Forum: EasyBoot
Topic: Guide to getting XP x64 on a multiboot disk?
started by: danieliser

Posted by danieliser on May 23 2010,02:24
I did quite a few searches and none of them answered the big question.. what about the AMD64 folder? they all say do the same as the others for I386 but that leaves out any AMD pcs.

Also if balder is around i was kinda confused.. i loved the scripts to automate the AIO process. but in the documentation it says it will work for xp x64 but the scripts description says no support. Am i missing something?

Posted by balder on May 23 2010,03:07

As this seems to be you first post in this forum I say welcome :)

Quote: “what about the AMD64 folder?”
Well I have no AMD-computer to test to – but in theory it should work :cool:

The AMD64 folder is copied as well (what I can recall in my memory) but again – haven’t personally tested on an AMD-computer.
However, no harm testing script (use a CD-RW to not spoil anything).

Quote: “but the scripts description says no support”
Well yes and no ???
XP-64 is supported in the “AIO.script” but I’m unsure if it fully works for the “Live.script”.
I guess it’s up to you to test if it works all right :;):


Posted by danieliser on May 24 2010,01:01
Not sure what im doing wrong.. i have gotten Pro, Home and MCE working with a retail and oem version on there.

When i try to use the aio script for the x64 version it gives an error saying that it cannot be run from here. im assuming that when it tries to run the setup it cant due to the fact im using xp x86. Xp Pro x64 is all that is keeping this thing from finished.. I have made an attempt to do it manually with instructions i found on msfn by copying over the i386 folder and renaming it PX64 and AMD64 folder as PX64A. I then did the crack on the setupldr.bin and replaced i386 with PX64 and AMD64 with PX64A

I finally just got it to load the setup and i have an AMD chip to test on hopefully vmware emulates AMD to force it to use that. But it loads setup and then asks for a previous version disk or it wont upgrade. It is treating it like an upgrade disk when the image i used is the newest XP Pro x64 from Technet/MSDN. Not sure how to fix that.. trying with the original to see if it does the same now.

Posted by danieliser on May 24 2010,01:12
and it didnt.. it installed just fine from there.. im missing something.. guess i will redo that one manually again. the error i get when trying to do it with the script is unable to load winnt32.exe which makes since since its not a 32bit app for xp 64. any ideas what im doing wrong here?
Posted by danieliser on May 24 2010,01:14
one more note.. I am also getting the insert previous version cd to upgrade for MCE 2005. guess i need to do that one again as well.  still gotta test tablet as well..
Posted by danieliser on May 24 2010,01:21
lol.. same with tablet edition.. but all Pro and Home SP3 work including oem and retails.
Posted by danieliser on May 24 2010,03:11
Alright.. i reran the script i got from here.. < > ..

I am currently installing xp pro x64 on vmware and it didnt do the upgrade disk thing.. long as this works i think i got my xp disk done.. gotta double check my mce and tablet first. Then on to vista, 7 x86, x64 aio..

Posted by balder on May 24 2010,03:36

Quote: “all Pro and Home SP3 work including oem and retails”
Well that’s good news. And yes, I new that it was something with XP-64 that I was unable to solve – could be related to the “AMD-problem-folder”.
However I cannot for the moment exactly pin point why I couldn’t find a fix for that one.
He, he I guess I have to many projects working inside my head :p

But as you do not use any folder “i386” on the root (folder disk1 is the root for EasyBoot in case you wonder) you have space for such folder ???
Copy the build of XP64 to folder disk1 (without renaming folder i386) and integrate the rest of Windows systems (Pro and Home SP3 including oem and retails) using my script.

Thanks for clarifying that script works as supposed - including what system we cannot use it for (XP64).
I know by experience that these types of tests take time and efforts - thanks :;):

Regards balder

Posted by danieliser on May 24 2010,18:47
I have been trying to extensivly test all of them now, double checking that my Home and Pros are still working.

Im not sure if it would help your script but if you were to reverse engineer the script used < here > i think you could fix it properly.. The script comes with some other stuff but its just a few bat files mostly. It does work with the x64 editions of xp as well as win 2003 server and 1 other.

I believe it has to do an extra hack on the sif files i believe for 64 bit but my directory structure on my disk looks like this

>EZBOOT\ (duh!)
>HOEM - home oem
>HRTL - home retail
>ORIG - (contains same folders but with original cd contents)
>PMCE - pro mce
>POEM - pro oem
>PRTL - pro retail
>PTPC - pro Tablet edition
>PVLK - pro VL
>PX64 (Formerly I386 of xp x64)
>PX64A (Formerly AMD64)

That script not only replaces i386 with PX64 for the xp x64 but also replaces AMD64 with PX64A inside the bin and sif files that corrects any path and missing file issues for amd chips.

Can verify that at least xp 64 works with this method.

one question about eazyboot that i couldnt find a good answer to though.. The optimize checkbox.. how does that work and what exactly does it do? my isos are only 1.99GB including all the original disk files in the orig folder. the original files alone on hard drive are 2-3 gigs

Posted by danieliser on May 24 2010,18:49
also.. i found that when i removed the orig folder before making the iso that i would get asked for the upgrade cds like before.. leaving that folder seems to be the trick.. maybe you can tell me why?
Posted by balder on May 25 2010,03:58

Quote: “maybe you can tell me why?”

Well – probably not – mostly because I have less than 10% of the different OP-systems you have in position to test with :(

However I’m going to check out < THIS > when (and if) spare time is available to see if I can integrate this in script – it’s an interesting approach :cool:

Regards balder

Posted by danieliser on May 25 2010,17:34
if you need the OS PM me and i can get you the iso's to test with. i have test keys as well but they wont activate anymore.. :( .. doesnt bother me as i only need them to use with customer keys but they work for testing. I got my cd finished.. working on photoshoping a menu with my business stuff to personalize it now.. but all tested working including 2 disk MCE 2005 and tablet.. all with highest service packs.. so proud of myself.. now just gotta build a vista/7 disk and Office AIO disk and a bootable toolkit on a portable hdd.. no sweat lol..
Posted by balder on May 26 2010,02:50

I’m only interested of the method < HERE > and what setting you used in file “create_boot_folders.cmd” ???

Note: I have downloaded files but having problem to set the right parameters in this file “create_boot_folders.cmd”

Regards balder

Posted by danieliser on May 26 2010,14:06
It took me a few tries to get it right as well.. heres what i used

> = EZBOOT Root

>#TOOLS\ Files from the link i gave including create_boot_folders.cmd

>disk1\orig\ (i have all my original extracted iso's here) ie. \hoem\has all the original contents of the cd

my cmd calls look like this.

call create_boot_folder.cmd C:\EasyBoot\disk1\orig\hoem C:\EasyBoot\disk1 HOEM FOO 0

call create_boot_folder.cmd C:\EasyBoot\disk1\orig\hrtl C:\EasyBoot\disk1 HRTL FOO 0

call create_boot_folder.cmd C:\EasyBoot\disk1\orig\poem C:\EasyBoot\disk1 POEM FOO 0

call create_boot_folder.cmd C:\EasyBoot\disk1\orig\prtl C:\EasyBoot\disk1 PRTL FOO 0

call create_boot_folder.cmd C:\EasyBoot\disk1\orig\pvlk C:\EasyBoot\disk1 PVLK FOO 0

call create_boot_folder.cmd C:\EasyBoot\disk1\orig\pmce C:\EasyBoot\disk1 PMCE FOO 0

call create_boot_folder.cmd C:\EasyBoot\disk1\orig\ptpc C:\EasyBoot\disk1 PTPC FOO 0

call create_boot_folder.cmd C:\EasyBoot\disk1\orig\px64 C:\EasyBoot\disk1 PX64 PX64A 1

its best to have all the files on the same hard drive.. i ran into a lot of problems having them in different places so i put them in the disk1 folder which fixed a lot of problems as once i deleted the orig folder none of my installations would install without asking for a previously installed version ie. they were upgrade only disks so leave the orig in there i guess..

for all the calls youll see that after i name them there is a FOO line.. that can be anything for most of them cause it wont be used. That is where you specify the AMD64 folders new name and you can see that on the x64 version on the last line i specified PX64A. The 0 or 1 on the end signifies whether or not the setupldr file needs to be cracked or not.. remarks say only for 64bit and windows server 2003 sp1. other wise leave as 0.

That worked for me all i had to do was move the bin files from disk1 folder to the disk1\ezboot\ and make the menu point to them.. worked like magic after that..

Posted by balder on May 26 2010,14:43

Thanks danieliser :)  most grateful :;):
It was most of curiosity :cool:

Some info why you got this:
Quote: ”once i deleted the orig folder none of my installations would install without asking for a previously installed version ie”

What this “Create_MultiBoot_Folders_And_Files.exe” does is:
1. Create “boot”-folder using the name you set in  batch-file “create_boot_folders.cmd” – for example “HOEM”.
2. When folder been created batch-file continues with copying necessary boot-files to “boot”-folder – in this example “HOEM”.
Note: you still need the setup-files in build from source (in your example folder “hoem” like this: EasyBoot\disk1\orig\ hoem

It’s not a bad idea – but not that “clean” as using “noreboot”-commando to create the two needed folders (one boot-folder with boot-files and one “setup”-folder holding “setup”-files)

It’s possible that I – just for fun (and if having spare time left)  - create a script that uses this “simplified” method.
I’ll be in touch… :cool:

Regards balder

Posted by danieliser on May 26 2010,16:20
so basically i could get this down to say half this size? sort of combining all the duplicate files into one folder and pointing all setups to it? any tutorials that will help me convert to that?

one question i havent found an answer to yet is how does ezboots optimize feature work? I mean my iso is only 1.99GB but my disk1 folder is almost 6GB

Posted by balder on May 26 2010,18:03

Quote: ”how does ezboots optimize feature work?”

It’s an “old” technique. If same file (size, and no other differences etcetera) is found in several places, it uses only one file (pointing to same file in the “TOC-tables” I guess).

He, he :laugh:  bye the way – designed script to use this process – create_boot_folders.cmd - seems to work fine (still need to be more tested before releasing the script) :cool:

Regards balder

Posted by danieliser on May 26 2010,19:17
if you want me to i can test it and verify the installers on vmware.
Posted by balder on May 28 2010,15:00
To Community

My script collection updated.
Easyboot-aio.script uses now a different (simplified) solution to create “boot-folder” :)

Special thank you to @danieliser for doing basic test to script – thanks @danieliser :;):

Regards balder