Forum: EasyBoot Topic: Multiboot with XP Pro and XP Home Error started by: stevekong04 Posted by stevekong04 on May 23 2010,13:52
Hi, having problems. Wonder if experts can help.These are the steps I have done, Correct me if I am wrong. I have working bootable iso of XP Pro and Home. Using Ultra ISO, as seen in the forum, I extracted first XP Home, created the boot file, XPH.bif in c:\easyboot\disk1\ezboot\XPH.bif' and all other files in c:\easyboot\disk1\XPH. And I 'run XPH.bif' as command to load it. Likewise, I did the same for XP Pro, naming XPP.bif and all other files in c:\easyboot\disk1\ezboot\XPP.bif' and run XPP.bif as command. And I created the iso thru EazyBoot. However I get error during the boot up process when it says cannot load or cannot find xxx something like that. However, if I created single boot iso for each XP thru Ezyboot, where all the files are dump in c:\easyboot\disk1\ it works perfectly. I believe the error lies in the c:\easyboot\disk1\XPH and XPP folder I created . Is there something like a hex editor where I can edit the XPH.bif and XPP.bif so that it can boot from the files in XPH and XPP folders ? If I were to dump all files into c:\easyboot\disk1, some files will override each other. I doubt this will work. Experts, please advise !! Posted by balder on May 23 2010,14:27
@stevekong04As this seems to be you first post in this forum I say welcome ![]() Quote: “I doubt this will work” It works ![]() However, you cannot use “your method” as it doesn’t work ![]() You have to do some hex editing and make changes in other files as well. Or - you can instead use my script “easyboot-aio.script” to do it automatically. ATTENTION! PLEASE READ HELP (PUSH HELP-BUTTON) IN EACH SCRIPT. Yes I know – I’m shouting – seems necessary each time – as a lot of folks refuse to read help carefully – why this behaviour I don’t know ![]() You have download link below in every post I write (Download complete set of scripts .....................) Please – read also “READ_ME.html” in downloaded folder “balder” ![]() balder Posted by stevekong04 on May 23 2010,14:34
Hi balder, thanks for your PROMPT reply. I am impressed ! I will download your script and try it work. Wish me luck !!
Posted by stevekong04 on May 23 2010,14:46
Eh balder, sorry to trouble you again. I downloaded and it contains winbuilder_complete. How to use this . Is it relevent ? And where can I find your easyboot-aio.script ?
Posted by balder on May 23 2010,15:02
@stevekong04Quote: “How to use this” Copy folder “WinBuilder_complete" to the root [C:\] Inside downloaded folder “balder” you also have a “READ_ME.html” start READ_ME.html and find information how to handle scripts. balder Posted by stevekong04 on May 24 2010,03:33
Hi Balder, having problems with easy-boot-aio script.Let me tell you what I have done. Correct me if I have done wrong. I extracted from created XP Home CD all files to c:\XPHOME\ Using your Easy Boot Aio script, as per instructions, set new name to folder i386, I gave XPHE. Why 4 capital letters, I still don't know but not important. Scroll to where i386 is, I point to c:\XPHOME\i386 On the right, I choose to provide my own winnt.sif, I point to c:\XPHOME\i386 where the winnt.sif is located. When I click START process, error occurs, Source-Folder i386 cannot be found !! Why like that ? I followed your readme.html file, but no solution. Please help. Thanks. Posted by balder on May 24 2010,03:53
@stevekong04He, he good morning @stevekong04 Quote: “Why 4 capital letters” How many letters (numerical as well) is it in the folder name “I386” ![]() I’ll say four – and to change this we need four different letters (numerical as well if you like) And yes – must be capital letters ![]() Quote: “Source-Folder i386 cannot be found” I quote from instruction above scroll-box: "Scroll to where folder i386 is, don't open folder i386. Don't use CD/DVD as source" It’s obviously that you have opened folder i386 ![]() Only point to folder - right path in your case is therefore: “c:\XPHOME” and not this c:\XPHOME\i386 and in fact not even this c:\XPHOME\ This is what happens in your case: Script try to find folder i386 but you point to the inside of folder i386 and script is searching and cannot not find any folder i386 inside the folder i386 – that’s what causing you problem. I’m sure you can work it out ![]() Regards balder Posted by stevekong04 on May 24 2010,04:11
Ha ha balder, good morning though it is afternoon here.Ok. Realised my error. Tried again but still problem !! After running the script, error DirMove - Failed to move directory [C:\$WIN_NT$.~BT] to: [C:\EasyBoot\disk1] Errors DirMove - Failed to move directory [C:\$WIN_NT$.~BT] to: [C:\EasyBoot\disk1] I have attached the log below, Warnings Halt %BaseDir% = C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Desktop\balder\winbuilder_complete\ (winbuilder's path is replaced by the variable %basedir% to make the log easier to read) WinBuilder version [075 beta 5] Processing section: [Process] in file: [EasyBoot-AIO] File [%BaseDir%\Projects\LiveXP\EasyBoot\easyboot-aio.script] Version [2] IF - Directory exists: [C:\EasyBoot\disk1\ezboot] evaluated string: [If,NotEXISTDIR,%pFileBox1%\ezboot,Message,Script can not find path to EasyBoot,CONFIRMATION] IF - Directory exists: [C:\EasyBoot\disk1\ezboot] evaluated string: [If,NotEXISTDIR,%pFileBox1%\ezboot,Exit,ExitMessage] IF - Directory exists: [E:\0. XP Home\i386] evaluated string: [If,NotExistDir,"%pFileBox2%\i386",Message,"Source-Folder i386 can not be found ! Please scroll and find folder i386!",WARNING] IF - Directory exists: [E:\0. XP Home\i386] evaluated string: [If,NotExistDir,"%pFileBox2%\i386",Exit,ExitMessage] Checking USB devices IF - Directory exists: [C:\usb_test] evaluated string: [If,NotEXISTDIR,C:\usb_test,DirMake,C:\usb_test] ExtractFile - [ListUsb.exe] to: [C:\usb_test] ExtractAndRun: [%BaseDir%\Projects\LiveXP\EasyBoot\easyboot-aio.script ntfs] Processing section: [delete] From file: [%BaseDir%\Projects\LiveXP\EasyBoot\easyboot-aio.script] TXTReplace - Replaced strings in file: [C:\usb_test\ListDrives.txt] string [MountPoint] with string: [ ] TXTReplace - Replaced strings in file: [C:\usb_test\ListDrives.txt] string [Bus Type] with string: [ ] TXTReplace - Replaced strings in file: [C:\usb_test\ListDrives.txt] string [Device Number] with string: [ ] TXTDelLine - Deleted all corresponding lines in file: [C:\usb_test\ListDrives.txt] string [Drive Type] TXTDelLine - Deleted all corresponding lines in file: [C:\usb_test\ListDrives.txt] string [ListUsbDrives] TXTDelLine - Deleted all corresponding lines in file: [C:\usb_test\ListDrives.txt] string [Lists attached] TXTDelLine - Deleted all corresponding lines in file: [C:\usb_test\ListDrives.txt] string [Freeware by] TXTDelLine - Deleted all corresponding lines in file: [C:\usb_test\ListDrives.txt] string [Current User] TXTDelLine - Deleted all corresponding lines in file: [C:\usb_test\ListDrives.txt] string [LogonType] TXTDelLine - Deleted all corresponding lines in file: [C:\usb_test\ListDrives.txt] string [Member of group] TXTDelLine - Deleted all corresponding lines in file: [C:\usb_test\ListDrives.txt] string [Admin] TXTDelLine - Deleted all corresponding lines in file: [C:\usb_test\ListDrives.txt] string [Volume Label] TXTDelLine - Deleted all corresponding lines in file: [C:\usb_test\ListDrives.txt] string [Volume Size] TXTDelLine - Deleted all corresponding lines in file: [C:\usb_test\ListDrives.txt] string [Volume Name] TXTDelLine - Deleted all corresponding lines in file: [C:\usb_test\ListDrives.txt] string [MultiCardReader] TXTDelLine - Deleted all corresponding lines in file: [C:\usb_test\ListDrives.txt] string [NoMediaNoLetter] TXTDelLine - Deleted all corresponding lines in file: [C:\usb_test\ListDrives.txt] string [Device Types] TXTDelLine - Deleted all corresponding lines in file: [C:\usb_test\ListDrives.txt] string [Drive DevID] TXTDelLine - Deleted all corresponding lines in file: [C:\usb_test\ListDrives.txt] string [Ctrl DevID] TXTDelLine - Deleted all corresponding lines in file: [C:\usb_test\ListDrives.txt] string [Host Controller] TXTDelLine - Deleted all corresponding lines in file: [C:\usb_test\ListDrives.txt] string [Volume DosDevName] TXTDelLine - Deleted all corresponding lines in file: [C:\usb_test\ListDrives.txt] string [Disk DosDevName] TXTDelLine - Deleted all corresponding lines in file: [C:\usb_test\ListDrives.txt] string [Removal Policy] TXTDelLine - Deleted all corresponding lines in file: [C:\usb_test\ListDrives.txt] string [Partition Number] TXTDelLine - Deleted all corresponding lines in file: [C:\usb_test\ListDrives.txt] string [Friendly Name] TXTDelLine - Deleted all corresponding lines in file: [C:\usb_test\ListDrives.txt] string [USB Version] TXTDelLine - Deleted all corresponding lines in file: [C:\usb_test\ListDrives.txt] string [USB Friendl.] TXTDelLine - Deleted all corresponding lines in file: [C:\usb_test\ListDrives.txt] string [USB Serial] TXTDelLine - Deleted all corresponding lines in file: [C:\usb_test\ListDrives.txt] string [USB Port Name] TXTDelEmptyLines - Deleted all empty lines in file: [C:\usb_test\ListDrives.txt] TXTReplace - Replaced strings in file: [C:\usb_test\ListDrives.txt] string [=] with string: [] TXTReplace - Replaced strings in file: [C:\usb_test\ListDrives.txt] string [USB] with string: [[USB]] TXTReplace - Replaced strings in file: [C:\usb_test\ListDrives.txt] string [1] with string: [[1]] TXTReplace - Replaced strings in file: [C:\usb_test\ListDrives.txt] string [2] with string: [[2]] TXTReplace - Replaced strings in file: [C:\usb_test\ListDrives.txt] string [3] with string: [[3]] TXTReplace - Replaced strings in file: [C:\usb_test\ListDrives.txt] string [4] with string: [[4]] TXTReplace - Replaced strings in file: [C:\usb_test\ListDrives.txt] string [5] with string: [[5]] TXTReplace - Replaced strings in file: [C:\usb_test\ListDrives.txt] string [6] with string: [[6]] TXTReplace - Replaced strings in file: [C:\usb_test\ListDrives.txt] string [7] with string: [[7]] TXTReplace - Replaced strings in file: [C:\usb_test\ListDrives.txt] string [8] with string: [[8]] TXTReplace - Replaced strings in file: [C:\usb_test\ListDrives.txt] string [9] with string: [[9]] TXTReplace - Replaced strings in file: [C:\usb_test\ListDrives.txt] string [D:\] with string: [[D:\]] TXTReplace - Replaced strings in file: [C:\usb_test\ListDrives.txt] string [E:\] with string: [[E:\]] TXTReplace - Replaced strings in file: [C:\usb_test\ListDrives.txt] string [F:\] with string: [[F:\]] TXTReplace - Replaced strings in file: [C:\usb_test\ListDrives.txt] string [G:\] with string: [[G:\]] TXTReplace - Replaced strings in file: [C:\usb_test\ListDrives.txt] string [H:\] with string: [[H:\]] TXTReplace - Replaced strings in file: [C:\usb_test\ListDrives.txt] string [I:\] with string: [[I:\]] TXTReplace - Replaced strings in file: [C:\usb_test\ListDrives.txt] string [J:\] with string: [[J:\]] TXTReplace - Replaced strings in file: [C:\usb_test\ListDrives.txt] string [K:\] with string: [[K:\]] TXTReplace - Replaced strings in file: [C:\usb_test\ListDrives.txt] string [L:\] with string: [[L:\]] TXTDelSpaces - Deleted all blank spaces in file: [C:\usb_test\ListDrives.txt] Processed section [delete] in file: [%BaseDir%\Projects\LiveXP\EasyBoot\easyboot-aio.script] IF - Section does not exist [USB] evaluated string: [If,EXISTSECTION,"C:\usb_test\ListDrives.txt","USB",Beep,Asterisk] IF - Section does not exist [USB] evaluated string: [If,EXISTSECTION,"C:\usb_test\ListDrives.txt","USB",Message,Script has found external connected USB device (USB thumbdrive or USB harddisk unit)#$x Please disconnect USB device and run script again!,CONFIRMATION] IF - Section does not exist [USB] evaluated string: [If,EXISTSECTION,"C:\usb_test\ListDrives.txt","USB",Run,%ScriptFile%,overflow] IF - Directory does not exist: [C:\EasyBoot\disk1\XPHE] evaluated string: [If,EXISTDIR,"%pFileBox1%\%pTextBox16%",Message,"Folder %pTextBox16% already exist! Script stopped!",WARNING] IF - Directory does not exist: [C:\EasyBoot\disk1\XPHE] evaluated string: [If,EXISTDIR,"%pFileBox1%\%pTextBox16%",Exit,ExitMessage] Copying boot.ini file DirMake - Directory already exists, ignoring: [%BaseDir%\Temp\bootini] IF - File exists: [C:\boot.ini] evaluated string: [If,EXISTFILE,%noreboot%\boot.ini,FileCopy,%noreboot%\boot.ini,%Temp%\bootini] FileCopy - Copied [C:\boot.ini] to: [%BaseDir%\Temp\bootini] IF - [True] is equal to: [true] evaluated string: [if,%pRadioButton2%,Equal,true,FileCopy,"%pFileBox3%","%Temp%\bootini"] FileCopy - Copied [E:\0. XP Home\I386\WINNT.SIF] to: [%BaseDir%\Temp\bootini] IF - [False] is not equal to: [true] evaluated string: [if,%pRadioButton1%,Equal,true,ExtractFile,%ScriptFile%,Folder1,winnt.sif,%Temp%\bootini] IF - [False] is not equal to: [true] evaluated string: [if,%pRadioButton1%,Equal,true,TXTReplace,"%Temp%\bootini\winnt.sif","ProductID=","ProductID=%pTextBox17%"] Copying files and folders from source IF - Directory does not exist: [C:\$WIN_NT$.~BT] evaluated string: [If,EXISTDIR,"%noreboot%\$WIN_NT$.~BT",DirDelete,"%noreboot%\$WIN_NT$.~BT"] IF - Directory does not exist: [C:\$WIN_NT$.~LS] evaluated string: [If,EXISTDIR,"%noreboot%\$WIN_NT$.~LS",DirDelete,"%noreboot%\$WIN_NT$.~LS"] IF - [False] is equal to: [false] evaluated string: [if,%pCheckBox1%,Equal,false,ShellExecute,hide,"%pFileBox2%\i386\winnt32.exe"," /noreboot /unattend:%Temp%\bootini\winnt.sif"] ShellExecute: [hide] using: [E:\0. XP Home\i386\winnt32.exe] with parameters: [ /noreboot /unattend:%BaseDir%\Temp\bootini\winnt.sif] IF - [False] is not equal to: [true] evaluated string: [if,%pCheckBox1%,Equal,true,ShellExecute,hide,"%pFileBox2%\i386\winnt32.exe"," /noreboot"] IF - File exists: [C:\boot.ini] evaluated string: [If,EXISTFILE,%noreboot%\boot.ini,FileCopy,"%Temp%\bootini\boot.ini","%noreboot%"] FileCopy - Copied [%BaseDir%\Temp\bootini\boot.ini] to: [C:] DirMove - Failed to move directory [C:\$WIN_NT$.~BT] to: [C:\EasyBoot\disk1] Halt Finished processing script: EasyBoot-AIO (easyboot-aio.script) Script time: 2 seconds and 500 miliseconds Script has been sucessfully processed! Please help. It is getting frustrating !! Posted by balder on May 24 2010,04:26
@stevekong04I’m suspicious as I find this “E:\” in the log ![]() Are you sure that you do not point to CD/DVD-unit as source for folder i386. Please clarify that you don not use CD/DVD-unit as source ![]() balder Posted by stevekong04 on May 24 2010,04:31
No, drive E is another harddisk partition and I extracted XP Home CD files to e:\0. XP HomeAnd my CD ROM drive is D. Thanks. Posted by balder on May 24 2010,06:14
@stevekong04Attention there is several spaces in folder name “E:\0. XP Home\i386” Please copy the contents of XP to a folder that do not have spaces in name – like this: XP_HOME or XP-HOME and NOT like this XP HOME and try again Note1: if script halts with same symptom – please check if you have a folder $WIN_NT$.~BT on the root ([C:\]). Make also sure that you do not have – or use – any USB unit (USB harddisk\stick when run script – if so - $WIN_NT$.~BT is copied to this unit instead to the root ([C:\]). balder Posted by stevekong04 on May 24 2010,06:56
Hi balder, thanks for being patient answering my problems.Ok. I have done the following. To make things simpler, I have created a folder, e:\XPHOME, no spacing, no cursor. Dumped all files from XP Home CD to this folder. Run script, no external hardware connected except USB mouse (no concern, right?), BUT same error ocurred. Also there is no $WIN_NT$.~BT folder created in c drive. However, I didn't mention before that when error happened, a Windows help box also appeared. Below is the discription. Windows Help Winnt32 Performs an installation of or upgrade to Windows XP. You can run winnt32 at the command prompt on a computer running Windows 95, Windows 98, Windows Me, Windows NT, Windows 2000, or Windows XP. Syntax winnt32 [/checkupgradeonly] [/cmd:command_line] [/cmdcons] [/copydir:i386\folder_name] [/copysource:folder_name] [/debug[level]:[filename]] [/dudisable] [/duprepare: pathname] [/dushare:pathname] [/m:folder_name] [/makelocalsource] [/noreboot] [/s:sourcepath] [/syspart:drive_letter] [/tempdrive:drive_letter] [/udf:id [,UDB_file]] [/unattend [num]:[answer_file]] Parameters /checkupgradeonly Checks your computer for upgrade compatibility with Windows XP. If you use this option with /unattend, no user input is required. Otherwise, the results are displayed on the screen, and you can save them under the filename you specify. The default filename is Upgrade.txt in the systemroot folder. /cmd:command_line Instructs Setup to carry out a specific command before the final phase of Setup. This would occur after your computer has restarted and after Setup has collected the necessary configuration information, but before Setup is complete. /cmdcons Installs the Recovery Console as a startup option on a functioning computer. The Recovery Console is a command-line interface from which you can perform tasks such as starting and stopping services and accessing the local drive (including drives formatted with NTFS). You can only use the /cmdcons option after normal Setup is finished. /copydir:i386\folder_name Creates an additional folder within the folder in which the Windows XP files are installed. Folder_name refers to a folder that you have created to hold modifications just for your site. For example, you could create a folder called Private_drivers within the i386 source folder for your installation, and place driver files in the folder. Then you could type /copydir:i386\Private_drivers to have Setup copy that folder to your newly installed computer, making the new folder location systemroot\Private_drivers. You can use /copydir to create as many additional folders as you want. /copysource:folder_name Creates a temporary additional folder within the folder in which the Windows XP files are installed. Folder_name refers to a folder that you have created to hold modifications just for your site. For example, you could create a folder called Private_drivers within the source folder for your installation, and place driver files in the folder. Then you could type /copysource:Private_drivers to have Setup copy that folder to your newly installed computer and use its files during Setup, making the temporary folder location systemroot\Private_drivers. You can use /copysource to create as many additional folders as you want. Unlike the folders /copydir creates, /copysource folders are deleted after Setup completes. /debug[level]:[filename] Creates a debug log at the level specified, for example, /debug4:Debug.log. The default log file is C:\systemroot\Winnt32.log, and the default debug level is 2. The log levels are as follows: 0 represents severe errors, 1 represents errors, 2 represents warnings, 3 represents information, and 4 represents detailed information for debugging. Each level includes the levels below it. /dudisable Prevents Dynamic Update from running. Without Dynamic Update, Setup runs only with the original Setup files. This option will disable Dynamic Update even if you use an answer file and specify Dynamic Update options in that file. /duprepare:pathname Carries out preparations on an installation share so that it can be used with Dynamic Update files that you downloaded from the Windows Update Web site. This share can then be used for installing Windows XP for multiple clients. /dushare:pathname Specifies a share on which you previously downloaded Dynamic Update files (updated files for use with Setup) from the Windows Update Web site, and on which you previously ran /duprepare:pathname. When run on a client, specifies that the client installation will make use of the updated files on the share specified in pathname. /m:folder_name Specifies that Setup copies replacement files from an alternate location. Instructs Setup to look in the alternate location first, and if files are present, to use them instead of the files from the default location. /makelocalsource Instructs Setup to copy all installation source files to your local hard disk. Use /makelocalsource when installing from a CD to provide installation files when the CD is not available later in the installation. /noreboot Instructs Setup to not restart the computer after the file copy phase of Setup is completed so that you can execute another command. /s:sourcepath Specifies the source location of the Windows XP files. To simultaneously copy files from multiple servers, type the /s:sourcepath option multiple times (up to a maximum of eight). If you type the option multiple times, the first server specified must be available, or Setup will fail. /syspart:drive_letter Specifies that you can copy Setup startup files to a hard disk, mark the disk as active, and then install the disk into another computer. When you start that computer, it automatically starts with the next phase of Setup. You must always use the /tempdrive parameter with the /syspart parameter. You can start Winnt32 with the /syspart option on a computer running Windows NT 4.0, Windows 2000, or Windows XP. The computer cannot be running Windows 95, Windows 98, or Windows Me. /tempdrive:drive_letter Directs Setup to place temporary files on the specified partition. For a new installation, Windows XP will also be installed on the specified partition. For an upgrade, the /tempdrive option affects the placement of temporary files only; the operating system will be upgraded in the partition from which you run winnt32. /udf:id [,UDB_file] Indicates an identifier (id) that Setup uses to specify how a Uniqueness Database (UDB) file modifies an answer file (see the /unattend entry). The UDB overrides values in the answer file, and the identifier determines which values in the UDB file are used. For example, /udf:RAS_user,Our_company.udb overrides settings specified for the RAS_user identifier in the Our_company.udb file. If no UDB_file is specified, Setup prompts the user to insert a disk that contains the $Unique$.udb file. /unattend Upgrades your previous version of Windows 98 or Windows Me in unattended Setup mode. All user settings are taken from the previous installation, so no user intervention is required during Setup. /unattend[num]:[answer_file] Performs a fresh installation in unattended Setup mode. The specified answer_file provides Setup with your custom specifications. Num is the number of seconds between the time that Setup finishes copying the files and when it restarts your computer. You can use num on any computer running Windows 98, Windows Me, Windows NT, Windows 2000, or Windows XP. Using the /unattend command-line option to automate Setup affirms that you have read and accepted the Microsoft License Agreement for Windows XP. Before using this command-line option to install Windows XP on behalf of an organization other than your own, you must confirm that the end user (whether an individual, or a single entity) has received, read, and accepted the terms of the Microsoft License Agreement for Windows XP. OEMs may not specify this key on machines being sold to end users. However, this time, before I run script, I checked the box disconnect unattended installation and after script is run, a Windows setup screen appear. I didn't continue cause I believe this will reinstall Windows again. I thought the problem could be the customised XP Home CD which I created but I also tried with an untouched original XP Home CD, the same problems happened. Thanks again balder for your patience. Posted by balder on May 24 2010,08:26
@stevekong04Seems it can be related to your winnt.sif file (unattend file) ![]() What OP-system do you run script (WinBuilder) in? WinXP_sp3 or what? Okay – test this: Check for using “Internal winnt.sif-file” in script (skip using your own). But insert of course you “CD-key” as usual. Let’s see how script behaves ![]() balder Posted by stevekong04 on May 25 2010,01:48
Hi, good morning balder. Yes, tried internal winnt.sif (typing in CD key) and not using winnt.sif in i386 folder BUT still same error of unable to move directory.Let me provide more infomation on my "manufactured" XP Home XP SP3. It was created through nlite with some preferred changes and CD key inserted. Could this be the issue ? But I doubt so. Thanks again. Posted by balder on May 25 2010,03:50
@stevekong04God morning to your self ![]() Quote: “Could this be the issue ? But I doubt so” So do I ![]() Basically script is doing this – read < HERE > (reduce source) It would be interesting if you can test using the “noreboot”-command to your source in a command window. Watch out so that you have a copy of the original file “boot.ini” (it’s on the root of C:\ and its hided) Another interesting way is < THIS > method mentioned by @danieliser in post nr:9 < HERE > It’s basically the same procedure – question is where your folder “$WIN_NT$.~BT” is copied to (if it at all gets copied ![]() Note: No harm testing your original folder i386 (the one that are not n-lighted). balder Posted by stevekong04 on May 25 2010,06:03
Hi balder, I followed the method, I quote : Another interesting way is THIS - which is ( Create Multiboot Folders and Files) Using this script, these folders and files are created 1) Folder XPHE (which is XP Home) 2) Folder XPPE (which is XP Pro) 3) Files - Bootfont.bin, WIN51, WIN51IC, WIN51C.SP2, WIN51C.SP3, WIN51IP, WIN51IP.SP3, XPHE.bin, XPPE.bin and XVI32.ini 4) There are 2 files, boot.bin and setldr.bin in the working directory of the AIO-DVD folder. Are these important ? Now the big question is , where do I put all these files mentioned above in Easyboot directory ? Must be very tricky I guess. If it is not done properly, the created Eazyboot iso will not work or boot. Posted by balder on May 25 2010,07:55
@stevekong04Quote: “Using this script, these folders and files are created” I’m furious ![]() ![]() Could you please show me your settings in file: “create_boot_folders.cmd” balder Posted by EB1000 on May 25 2010,18:44
Hey, just want to let you know that i am having the exact same problem with the all in one script... My xpcd was nlited as well.
Posted by stevekong04 on May 26 2010,04:34
@balderhi, balder it's me again. Ha ha... I quote I’m furious - I can’t get it working . Are you referring to your script ? No offence, but isn't your script supposed to be tested and working before you put it up for download ? Anyway, I have found and another lead. This time, I have tested and CONFIRMED working. The thread is here <;st=20 > - post 23. But I still face another issue, my nlited winnt.sif setting is not "activated". I believe setting is taken over by txtset.sif. And I checked the boot folders created, there is no winnt.sif file. Hmm, the question is how to add winnt.sif ? These 2 files, which comes first or put it another way, which override which ? I am now very confused. Yes, very confused now. Posted by balder on May 26 2010,06:23
@stevekong04Quote: “Are you referring to your script ?” No my script works – I know this by experience ![]() Attention! I never stated that my script support nlited sources. Using nlited sources is not recommended ![]() And for this: “I’m furious - I can’t get it working…” I was referring to < THIS > So could you please show what settings in “create_boot_folders.cmd” you used to get batch-file work properly Note: Tutorial < HERE > (post:23) works only for English version – and further more – you cannot directly use this tutorial to server-2003_sp1. So its has major limits – don’t you agree ![]() balder Posted by EB1000 on May 26 2010,11:20
@balder:Right no nlited sources can be used, not only with your script, but with the msdn method as well. I tried it on a nlited xp sp3 source, I got txtsetup.sif error... What if I'll use it on the original source from the cd, but later apply nlite to it? not sure if nlite will identify different name to I386.. But still, I have seen warez DVD's with multiple Xp setups that were all nlited to death, and still work.. I wonder how they manage to get it done.... Anyway, I'm about to give up and stick to multiple cd's instead of non working multiboot cd's.. Maybe EZB should consider renaming their product to not-so-easyboot... ![]() Posted by balder on May 26 2010,12:39
@ EB1000Quote: “But still, I have seen warez DVD's with multiple Xp setups that were all nlited to death, and still work” Well I can tell you that I have created such nlited CD/DVD with “multiple Xp setups” ![]() Problem is that I did this so many years back - and I can not fully recall how I did it ![]() I found my “super-CD” in my archive. It has “multiple Xp setups” with totally 8 setup-options for WinXP. Included are also 2 different nlited versions of WinXP. And all BOOT-files for all versions are in the same “BOOT-FOLDER”. Setup-files are put in separate folders (using 4-letters name). The full XP-source (not nlited ) has following options: Note: I use the same source for all 4 setup options below 1. Fully automatically setup (automatically format and setup at once) 2. “Half-automatic” setup (manually decide format and partition to use – everything else is fully automatically run) 3. Partly manually setup (only CD-key is automatically inserted to setup) 4. Fully manually (this one includes support for recovery consol) To achieve this I use must use 3 different winnt.sif-files in same “boot-folder”. Now you may ask how can I use several different winnt.sif-files in same “boot-folder” ![]() Answer: I hexedit text winnt.sif to 3 different setupldr.bin using text: winn1.sif etcetera ![]() The nlited setup is one “normal” nlited -version and a second really “hard shrinkt” nlited -version (very fast install on that second one) and each version has these two setup-options: 1.Fully automatically setup (automatically format and setup at once) 2. “Half-automatic” setup (manually decide format and partition to use – everything else is fully automatically run) Note: One setupldr.bin is hex edit to look for STANLITE.SIF (insted of txtsetup.sif) and another setupldr.bin to look for MINILITE.SIF (insted of txtsetup.sif) and at same time hex edit to look for winn1.sif etcetera to get the two different setup-options for unattended Totally 8 different setup options. I know it is possible ![]() Thanks for clarifying my point (no support for nlited sources) Regards balder |