Forum: EasyBoot
Topic: Help about Turkish chars
started by: ZEUS__

Posted by ZEUS__ on May 05 2010,23:43
I made a multiboot iso with easyboot and gave a try with virtual machine. but as you see on screen shot, Turkish chars are incorrect.

It should be;
Kur, Windows'u baslatiyor.

I made an iso with n-lite and it was good. why do this happen? anyone would help me please.
thanks in advance.

Posted by ZEUS__ on May 13 2010,10:21
no one?
Posted by balder on May 13 2010,10:29

Check that you have file ”lang_tr.dll” in folder EasyBoot\lang (I guess this dll-file is related to Turkish chars).

Unfortunately I cannot help you much more with this issue :(


Posted by ZEUS__ on May 14 2010,08:47
hi @balder, yeap I have ”lang_tr.dll” in folder EasyBoot\lang..

nothing could do for this issue? :(