Forum: EasyBoot
Topic: 8 items limited on USB boot
started by: allgames71

Posted by allgames71 on Apr. 23 2010,16:42
I've made a USB stick with 10 items bootable. But when boot ; on the Penguin animated wallpaper , I can only see 8 items that I can choose. The rest of the 2 items can't be found.

How can it be shown when more then 8 items ?

Posted by balder on Apr. 23 2010,19:20

Quote: ”How can it be shown when more then 8 items?”

Using “GFX”-thems limit visible menu titles to (normally) only 8 titles - it can be changed but is limited by used screen-resolution in theme – so it’s pointless to change (hack) this.

However, use arrow-keys to the right on your keyboard (in this case “down-arrow-key” to show “hided” menu titles - and of course “up-arrow-key” to make the first 8 menu lines visible again).

Note: you can also jump to a “sub-menu” (a menu for let’s say “format-tools”) – it looks like this:

title jump to format tools menu
find --set-root /format.lst
configfile  /format.lst

Above jump to a menu with the name “format.lst”
I can jump back to main menu (start menu) with this title command:

title jump to main menu (start menu)
find --set-root /menu.lst
configfile  /menu.lst

Or I can jump to a third menu (in this case a “setup-menu” for let’s say WinXP and Win7:

title jump to setup-menu (setup WinXP and Win7)
find --set-root /setup.lst
configfile  /setup.lst

In your “sub-menu” you can use colours (avoiding the “Penguin” theme).
Put this lines on the very top of menu:

color black/cyan yellow/cyan
color black/cyan yellow/cyan
timeout 10
default 0

I guess that you most likely can use at least 20 titles if avoiding “GFX”-thems, if you choose to only use “standard –colour” interface :)

But my personally choice is to “jump” to EasyBoot menu as fast as possible, as it use much nicer backgrounds (that I can choose and manipulate easily) and not to forget - but best of all, the capacity to use memdisk to fire off NT5-ISO-files directly, using my “kicker-images” (and in same time have USB-2 speed activated - if needed). It is only EasyBoot that can handle this – as far as I know :laugh:

However – the choice is of course in the end yours, allgames71 :;):

Regards balder

Posted by allgames71 on Apr. 24 2010,15:09
Hello balder

Thanks for your reply. I can understand what you mean by jump list, submenu and return menu. But I don't know how to apply it on my menu.lst

My menu.lst is like this :

default 0
timeout 10
gfxmenu = /wallpaper/boot.gfx.gz

title DOS Utilities
map --mem /IMAGES/dos.img.gz (fd0)
map --hook
chainloader (fd0)+1
rootnoverify (fd0)

title Partition Wizard 5.0
find --set-root --ignore-floppies /iso/pwhe5.iso
map /iso/pwhe5.iso (hd32)
map --hook
chainloader (hd32)

title RXPE 2008
find --set-root --ignore-floppies /iso/rxpe.iso
map /iso/rxpe.iso (hd32)
map --hook
chainloader (hd32)

title Acronis Universal Restore 9.7
find --set-root --ignore-floppies /iso/aur97.iso
map /iso/aur97.iso (hd32)
map --hook
chainloader (hd32)

title Easeus Disk Copy 2.3
find --set-root --ignore-floppies /iso/edc.iso
map /iso/edc.iso (hd32)
map --hook
chainloader (hd32)

title Setup XP SP3 (All)
find --set-root --ignore-floppies /iso/xp.iso
map /iso/xp.iso (hd32)
map --hook
chainloader (hd32)

title Windows 7 Recovery Disk
find --set-root --ignore-floppies /iso/win7re.iso
map /iso/win7re.iso (hd32)
map --hook
chainloader (hd32)

title CopyWipe
find --set-root --ignore-floppies /iso/wipe.iso
map /iso/wipe.iso (hd32)
map --hook
chainloader (hd32)

title BitDefenderRescueCD_v2.0.0_3_08_2009
find --set-root --ignore-floppies /iso/defender.iso
map /iso/defender.iso (hd32)
map --hook
chainloader (hd32)

title Harddisk Dignostic (New)
map --mem /IMAGES/hddn.img.gz (fd0)
map --hook
chainloader (fd0)+1
rootnoverify (fd0)

title Harddisk Dignostic (Old)
map --mem /IMAGES/hddo.img.gz (fd0)
map --hook
chainloader (fd0)+1
rootnoverify (fd0)

It's about 10 or may be more later. So how can I apply your jump and submenu and return menu method to add into my menu.lst

According to your instruction :

title jump to format tools menu
find --set-root /format.lst
configfile  /format.lst

It already engaged a title item already. So to make it less than 8 items.

I understand "format tools" is a group of different titles in it. But how can I do this in my menu.lst

Oh , do you mean to write the menu.lst this way :

jump to format tools ....... create a "format.lst" that inclues :

color black/cyan yellow/cyan
color black/cyan yellow/cyan
timeout 10
default 0

title format 1

title format 2

title format 3

title jump to main menu (start menu)
find --set-root /menu.lst
configfile  /menu.lst

Posted by balder on Apr. 24 2010,16:15

Sorry if explanation wasn’t that clear… :(
He, he I to have my “bad days” :cool:

Quote:  My menu.lst is like this :

default 0
timeout 10
gfxmenu = /wallpaper/boot.gfx.gz

title DOS Utilities
map --mem /IMAGES/dos.img.gz (fd0)
map --hook
chainloader (fd0)+1
rootnoverify (fd0)


Example: Create a menu with following titles (look below) and save this menu as “utilities.lst”

default 0
timeout 10
gfxmenu = /wallpaper/boot.gfx.gz

title Partition Wizard 5.0
find --set-root --ignore-floppies /iso/pwhe5.iso
map /iso/pwhe5.iso (hd32)
map --hook
chainloader (hd32)

title RXPE 2008
find --set-root --ignore-floppies /iso/rxpe.iso
map /iso/rxpe.iso (hd32)
map --hook
chainloader (hd32)

title Acronis Universal Restore 9.7
find --set-root --ignore-floppies /iso/aur97.iso
map /iso/aur97.iso (hd32)
map --hook
chainloader (hd32)

title Easeus Disk Copy 2.3
find --set-root --ignore-floppies /iso/edc.iso
map /iso/edc.iso (hd32)
map --hook
chainloader (hd32)

title jump back to main menu (start menu)
find --set-root /menu.lst
configfile  /menu.lst

#This last title makes it possible to jump back to “main menu” (main menu for grub is menu.lst). Note: as there only are 5 entries in menu above, no title is hided in this case.
Now insert to original menu.lst following title

title jump to utilities menu (menu for my disk tools)
find --set-root /utilities.lst
configfile /utilities.lst

You can now jump from start menu (menu.lst) to your “utilities.lst” (your menu for disk tools) and back to “main menu” that always is menu.lst
Note: You can also jump from “utilities.lst” menu to a second or a third sub menu – there are basically no limits – except you fantasy :)

Regards balder

Posted by allgames71 on Apr. 24 2010,17:07
Hello balder

Thanks for your reply. I've to apologize for my impatient as I've figure out what you mean then submenu and return menu mean , I should test before I post that I don't understand how to apply to my menu.lst

Before your reply , I manage to solve my menu.lst and submenu with return menu. It's actually easy with no problem. That's why I apologize to waste your time to reply. I', sorry.

Now I've a menu.lst , livecd.lst and harddisk.lst :

default 0
timeout 10
gfxmenu = /wallpaper/boot.gfx.gz

title DOS Utilities
map --mem /IMAGES/dos.img.gz (fd0)
map --hook
chainloader (fd0)+1
rootnoverify (fd0)

title Partition Wizard, RXPE 2008, Acronis, Diskcopy
find --set-root /livecd.lst
configfile  /livecd.lst

title Windows 7 Recovery Disk
find --set-root --ignore-floppies /iso/win7re.iso
map /iso/win7re.iso (hd32)
map --hook
chainloader (hd32)

title CopyWipe
find --set-root --ignore-floppies /iso/wipe.iso
map /iso/wipe.iso (hd32)
map --hook
chainloader (hd32)

title BitDefenderRescueCD_v2.0.0_3_08_2009
find --set-root --ignore-floppies /iso/defender.iso
map /iso/defender.iso (hd32)
map --hook
chainloader (hd32)

title Harddisk Diagnostic
find --set-root /harddisk.lst
configfile  /harddisk.lst

color black/cyan yellow/cyan
color black/cyan yellow/cyan
timeout 10
default 0

title Partition Wizard 5.0
find --set-root --ignore-floppies /iso/pwhe5.iso
map /iso/pwhe5.iso (hd32)
map --hook
chainloader (hd32)

title RXPE 2008
find --set-root --ignore-floppies /iso/rxpe.iso
map /iso/rxpe.iso (hd32)
map --hook
chainloader (hd32)

title Acronis Universal Restore 9.7
find --set-root --ignore-floppies /iso/aur97.iso
map /iso/aur97.iso (hd32)
map --hook
chainloader (hd32)

title Easeus Disk Copy 2.3
find --set-root --ignore-floppies /iso/edc.iso
map /iso/edc.iso (hd32)
map --hook
chainloader (hd32)

title Back to Main Menu
find --set-root /menu.lst
configfile  /menu.lst

color black/cyan yellow/cyan
color black/cyan yellow/cyan
timeout 10
default 0

title Harddisk Dignostic (New)
map --mem /IMAGES/hddn.img.gz (fd0)
map --hook
chainloader (fd0)+1
rootnoverify (fd0)

title Harddisk Dignostic (Old)
map --mem /IMAGES/hddo.img.gz (fd0)
map --hook
chainloader (fd0)+1
rootnoverify (fd0)

title Back to Main Menu
find --set-root /menu.lst
configfile  /menu.lst

They are fine and 100% work. Again thanks balder

Posted by balder on Apr. 25 2010,04:50

Quote: ”They are fine and 100% work”
Great – you are quick to learn :laugh:

However – some critical points from me - hope you are not offended – take it with a positive approach :;):

The USB-approach:
I notice that you do not have entrance for “Launch support for USB2.0” that still can be needed to plenty of computers.
But if taking advantage of this USB-2 and you want to use Live-systems (ISO-files) based on NT-5 (typically: BartPE, ERD5, ERD7 or Reatogo or similar) you for sure can use “grub menu” to launch these Live-systems (ISO-files), but these most likely then fails to run if you have in step before, activated “support for USB2.0”.
Attention! These Live-systems must be launched from EasyBoot (use memdisk in EasyBoot that launch a “grub-kicker-image”). But NT6-systems work okay (I notice you used such one).

Secondly: Acronis Universal Restore 9.7.ISO can most likely be integrated into EasyBoot from the beginning. Test this:

Copy acronis ISO-file to folder ezboot and use this menu command in EasyBoot: bcdw /ezboot/acrorest.iso  (I have changed the name of ISO to a shorter name).
Now if using created EasyBoot-ISO-file from USB you don’t need to copy anything any where that is related to acronis ISO-file - as it is launched with a internal run command (bcdw).  

Third: The point with involving grub is to improve EasyBoot capacity to:

1. Use EasyBoot from USB (this is in my opinion a great step forward)
2. To increase capacity in EasyBoot to launch all kinds of ISO-files directly (another in my opinion great step forward)

I repeat: hope you are not offended
I noticed this file: dos.img.gz
This file can easily be launched from inside of EasyBoot: memdisk dos.img.gz
In this way you don’t need to copy dos.img.gz to USB manually, as it already is in EasyBoot-ISO-file.

Note: You can also jump from EasyBoot menu back to any menu.lst (“sub-menu” as well) using a “grub-kicker-image” and then again launch EasyBoot-ISO to come back to EasyBoot menu – there are no limits

This has been a really nice discussion (at least from my point of view – hope you take it the same :;): ).

At this point I hope you understand what MY “main point” is - which is to increase EasyBoot capacity by use a “third-party-tool” in form of grub.

My regards :)

Posted by allgames71 on Apr. 25 2010,13:48
Hello balder

Thanks for all your suggestions. Before I don't know what is “Launch support for USB2.0” , and all my programs can be launched successfully. So I think it may not be useful to me. Thanks for your reminding. I can understand what your “main point” is. Thanks for your time.

Again. I've to end up this topic here. Thanks again , balder.