error Factory.exe Failed to Install network adaptor check winbom.ini... (I belive this is because ERD failed to recognize LAN CARd and failed to get drivers seems..

please help.


Posted by balder on Apr. 05 2010,08:33
@ zia abbas

Quote: “I get error Factory.exe Failed to Install network adaptor check winbom.ini...”

Please, test to run ERD from a plain CD-RW and report back if Factory.exe can find your network adaptor this way ???

Report back your results… :cool:

Regards balder

Posted by sirius98 on Apr. 13 2010,14:12
... plain CD-RW doesn't help
Posted by balder on Apr. 13 2010,14:19

Quote: ”plain CD-RW doesn't help”

This problem with “winbom.ini” (Failed to Install network adaptor) is far from new – in fact – it is if not common, so at least not an uncommon problem. It’s not related to my script - it’s related to ERD which ”plain CD-RW doesn't help” proofs.
I guess you have to skip network connection on those computers that ERD can’t find driver for (driver for network adaptor) ???
