Forum: EasyBoot
Topic: Multiple iso files on one DVD???
started by: e51v50h

Posted by e51v50h on May 17 2010,17:05
Hello all!!

I have been trying to do some research on how to take all 8 of my Fisher Price Cool School games (I have them on disk, as .iso files, and I have the extracted files from the .iso as well) that I bought for my kids all on 1 dvd so that I don't have to keep putting in one disk at a time and loading them on all of our computers in different rooms.

I am basicly wanting a menu driven dvd, or dvd dl that will allow me to either install all of them at one time or just install one at a time with a simple menu.

I would really appreciate any help that you can give me.

I am not at all familiar with this process but I am pretty computer savvy.

Thanks a million!!


Posted by balder on May 18 2010,00:52

As this looks to be you first post in this forum I say welcome @e51v50h :)

Well this “Fisher Price games” is launched (installed) from a running Windows system, and not from “BOOT” :O
Note: EasyBoot is a boot-manager (a powerful boot-manager) that launches software during “BOOT-sequence” and is not designed to run Win32-bit executables :;):

I think you are looking for something like this < HERE >

I found some freeware < HERE >

However you are most welcome to ask any question regarding “boot-problem” :D  - as I cannot (as far as I know) help you with your initial issue – sorry :(


Posted by e51v50h on May 18 2010,07:54
Thank you very much for replying!!  :D

I will try those links out. I guess i was a lil off track with what I was trying to do, thanks for steering me in the right direction!!
