Forum: EasyBoot
Topic: To whom it might concern
started by: balder

Posted by balder on May 31 2010,02:42
@”The AIO.script –scenario” - To whom it might concern

Modifications and debug done to easyboot-aio.script.

Script should now be able to do following:

· Automatically detect differences between XP-32-bit and Server_2003-32-bit
· Automatically detect differences between XP-32-bit and XP-64-bit (AMD-folder)
· Automatically detect if folder name you choose in text-box already is in use

Note1: I haven’t been able to run test to 64-bit-system and Server_2003-32-bit
Note2: This is a rather complex script so there might be some bug left…

Please do a new complete download - replace currently set of scripts.

Regards balder

Posted by EB1000 on Jun. 01 2010,16:02
Thanks balder!

This wont fix the non-n-lited sources limitation will it? did you also made changes to the ISO script? Your ISO script works great on many images, but the only problem with is is that it alters all files inside disk1 making them upper cased. This has caused some problems with other boot options, such as Kaspersky rescue disk 10, it will not boot unless I change the files manes back to lower case. Also; it the memdisk command the only command that can be used to load images created by the iso script? Do I need to set "allow lower case"?

Sorry for all the questions, I've just started to use your script recently.


Posted by EB1000 on Jun. 01 2010,16:06
One last question (promise :-) )

Your ISO script has an option to include hiren cd, will it load both dos utilities and mini xp, or just dos? will it support hiren 10.4?


Posted by balder on Jun. 02 2010,02:29
@ EB1000

Quote: “This wont fix the non-n-lited sources limitation will it?”
Well I haven’t been able to test n-lited source – but if you are able you can always test one and run it som kind of  “Virtual PC”. I use a different approach this time to easyboot-aio-script.

Quote: “making them upper cased”
Yes you are correct. I’m thinking of removing this “uppercase” as it really isn’t necessary as I use “memdisk”.
Note: you can use easyboot-uppercase.script to run “lower-case” to all files and folder names inside a folder. Let’s say you have a linux folder with the name “linux” – then point (open) linux-folder and choose to run “lowercase” in script and everything inside folder linux is lowercased.

Quote: “Do I need to set "allow lower case"
Generally not - as we use “memdisk”.

Quote: “Your ISO script has an option to include hiren cd, will it load both dos utilities and mini xp, or just dos? will it support hiren 10.4?”
Yes it should load dos utilities and mini-xp and it supports hiren-10.4.
However some people have some problems – why I don’t now – it works fine for me.
Note: Hiren is such “system” that most likely need “Allow lower case” – so there we have a “problem” to take attention to.

Note: I’m heavily occupied these days :p  (working with improvements to my house – and it’s a rather large “residence” which means a lot of work – I’ll see if I can get spare some time to EasyBoot-forum as well) :;):

Regards balder

Posted by danieliser on Jun. 06 2010,00:55
glad to see use of this script already.. one thing i have noticed though with more thorough teseting is that it doesnt work correctly with Tablet, and im assuming media center. reason being they both are 2 disk sets, disk 1 being a windows xp pro disk and disk 2 being either tablet functionality or media center. ive tried copying disk 2 contents to the same folder as the i386 but the script ignores its presence and doesnt copy it to the setup folders.. i tested it in vmware and it installed as tablet pc edition but didnt load any of the tablet stuff. when i was helping you before and you were helping me on my aio i had the original disk contents on the cd which made it .5 gb larger but i think that is probably the disk 2 contents from those 2 OS. Also my first AIO did install the tablet and media center stuff from the second disk so maybe just need to have a check to see if those folders exist and copy them with the rest?

PM me if you need help.. I dont know your script very well but i think ive got the process down and know whats missing

here are screens of the vm at first boot. the first is with the disk 2..

second is with your script.

< >

< >

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