Forum: EasyBoot Topic: How to put Penguin gif on cd boot started by: allgames71 Posted by allgames71 on May 15 2010,07:56
The usb thumb drive boot gif wallpaper , Penguin, is very funny and nice. I like it very much. But how can I place in on cd/dvd boot.As now the cd/dvd boot can have only the self-design wallpaer and not moving. Can I change it to usb thumb drive one with gif Penguin boot wallpaper ? Thanks Posted by allgames71 on May 15 2010,08:00
If gif Penguin can be placed on cd/dvd, then the items view number will be limited to 8 items.So how to set submenu on cd/dvd like usb thumb drive menu. Thanks Posted by balder on May 15 2010,15:57
@allgames71Quote: "So how to set submenu on cd/dvd like usb thumb drive menu" I know how to fix this ![]() As you already know I'm a typically "script-freak" ![]() I’ll see if I can create a script to have it done automatically (can take some ours to create this script– have patience) Regards balder Posted by allgames71 on May 15 2010,16:53
Hello balderOf course you have this power, I know it's just the thing how you are going to make it automatic and easy for everyone. But would you mind to tell me , can I have the gif Penguin usb drive wallpaper on the cd/dvd ? Thanks Posted by balder on May 15 2010,19:02
@allgames71Quote: "can I have the gif Penguin usb drive wallpaper on the cd/dvd ?" Yes I think you can ![]() Do a new download of the whole package of scripts. Copy folder “WinBuilder_complete” to the root of C:\ You shall always work from the “root”. There i now a new script: easyboot-grub-iso.script to play with ![]() Script is rather self-explaining – it shouldn’t be any problem to use it. Note1: I haven’t tested created ISO in “reality” (from a CD/DVD) that’s where you come in @allgames71. So test and see if penguin shows up. Note2: The used internal menu.lst-file has a modified boot-command to start from harddisk (jump from CD/DVD-unit to first harddisk first partition) I’m unsure if I have put in the right command. But as I also have built-in possibility to use an external menu.lst we can figure out the right menu command to start from harddisk using this external menu.lst to the right menu command is used. However it’s possible it works at once ![]() Note3: There is also a built-in test for ISO-file (Qemu). When script creates a new ISO it automatically ask you in the end of process, if test shell be run to created ISO. You can launch different ISO-file(s) manually as well. Support for up to 512 MB RAM in test ![]() Regards balder Posted by balder on May 16 2010,16:23
@allgames71I have updated script easyboot-grub-iso.script ![]() It is now more versatile. Here are the changes: · You can choose “Joliet”, “Allow lower Case” and “Rockridge” as option for ISO. Note: Test checking “Rockridge”. · You can choose to insert your own personalized “menu.lst”-file (replacing internal menu.lst). Put your personalized “menu.lst” in folder “ISO” in “WinBuilder_complete”. Note: script automatically scan for presence of “menu.lst” in folder ISO in “WinBuilder_complete” – and if found – it use this external file · You can choose to have EasyBoot-ISO-file integrated or avoid integration of this ISO-file. This means you can create a plain ISO-file with “penguin” and have whatever you like on CD/DVD using only menu.lst as menu. · You can integrate files and folders to ISO-build. Put files and folder(s) in folder “ISO” in “WinBuilder_complete” · Script has built-in test facility to test ISO-files. During creation of new ISO, script automatically asks you if you like to test created ISO-file. · Built-in test facility support both 256 MB RAM as 512 MB RAM during test. · Help file under construction - I’ll see if I can get less lazy ![]() Do a new download of the whole package of scripts. Copy folder “WinBuilder_complete” to the root of C:\ You shall always work from the “root”. You now have a new script: easyboot-grub-iso.script to play with. You are recommended to use CD-RW when testing created ISO, as we are in a kind of “beta-situation” for this script - and I have no idea if this script creates a correct ISO-file ![]() EDIT: Found a bug in easyboot-grub-iso.script (sorry) Do a new download of the whole package of scripts. Regards balder Posted by allgames71 on May 18 2010,16:26
Hello balderThanks for building a new "easyboot-grub-iso.script". I think I'll try this with most of my time. And I'll response as soon as I can. Thanks a lot Posted by allgames71 on May 18 2010,18:16
Hello balderI've test easyboot-grub-iso.script which is very successful. I've made a Easyboot CD already before. I again complie in Easyboot to become a new "mycd.iso", then I use the new "easyboot-grub-iso.script" to make it. It turns out exactly the same as my before cd. The only difference is ... it starts up with the gif Penguin wallaper first, then my Easyboot menu, that's really ideal and easy. You really have a great invention and it's really helpful to all others, I really admire your effort. But again, balder, my old problem comes up again. That the "RXPE" that I've mentioned about on my usb thumb drive making before. With exactly the same result on usb making ..... You can simply test it like this : 1. download the RXPE 2. use ultraiso to extract "OUTTOOL", "RXPE", BOOTFONT.BIN, RXPE.IM_ and RXPE.SIF to C:\EasyBoot\disk1 . Extract boot file to C:\EasyBoot\disk1\EZBoot with name xpe.bif 3. use command "run xpe.bif" When test the "mycd.iso", it works fine with all the programs in the "start menu". But when complied "mycd.iso" by "easyboot-grub-iso.script" , like before in usb thumb drive, all the programs in the "start menu" disappeared. You have showed up how to solve this problem before in 3 ways, they succeeded either. But failed even I use the same way on cd making. Please help, thanks. Posted by balder on May 19 2010,14:51
@allgames71About the “xpe-problem” ![]() You did this: 1. use ultraiso to extract "OUTTOOL", "RXPE", BOOTFONT.BIN, RXPE.IM_ and RXPE.SIF to C:\EasyBoot\disk1 . 2. Extract boot file to C:\EasyBoot\disk1\EZBoot with name xpe.bif Use command "run xpe.bif" Quote: “When test the "mycd.iso", it works fine with all the programs in the "start menu". But when complied "mycd.iso" by "easyboot-grub-iso.script" , like before in usb thumb drive, all the programs in the "start menu" disappeared.” You have forgot a fundamental thing here ![]() THE ROOT OF “EASYBOOT-GRUB-ISO.SCRIPT” IS FOLDER “ISO” IN “WINBUILDER_COMPLETE” - he, he sorry for “screaming high” ![]() In fact – you have no use for the folder "OUTTOOL" in EasyBoot\disk1 when using easyboot-grub-iso.script. The same for USB. Copy folder "OUTTOOL" to the "root"! Note: This is important! When you finally have ISO created by "easyboot-grub-iso.script" and you got it working – make USB device bootable (you can use a simple floppy image just to get grub boot-mbr to the USB device). Then copy everything from inside of folder “ISO” in WinBuilder_complete as folder “ISO” in there is the ROOT for USB as well. Overwrite menu.lst on USB with the one you copy from folder “ISO” in WinBuilder_complete. Using this method with “easyboot-grub-iso.script is a step forward - we get as bonus - the “real root” which is automatically in folder “ISO” in Winbuilder_complete”. To integrating to USB, we simply copy everything from inside of this folder “ISO” – and that’s all we need to do However you most likely need to run defrag to the USB, to avoid this: "Error 60: File for drive emulation must be in one contiguous disk area" ![]() Final note: If using built-in test facility in script (qemu) take attention to that qemu is very slow in its respons (take minutes sometime to get a “system” up and run) – in fact, it happens I think the computers has “died”, but qemu is not any “greyhound” ![]() Regards balder Posted by allgames71 on May 19 2010,17:37
Hello balderI successfully made the RXPE work with gif Penguin at the start. Thanks a lot for this. According to your post, I can see you really have spent a lot of time on this topic. I really appreciate that and thanks a lot for your effort. Now I have to end up this topic. Again thanks and thanks. Posted by balder on May 19 2010,17:41
@allgames71Read post nr:9 ![]() Regards balder |