Forum: EasyBoot Topic: Hiren BootCD 10.1 started by: Mann Posted by Mann on Nov. 26 2009,23:47
Latest Hiren BootCD 10.1 has different boot file from v10.0.Does anyone know how to use the latest boot file from this version on Easyboot.Thanks
Posted by balder on Nov. 27 2009,05:14
@MannHi Mann – yes you are right about quote: “Latest Hiren BootCD 10.1 has different boot file” ![]() Do it this way (tutorial slightly changed to): 1. Extract folder Hbcd from ISO to EasyBoot\disk1 2. Use menu command in EasyBoot: memdisk /hbcd/boot.gz Enjoy ![]() balder Posted by Mann on Nov. 28 2009,06:43
Thank you sir ![]() Posted by gallomk on Nov. 28 2009,19:10
Posted by EB1000 on Nov. 28 2009,19:28
Dear balderThis method works to bring the Hiren's boot sub menu with all the utilities, but it skips the main boot menu where there is the option to boot mini windows xp or choose alternative boot method.. is there a way to boot mini xp in Hiren's 10.1 ? Thanks Posted by balder on Nov. 29 2009,09:58
@EB1000Quote: “is there a way to boot mini xp in Hiren's 10.1 ?” Sure ![]() Do it this way: 1. Extract folder HBCD to EasyBoot\disk1 2. Download floppy image from < HERE > and extract floppy image to folder ezboot. Note : this is a paragon image – rename floppy image to hiren.ima 3. Open floppy image and extract text file menu.lst to some temporary place (a folder temp or whatever). 4. Modify text in menu.lst to this (use notepad): color black/cyan yellow/cyan timeout 10 title Start Hiren's BootCD find --set-root /HBCD/boot.gz map --mem /HBCD/boot.gz (fd0) map --hook chainloader (fd0)+1 rootnoverify (fd0) map --floppies=1 boot title Mini Windows Xp\n find --set-root --ignore-floppies /HBCD/XPLOADER.BIN chainloader /HBCD/XPLOADER.BIN Save text to menu.lst and inject it back to floppy image hiren.ima and save changes. 5. IN EasyBoot menu set command: run hiren.ima 6. When creating ISO in EasyBoot check “Allow lower case” <-- very important! Please read how to avoid problems when using “Allow lower case” Read post-65 < HERE > This works well from CD/DVD-reader but if you planning to use hiren from USB device you only need to move folder HBCD to the root of USB device – you don’t have any use for folder HBCD in created EasyBoot ISO-file - in this way ISO-file with EasyBoot is much less in size – as folder HBCD instead is on the root of USB device ![]() Note: if testing ISO-file in Virtual PC or VMware you might get some odd warning if starting miniXP - but this is most likely related to environment where ISO is run from. Used in "reality" there is no problem that I have discovered Regards balder Posted by searcher123 on Nov. 29 2009,10:40
(EB1000 @ Nov. 29 2009,00:28) QUOTE Dear balder This method works to bring the Hiren's boot sub menu with all the utilities, but it skips the main boot menu where there is the option to boot mini windows xp or choose alternative boot method.. is there a way to boot mini xp in Hiren's 10.1 ? Thanks If you just want Mini XP, there is a very simple way: 1. Copy HBCD --> XP.BIN to ezboot dir. 2. Copy HBCD to disk1 Dir 3. Use run XP.BIN in your menu. But if you want all of the Hiren's 10.x starting options, I'm trying to find a way at now. I'm very confused of EasyBoot, because yesterday I added some customized files to Hiren's 10 ISO files with mkisofs.exe and ran it with bcdw in EasyBoot and every thing worked without any problem. But today I changed the file again in the same way and now I receive an error message (of course I tested under VMWare not a real PC). Posted by balder on Nov. 29 2009,11:15
@searcher123Hi searcher123 Quote: ” all of the Hiren's 10.x starting options” Well to get both options you can use tutorial in post nr:6 but if only want hirenCD use tutorial in post nr:2 And as you pointed out quote: “If you just want Mini XP, there is a very simple way: 1. Copy HBCD --> XP.BIN to ezboot dir. 2. Copy HBCD to disk1 Dir 3. Use run XP.BIN in your menu.” Or\and combine this with post nr:2 Actually you don’t even need to move xp.bin anywhere – use command run /hbcd/xp.bin (/hbcd change path to folder hbcd instead of normal ezboot) ![]() It’s optional to how users like to have it presented in EasyBoot menu Note: no need to check for “Allow lower case” if combine method in post nr:2 and post nr:7 (searcher123) Note: If user want to launch EasyBoot ISO-file from USB device the best choice is to combine tutorial in post nr:2 and post nr:7 (using two menu options in Easyboot menu). In this way no need to copy folder bcdw to the root of USB device ![]() Quote: “I'm very confused of EasyBoot “ He, he you are not alone… ![]() regards balder Posted by searcher123 on Nov. 29 2009,15:10
(searcher123 @ Nov. 29 2009,15:40) QUOTE (...)But if you want all of the Hiren's 10.x starting options, I'm trying to find a way at now(...) OreKa! ![]() 1. Extract & Copy HBCD to disk1 Dir 2. Copy isolinux.bin, isolinux.cfg & menu.c32 from HBCD to the disk1/ezboot dir. 3. use bcdw /ezboot/isolinux.bin in your menu. @Dear balder Thanks to sharing your method with us. It will be useful in many cases. QUOTE Quote: “I'm very confused of EasyBoot “ He, he you are not alone… ![]() ![]() ![]() Regards Posted by EB1000 on Nov. 30 2009,07:04
balder: Thank you very much. All works great! God bless you..searcher123: your method did not work for me. tried both VMWARE and VIRTUALBOX, both just restarted when trying to load Hiren... Posted by searcher123 on Nov. 30 2009,09:46
(EB1000 @ Nov. 30 2009,12:04) QUOTE searcher123: your method did not work for me. tried both VMWARE and VIRTUALBOX, both just restarted when trying to load Hiren... Very strange! I tested it on real PCs too. There is no problem in my tests and all thing is working well ![]() Notes: 1. Just copy isolinux.bin, isolinux.cfg & menu.c32 to ezboot, not move them. 2. Don't check Joliet option during creating ISO image. 3. Survey that all thing be copied right to HBCD dir. And a question: What is the version of your EasyBoot? Do you use the last release? Posted by balder on Nov. 30 2009,12:02
@searcher123Tested your post nr: 9 In my case I get ”Image checksum error” First of all, @searcher123 – why not change path in easyboot menu commando like this: bcdw /hbcd/isolinux.bin (/hbcd set path to folder hbcd) Basically, this is the same “old” recommended launch command as for hiren_v10 read < HERE > Credits to madar for this So what causing us problem when using this command bcdw /hbcd/isolinux.bin when launching hiren_v10.1 but works so well to hiren_v10 ![]() Answer is the file isolinux.bin in folder hbcd. Make a copy of isolinux.bin from hiren_v10 and overwrite isolinux.bin in folder hbcd-hiren_v10.1 and all our problems are solved ![]() Conclusion: This is definitely a step in right direction for all users of EasyBoot ![]() ------------------------------------------------------------------------- If you consider to run EasyBoot from USB device and want hiren included (put folder hbcd in folder Easyboot\disk1 as usual) I recommend following to bee the most universal working solution: 1. Extract folder hbcd from hiren ISO to EasyBoot\disk1 as usual 2. Open folder hbcd and extract floppy image from compressed file “Boot.gz” to folder ezboot (change name to extracted floppy image to hiren.img) 3. To launch hiren “bootCD” use menu command in EasyBoot: run hiren.img 4. To launch miniXP in hiren use menu command in EasyBoot: bcdw /hbcd/xp.bin (credits to searcher123 for pointing this out) Create ISO as usual (you don’t need to check “Allow lower case” to make this work) ![]() Regards balder Posted by searcher123 on Nov. 30 2009,18:21
(blader @ Nov. 30 2009,17:02) QUOTE (...)First of all, @searcher123 – why not change path in easyboot menu commando like this: bcdw /hbcd/isolinux.bin (/hbcd set path to folder hbcd)(...) Because I am a obedient man. ![]() ![]() (blader @ Nov. 30 2009,17:02) QUOTE (...)Basically, this is the same “old” recommended launch command as for hiren_v10 read < HERE > Credits to madar for this(...) Thanks for the link. I was not read it to now. (blader @ Nov. 30 2009,17:02) QUOTE (...)So what causing us problem when using this command bcdw /hbcd/isolinux.bin when launching hiren_v10.1 but works so well to hiren_v10 ![]() Oh Dear blader! I'm sorry for my mistake. You are right. The version of my tested Hiren's was v10.0 not 10.1. I was never thinking there is so different between 10.0 and 10.1 boot file ![]() However I have not downloaded v10.1 to now, but I must really thanks to the tips instead of myself and all of the future Hiren's & EasyBoot users. Best Regards Posted by fsaaib on Dec. 16 2009,11:53
(balder @ Nov. 29 2009,14:58) QUOTE @EB1000 Quote: “is there a way to boot mini xp in Hiren's 10.1 ?” Sure ![]() Do it this way: 1. Extract folder HBCD to EasyBoot\disk1 2. Download floppy image from < HERE > and extract floppy image to folder ezboot. Note : this is a paragon image – rename floppy image to hiren.ima 3. Open floppy image and extract text file menu.lst to some temporary place (a folder temp or whatever). 4. Modify text in menu.lst to this (use notepad): color black/cyan yellow/cyan timeout 10 title Start Hiren's BootCD find --set-root /HBCD/boot.gz map --mem /HBCD/boot.gz (fd0) map --hook chainloader (fd0)+1 rootnoverify (fd0) map --floppies=1 boot title Mini Windows Xp\n find --set-root --ignore-floppies /HBCD/XPLOADER.BIN chainloader /HBCD/XPLOADER.BIN Save text to menu.lst and inject it back to floppy image hiren.ima and save changes. 5. IN EasyBoot menu set command: run hiren.ima 6. When creating ISO in EasyBoot check “Allow lower case” <-- very important! Please read how to avoid problems when using “Allow lower case” Read post-65 < HERE > This works well from CD/DVD-reader but if you planning to use hiren from USB device you only need to move folder HBCD to the root of USB device – you don’t have any use for folder HBCD in created EasyBoot ISO-file - in this way ISO-file with EasyBoot is much less in size – as folder HBCD instead is on the root of USB device ![]() Note: if testing ISO-file in Virtual PC or VMware you might get some odd warning if starting miniXP - but this is most likely related to environment where ISO is run from. Used in "reality" there is no problem that I have discovered Regards balder You are THE MAN, everything works FINE for me now, and with that script you´ve made for transfering my ISO build off easyboot to my UFD, it´s so much better since i can now service a computer at faster speeds (reading/writing is much faster than a DVD) I´m so excited, as i type i´m taking snapshots of the build running, once again thanks balder, i owe you big time. I´ll post the pictures once i end up making the final release of my build Regards, fsaaib Posted by balder on Dec. 17 2009,00:52
@fsaaibHi fsaaib ![]() Quote: “You are THE MAN, everything works FINE for me now” He, he that’s what I call a nice feedback ![]() Merry Christmas in advance @fsaaib ![]() Regards balder Posted by shwescorpion on Dec. 26 2009,00:21
So .... Conclusion ...getting to run Hiren 10.1 to run on Easyboot ... copy the folder HBCD from ISO to EasyBoot\disk1 directory 1) To Run Hiren 10.1 Use menu command line in EasyBoot: memdisk /hbcd/boot.gz Credit to balder 2) To Run Mini XP Use menu command line in Easyboot: bcdw /hbcd/xp.bin Credit to searcher123's idea ![]() Posted by hubert21 on Dec. 30 2009,05:10
Hello how add this?? (EB1000 @ Nov. 29 2009,00:28) QUOTE This method works to bring the Hiren's boot sub menu with all the utilities, but it skips the main boot menu where there is choose alternative boot method.. Why this command "run xxx.bif" doesn't work in Hiren's ?? Please help Posted by balder on Dec. 30 2009,06:45
@hubert21Quote: ” Why this command "run xxx.bif" doesn't work in Hiren's ??”. @hubert21, it’s a misunderstanding here ![]() First of all quotes (") is never used in menu command (just in case you tested this). Secondly, run xxx.bif is only a example name. By the way, I can’t find "run xxx.bif" anywhere in this Topic. Where did you collect this example file name (from what Topic) ![]() When you extract or use or create by your self a loader-file (xxx.bin or xxx.bif or xxx.ima or xxx.img for example) that belongs to launching some software you can (or is advised) to name or rename this file, typically a name that point to what software you like to launch. I name my ghost floppy image to ghost.ima – I do not use a name like birdie.img or xxx.img as this is confusing. To launch setup of WinXP I can use file that already is a part of easyboot – and that file is W2ksect.bin in folder ezboot. I make a copy of this file and rename this copy to setupxp.bin and use menu command: run setupxp.bin Another way to collect a boot-file that launch setup of WinXP is to extract boot file from a bootable WinXP-CD. I save this boot-file as setupxp.bif in folder ezboot and use menu command: run setupxp.bif (note: extension “bif” is created if using UltraISO – you can rename this file to setupxp.bin if it is easier to understand and instead use menu command: run setupxp.bin) balder Posted by hubert21 on Dec. 30 2009,08:33
Ok I use yours way to hiren's boot cd 10.1QUOTE Do it this way: 1. Extract folder HBCD to EasyBoot\disk1 2. Download floppy image from HERE and extract floppy image to folder ezboot. Note : this is a paragon image – rename floppy image to hiren.ima 3. Open floppy image and extract text file menu.lst to some temporary place (a folder temp or whatever). 4. Modify text in menu.lst to this (use notepad): color black/cyan yellow/cyan timeout 10 title Start Hiren's BootCD find --set-root /HBCD/boot.gz map --mem /HBCD/boot.gz (fd0) map --hook chainloader (fd0)+1 rootnoverify (fd0) map --floppies=1 boot title Mini Windows Xp\n find --set-root --ignore-floppies /HBCD/XPLOADER.BIN chainloader /HBCD/XPLOADER.BIN Save text to menu.lst and inject it back to floppy image hiren.ima and save changes. 5. IN EasyBoot menu set command: run hiren.ima 6. When creating ISO in EasyBoot check “Allow lower case” <-- very important! Please read how to avoid problems when using “Allow lower case” Read post-65 HERE It work great but I would also put 2 alternative boot method (xp and Win7) which are in basic boot menu in Hiren's Boot cd 10.1. I used "run hiren.bif" to start hiren's, it works very good in notebooks but in normal stationary computer appears error. Sorry for my bad english Posted by balder on Dec. 30 2009,09:07
@hubert21Quote: “It work great but I would also put 2 alternative boot method (xp and Win7) which are in basic boot menu in Hiren's Boot cd 10.1.” Hmmmm… ![]() But this “alternative boot method Win7” is not any part of Hiren – as far as I know. Or do you mean you want to launch a completely different Win7 (Win7-PE = Microsoft Diagnostics and Recovery Toolset DaRT – sometimes called MsDART)) – because this can be launched directly using ISO as it is - no need to extract folder and files to EasyBoot\disk1. I have created a script that automatically fixes this. Read < HERE > Quote: “I used "run hiren.bif" to start hiren's, it works very good in notebooks but in normal stationary computer appears error. ”. Method you used in post nr 19 doesn’t use "run hiren.bif". My tutorial show how you use a grub based floppy image (floppy image hiren.ima) that take care of the launch process for hiren using grub as boot manager – So I’m unsure what you mean ![]() PS. Generally no problems with you English ![]() balder Posted by hubert21 on Dec. 30 2009,10:01
This is put with oryginal HBCD\menu.lst QUOTE title ł Boot from Hard Drive - Windows XP (NTLDR) ł\n find --set-root --ignore-floppies --ignore-cd /ntldr map () (hd0) map (hd0) () map --rehook find --set-root --ignore-floppies --ignore-cd /ntldr chainloader /ntldr savedefault --wait=2 title ł Boot from Hard Drive - Windows Vista/7 (BOOTMGR) ł\n find --set-root --ignore-floppies --ignore-cd /bootmgr map () (hd0) map (hd0) () map --rehook find --set-root --ignore-floppies --ignore-cd /bootmgr chainloader /bootmgr savedefault --wait=2 When I put this text in yours MENU.LST it doesn't work. Posted by balder on Dec. 30 2009,10:31
@hubert21@hubert21 It seems to me that you now are talking about boot from USB? Correct? From this point I assume we are talking about run from USB device and NOT from CD/DVD-unit. Correct? If this is the case read following: If run from USB device you cannot use menu.lst used in Hiren as this is for CD/DVD-unit. To boot to you “real” harddisk from your USB device use this in menu.lst: title Start from harddisk map (hd0) (hd1) map (hd1) (hd0) map --hook chainloader +1 boot Above lines covers both WinXP as Vista as Win7 installations – that’s all you need ![]() I use a grub floppy image with this menu.lst when I operating from USB device to boot harddisk from EasyBoot (when I run easyboot ISO from USB device). Note: If you want to run hiren from USB device (USB Thumb-drive\stick) copy folder HBCD to the root of USB device and create this menu.lst : #For Hiren Boot-CD: Copy folder "Hbcd" to the root of USB device title hiren boot-cd find --set-root /HBCD/boot.gz map --mem /HBCD/boot.gz (fd0) map --hook chainloader (fd0)+1 rootnoverify (fd0) map --floppies=1 boot #Below launch hiren miniXP title Hiren Mini Windows Xp\n find --set-root /HBCD/XPLOADER.BIN chainloader /HBCD/XPLOADER.BIN Note: you can of course again use a grub floppy image in Easyboot to launch hiren. EasyBoot do have a huge advantage according to nice backgrounds etcetera ![]() Final note: Grub is not case sensitiv (BIG or small letters) when run from FAT, FAT32 or NTFS-file systems. Grub is only case sensitiv when run\used in CD/DVD-environment. balder Posted by sirius98 on Feb. 27 2010,06:50
This manual: <,Item,452046223.html > works's fine for Hirens 10.1 but what about 10.2 version and additional ADVANCED MENU in v10.2 - it dosen't show on boot menu? Can anyone help?
Posted by balder on Feb. 27 2010,12:18
@sirius98Hi sirius98. Quote: ”This manual: <,Item,452046223.html > works's fine for Hirens 10.1 but”. Sure it works – and so does “manual” (tutorial) you can find in different topics in EasyBoot forum ![]() Anyway, to your request…. Quote. “ADVANCED MENU in v10.2 - it dosen't show on boot menu”. The “standard procedure” is this: Copy folder hbcd (or extract folder hbcd from ISO-file) to EasyBoot\disk1 Use command in menu. Memdisk /hbcd/boot.gz Note: You do not need to check “Allow Lower Case” if using this method! Okay you do not get some of the “ADVANCED MENU” but basically you do not have much use of them ![]() However I have designed a compressed floppy image for you to test. Download < HERE > Put compressed floppy image ( as it is to folder ezboot and use menu command: memdisk /ezboot/ Important! Check “Allow Lower Case” when creating ISO in Easyboot when using this method ![]() I FORGOTT!!!! You can also use menu command: bootinfotable;run /hbcd/isolinux.bin Note1: command "bootinfotable;run /hbcd/isolinux.bin" most likely only works in hiren-10.0 and hiren-10.2 and not working in hiren-10.1 Note2: You do not need to check “Allow Lower Case” if using this method! Balder Posted by kronos on Mar. 10 2010,07:53
I can't download your attach file ( you reup it? Thanks Posted by balder on Mar. 10 2010,07:58
@kronosWelcome to this forum @kronos ![]() I just tested link in post nr: 24 and it works ![]() This is the same link < HERE > balder Posted by Orochi on Mar. 20 2010,04:44
balder I am gonna test your secret hiren floppy image some time soon.I need some clarifications though. You said to: Put compressed floppy image ( as it is to folder ezboot and use menu command: memdisk /ezboot/ Important! Check “Allow Lower Case” when creating ISO in Easyboot when using this method What do i do with hiren is? Do i still need to extract hbcd folder to disk1 or can I use it as ISO file? Thanks. Posted by balder on Mar. 20 2010,06:44
@ OrochiQuote: ” Do i still need to extract hbcd folder to disk1 or can I use it as ISO file?” Yes you need to copy folder hbcd to EasyBoot\disk1 You cannot run hiren-ISO directly – we have to extract folder hbcd. I quote from post nr; 24 in this topic you are reading: "Copy folder hbcd (or extract folder hbcd from ISO-file) to EasyBoot\disk1 Put compressed floppy image ( as it is to folder ezboot and use menu command: memdisk /ezboot/ Important! Check “Allow Lower Case” when creating ISO in Easyboot when using this method" I hope you still can download from my web server ![]() Edit: Changed downloads to a temporary location (mediafire) Regards balder Posted by Orochi on Mar. 20 2010,18:45
balder,This did not work for some reason. Here is the situation. I did exactly what you said in the post above mine, I even enabled "Allow Lower Case" during iso compilation. From easyboot menu when I chose hiren boot CD it will load fine and dispaly the usual hiren boot CD screen. When I click on the dos portion of the menu a familiar menu with dos programs pop up. At this point everything looks ok; however when I tried to lunch any of the programs I got a popup saying that hbcd cannot be found. I am not sure what's wrong. I believe that I tried hiren boot CD 10.0 some time ago and it was working fine of the USB under easyboot menu (of course with the help of your script). EDIT: actually I just checked and the last version of hiren bootcd that worked from easyboot menu from usb with the help of your script was 9.9 Perhaps, if nothing else work and you have no solution for me to lunch hiren bootcd 10.2 from easyboot then maybe we can try to integrate hiren into the grub menu before easyboot is lunched. Let me know what you think. ![]() Thanks for any help balder. Posted by balder on Mar. 21 2010,07:03
@ OrochiYes you are partly right about problems related to Hiren. Problems was related to lower and uppercase to file names in folder hbcd ![]() I used USB stick when testing and it works from USB – but not from CD/DVD - mistake by me ![]() There are several problems when using method “memdisk” when run from CD/DVD-units. An example is when launching MiniXP. It crashes. We have to use a separate menu command for this purpose. To use Hiren from CD/DVD do as following: 1. Copy (or extract) folder hbcd to EasyBoot\disk1 2. Download updated from < HERE > and put in folder ezboot as it is 3. Use my script easyboot-uppercase and run uppercase (point and open folder disk1 in easyboot). Note: if you later integrate ISO file - using script: easyboot-iso.script - you do not need to run uppercase-script as uppercase is run automatically when integrating ISO-file. When creating ISO - no need to check “Allow Lower Case”. 4. Use menu command: memdisk 5. To launch MiniXP use separate menu command: bcdw /hbcd/xp.bin To use Hiren from USB do as following: 1. Download updated from < HERE > and put file in folder ezboot as it is 2. Use menu command: memdisk 3. Create ISO in EasyBoot (no need to check “Allow Lower Case”). And do not put folder hbcd in easyboot\disk1 (read point 5 below) 4. Use script easyboot-usb to get created EasyBoot-ISO-file into USB device 5. Copy (or extract) folder hbcd to the root of USB device Note: I have modified (zip-file for download) Test is done using Hiren-10.2 Regards balder Posted by Orochi on Mar. 21 2010,09:58
balder,Thank you so much for your advice. ![]() ![]() ![]() Also thank you for very much for easy to follow instructions. Before you had a chance to reply to my post, I followed instructions from your post # 6. It seems to work fine on my usb drive. Both DosCD and MiniXP are loading fine. I used paragon image that you supplied us with. The only thing that was missing was the advanced menu. Is the that you posted above very different from the paragon image that you gave earlier? Is it worth updating my image with the new and a new command: memdisk ? All the best. Posted by balder on Mar. 21 2010,10:13
@ OrochiQuote: “Is the that you posted above very different from the paragon image that you gave earlier? Is it worth updating my image with the new and a new command: memdisk ?” As I’m sometimes (mostly) is a little bit lazy ![]() ![]() Open hirens folder hbcd and find file “menu.lst” (it’s as you know a simple text file used by grub). Replace file menu.lst in grub image “paragon” and “voila” you have created a new hiren grub “kicker-image”. Then run zip to reduce size to this floppy image - followed by using menu command in Easyboot: memdisk He, he “Easy as a cake” ![]() Regards balder Posted by Orochi on Mar. 21 2010,10:25
Wow, thank you balder,Will this new method allow for an advanced menu in hiren boot CD 10.2? Posted by balder on Mar. 21 2010,10:54
@ OrochiQuote: “Will this new method allow for an advanced menu in hiren boot CD 10.2?” Yes but you have to do uppercase to all paths in menu.lst For example following doesn’t work ![]() title Dos BootCD\nRun Dos Programs find --set-root /HBCD/boot.gz kernel /HBCD/memdisk initrd /HBCD/boot.gz Run uppercase to folder hbcd and then change to this: title Dos BootCD\nRun Dos Programs find --set-root /HBCD/BOOT.GZ kernel /HBCD/MEMDISK initrd /HBCD/BOOT.GZ You must change all text (path) ![]() Open (extract) and then open floppy image and take a look to menu.lst - then I'm sure you understand Regards balder Posted by Orochi on Mar. 21 2010,11:02
balder then I better use your because the menu file there has the commands written with upper case letters.Today I will come back form work and I will try the method described above. Thank you so much for all your hard work. !!! Can I keep you ![]() ![]() ![]() Posted by Orochi on Mar. 21 2010,16:10
balder I did some test.Not very successful with the last instructions. MiniXP did not load. Other programs in the Aldvanced menu did not work well either. Windows memory program kept freezing at the start. 1. Maybe it has to do with the fact that floppy image was zipped this time also the command was not run but it was memdisk. And also the menu.lst was slightly differenet as well. This combination worked for me and minixp and dos programs loaded fine: This is where I used a paragon floppy image that you gave in your post # 6. CODE ======================================================= title Start Hiren's BootCD find --set-root /HBCD/boot.gz map --mem /HBCD/boot.gz (fd0) map --hook chainloader (fd0)+1 rootnoverify (fd0) map --floppies=1 boot title Mini Windows Xp\n find --set-root --ignore-floppies /HBCD/XPLOADER.BIN chainloader /HBCD/XPLOADER.BIN ============================================== This new method with a differenet menu.lst did not work for me very well. CODE ============================================== title Dos BootCD\nRun Dos Programs find --set-root /HBCD/BOOT.GZ kernel /HBCD/MEMDISK initrd /HBCD/BOOT.GZ title Mini Windows Xp\nRun Antivirus and other windows programs find --set-root /HBCD/XPLOADER.BIN chainloader /HBCD/XPLOADER.BIN ============================================== Also when i made and ISO i did not activate the checkbox for allow for lower case as you suggested. Let me know what your think. Many thanks. ![]() Posted by balder on Mar. 21 2010,17:02
@ OrochiI’m curios 1. What version of Hiren do you use ![]() 2. If using Hien_v10.2 – did you use downloaded ![]() Note: keep in mind to use in combination with hiren_v10.2 ![]() To launch MiniXP use separate menu command: bcdw /hbcd/xp.bin (as stated from post nr; 30) Note: this is if run hiren from CD/DVD-unit. If run hiren from USB device, you only need to launch (EasyBoot menu command: memdisk And watch out for case in letters (do uppercase) I really have “hard tested” tutorial in post nr;30 – and have no problems with hiren_v10.2 Regards balder Posted by Orochi on Mar. 21 2010,17:16
balder,QUOTE 1. What version of Hiren do you use I am using a 10.2 QUOTE did you use downloaded Of course. I will try again with you last file. This time I will use run hiren.ima command and allow for lower case. Also I wanted to mention that all this time i am experimenting with USB drive not a CD/DVD. I will let you know if I succeed ![]() Worse comes to worse I will have to use the other paragon image which worked for me fine for some reason. Posted by balder on Mar. 21 2010,18:12
@OrochiDid a new test using USB device (USB stick-drive). Downloaded and followed tutorial in post nr;30 and everything works fine ![]() Note: Please test USB device in “reality” (reboot computer and boot from USB device). Built-in test facility to USB device may not work fully out if launching MiniXP ![]() Whoooaaa - it's sleeping time Z.Z.z.z...... ![]() Regards balder Posted by Orochi on Mar. 21 2010,18:32
balder, every single time the device was tested in reality not in Virtual Machine.I am trying your method again form post 30. I will update the post to let you know whether it works or not. EDIT: I give up ![]() Did everything like you said ![]() Posted by balder on Mar. 22 2010,02:07
@OrochiQuote from post nr; 28: ” Worse comes to worse I will have to use the other paragon image which worked for me fine for some reason.” Well as method “paragon image” worked for you before it should work now as well – if not – there must bee some changes that shouldn’t been done ![]() Note: grub “kicker-image” is not case sensitive when used on FAT or FAT32 (FAT32 is used on USB device). I have no problem with this “hiren issue”. Works on my barebone too – and this barebone is really sensitive as it uses USB-keyboard ![]() Edit: Please test this – copy following code into text file menu.lst that you have on the root of USB device: title Mini Windows Xp\nRun Antivirus and other windows programs find --set-root /HBCD/XPLOADER.BIN chainloader /HBCD/XPLOADER.BIN If this workaround works, then problem is related to how memory is used by EasyBoot - but could in fact only bee a problem for computer you currently use ![]() Regards balder Posted by Orochi on Mar. 22 2010,13:30
balder, title Mini Windows Xp\n find --set-root --ignore-floppies /HBCD/XPLOADER.BIN chainloader /HBCD/XPLOADER.BIN The above command works perfectly when; however I did not use it in the menu.lst of the root of the USB. the above command was placed in the floppy image located in the easyboot dir. The image was a paragon floppy image. The command used: run hiren.ima. The problem is definitely has to do with the memory that is being used during the boot process. When trying to run miniXP with the updated menu.lst from post 30, I get error exception that is very similar to memory error. The only difference between the two commands: title Mini Windows Xp\n find --set-root --ignore-floppies /HBCD/XPLOADER.BIN chainloader /HBCD/XPLOADER.BIN and title Mini Windows Xp\nRun Antivirus and other windows programs find --set-root /HBCD/XPLOADER.BIN chainloader /HBCD/XPLOADER.BIN I don't know how important the --ignore-floppies line is. If it not important then the problem is with the new hiren floppy image itself. Right now I am using floppy image from post 6. The menu.lst which is located inside that floppy and stored in the easyboot folder (NOT the ROOT OF the USB) looks like this. color black/red yellow/black timeout 10 title Start Hiren's BootCD find --set-root /HBCD/boot.gz map --mem /HBCD/boot.gz (fd0) map --hook chainloader (fd0)+1 rootnoverify (fd0) map --floppies=1 boot title Mini Windows Xp\n find --set-root --ignore-floppies /HBCD/XPLOADER.BIN chainloader /HBCD/XPLOADER.BIN Of course I don't get to see any of the advanced menu features but that's ok. I will wait till this gets perfected somehow and more people try before I try to do anything else. Posted by balder on Mar. 22 2010,14:50
@OrochiQuote: “I don't know how important the --ignore-floppies line is.” Well it’s there because I’m lazy – it is a rest from earlier use from CD/DVD-units. However that --ignore-floppies line should bee a problem is interesting news – in fact – my brain is spinning from “removable” to “fixed” right now ![]() ![]() ![]() You can easily delete this --ignore-floppies line in downloaded to see if it works better. Maybe it is this particular computer that has some strange “fixed” memory area – or whatever ![]() Quote: “I will wait till this gets perfected somehow and more people try before I try to do anything else.” Good point ![]() Regards balder Posted by Orochi on Mar. 23 2010,18:24
balder,I checked once again. The problem that I have is related with the commands in the menu.lst in the hiren floppy image. Possibly due to memory commands involving memdisk. The other thing that could be done is to arrange hirenboot cd so it is started from within the main grub menu (the one with the penguin, blue theme). This way it will also be easier to update to future versions. Anyways thank you so much for helping me and sharing your knowledge. Very much appreciated and it is also fun ![]() Posted by balder on Mar. 24 2010,04:25
@OrochiQuote: “The problem that I have is related with the commands in the menu.lst in the hiren floppy image.” Yes that could bee the case. Funny is that I can use this solution on 3 different computers without any problems ![]() By curiosity – is this problem only related to when using hiren from USB device? Quote: “started from within the main grub menu” Yes you can use this option. But then you lose the nice graphical presentation - backgrounds etcetera that easyboot offers you. Basically you can copy text from “advanced menu” to menu-lst on USB device. Note: only 8 lines are showed at same time from grub menu – you have to use arrow keys (“down arrow”) to reach the other ones not presented on screen – commands are there, but not visible - there are not space enough on the screen to show all at same time ![]() Anyway - thanks for sharing your experiments – you are always welcome ![]() Regards balder Posted by Orochi on Mar. 25 2010,13:08
balder thank you again.All the tests conducted were done through USB drive only. I will wait a bit longer for more test from other members and maybe attaempt do something again once hire 10.3 is released ![]() All the best to you, your scripts are priceless ![]() Posted by Orochi on Apr. 07 2010,14:52
balder,I was just wondering if the approach to hiren bootcd 10.4 is the same as for 10.2? Thank you. Posted by balder on Apr. 07 2010,16:19
@OrochiQuote: ”I was just wondering if the approach to hiren bootcd 10.4 is the same as for 10.2?” Well, the only major difference that I have found out so far is that utility “Kon-Boot” now is a part of Hiren boot-cd – rest of CD looks to be the same ![]() But – he, he ![]() ![]() Regards balder Posted by Orochi on Apr. 07 2010,16:34
balder, well LOL you are pretty smart guy ![]() I want to give it another shot at booting hiren from usb together with easyboot. ![]() And since the last method did not work for me I am waiting for something to change so we can come up with a different method. PS. I want to see what's gonna happen if write hiren to usb using this method. < > Then I can check what commands the program is using in the menu.lst. Then try to compare to the menu.lst that you posted in your image. Posted by balder on Apr. 08 2010,04:13
@OrochiOkay – I got the ”message” ![]() You can of course always try method used in Post Number: 32 Note: this is only for USB approach and not to be used when using hiren on CD/DVD Test and trial is the name of the game. I run a lot of these “games” – and I can tell you that sometimes it’s a endless “pain” to figure out what and how to get things up and run as expected – he, he welcome aboard and test “Test and trial is the name of the game” ![]() Tested “unetbootin” and chose hiren-ISO as target during test. USB device booted fine and I can use everything except MiniXP – that failed completely ![]() Note: “unetbootin” uses linux (or isolinux). I don’t understand why you cannot use this simple method to launch MiniXP – I’m going “nuts” over this issue (it’s a “pain”) ![]() Edit: Test this method from Hiren homepage < HERE >. Note: you can make USB drive bootable using my script EasyBoot-USB.script Can you get MiniXP up and run this way? Regards balder Posted by Orochi on Apr. 08 2010,13:24
Hello balder,I tried the guide located here: < > Everything seems to work fine more or less, even mini xp loads beautifully. I had problems with few applications, primarily windows memory diagnostic. The program just freezes when loaded. Not sure what it is related to. The menu list used in the root of the usb is: Edit: code was removed. Let me know if the list is the same as the one included in your file. Thanks. ![]() Posted by balder on Apr. 08 2010,14:39
@OrochiBasically the same – except ”Kon-Boot”. Note: You can test copying menu.lst from inside folder hbcd and insert this menu.lst into “” (that you have in folder ezboot) overwriting existing menu.lst – and then launch this updated in easyboot (memdisk or extract floppy image and use standard command: run hiren.ima Quote: “The program just freezes when loaded” This problem I most likely related to you motherboard ![]() Regards balder Posted by Orochi on Apr. 08 2010,15:45
balder I think problem is solved. ![]() Here is what I did. Some time ago you provided me with hiren.ima file. Inside there was a gldr and menu file. Hiren.ima file was launched from easyboot menu via "run hiren.ima" Previous times all I was doing is changing menu file in the hiren.ima file with the updated file but I was still unsuccessful in booting. This time I took both the gldr and menu file from the HBCD folder and placed them into the hiren.ima file replacing the other two files. And believe it or not this time hiren booted fine within the easyboot menu. It had full menu and eveything was launching fine including miniXP. Once again I had problems with windows memory diagnostic but that could be related to my system. I hope my ram is fine ;) Thanks again balder ;) Posted by Alegom on Apr. 10 2010,19:42
Hi balder.Not sure if you remember me, but I'm here again asking for your precious help. I have Hiren's BootCD 10.4 and I was trying to boot it from my DVD. I have, so far, extracted HBCD folder to the root of my DVD and saved boot image with UltraISO to the ezboot folder, so that the command I use is run hirens.bif. But it doesn't work quite well, as when I launch the mini XP it says that there is no disk in the drive. So, I believe it is a command error that I made. I want to be able to load hirens's menu and choose either the tools or the mini XP, all this only with one command in my menu. Of course, if it is not possible with only one command, I am more than willing to acept two, no problem about that... What should I change to make it work? Posted by balder on Apr. 11 2010,03:16
@AlegomQuote: ” Not sure if you remember me” Sure I do – from < HERE > ![]() Well Alegom, if you have read all posts in this topic I think you already might solve it – however I’ll give you some suggestion anyway ![]() 1. Copy folder hbcd to EasyBoot\disk1 2. Download floppy image (hiren.img) from < HERE > and put image in folder ezboot 3. Open hiren.img in folder ezboot (I use UltraIso) and inject file grldr and file menu.lst from folder hbcd to floppy image – save image overwriting existing files. 4. Use menu command: memdisk hiren.img 5. Create ISO as usual in EasyBoot (check “Allow lower case“ when creating ISO). Let’s see if this works for you ![]() Edit: I forgot to mention this; In case you use my script easyboot-iso.script names to files and folders in easyboot\disk1 automatically is rewritten to UPPERCASE. This means that menu.lst in hiren.img must have entries uppercased - for example: title Dos BootCD\nRun Dos Programs find --set-root /HBCD/boot.gz kernel /HBCD/memdisk initrd /HBCD/boot.gz Must be changed to this: title Dos BootCD\nRun Dos Programs find --set-root /HBCD/BOOT.GZ kernel /HBCD/MEMDISK initrd /HBCD/BOOT.GZ You have to do this to all entries in menu.lst As option you can as last procedure copy folder hbcd to easyboot\disk1 and in this way you have the original one with no changes done (no uppercase done) – in this case it works okay. Best regards balder Posted by Alegom on Apr. 11 2010,08:21
QUOTE Well Alegom, if you have read all posts in this topic I think you already might solve it – however I’ll give you some suggestion anyway ![]() Yes, I read the whole thread. The thing is, there were already described so many ways to do it and so many alternative methods that I lost myself and I ended up not knowing which one to use. Besides the fact that I saw that almost each version of Hirens required a different way, so I didn't know if any would work. But you know that I, as always, very much enjoy your help. ![]() QUOTE 1. Copy folder hbcd to EasyBoot\disk1 2. Download floppy image (hiren.img) from < HERE > and put image in folder ezboot 3. Open hiren.img in folder ezboot (I use UltraIso) and inject file grldr and file menu.lst from folder hbcd to floppy image – save image overwriting existing files. 4. Use menu command: memdisk hiren.img 5. Create ISO as usual in EasyBoot (check “Allow lower case“ when creating ISO). So far almost everything good. Just have a few questions. The files inside hirens.img are in uppercase and the files to replace from hbcd folder are in lowercase. Must I put the files in upper case when replacing in hirens.img? And do I keep them in hbcd folder or should I delete them after? When I add the command to my menu and try to save the project, there are two error messages: "Boot Image File 'Ezboot\isolinux' not Exist!" and "Boot Image File 'Ezboot\memdisk' not Exist!" QUOTE Edit: I forgot to mention this; In case you use my script easyboot-iso.script names to files and folders in easyboot\disk1 automatically is rewritten to UPPERCASE. This means that menu.lst in hiren.img must have entries uppercased - for example: title Dos BootCD\nRun Dos Programs find --set-root /HBCD/boot.gz kernel /HBCD/memdisk initrd /HBCD/boot.gz Must be changed to this: title Dos BootCD\nRun Dos Programs find --set-root /HBCD/BOOT.GZ kernel /HBCD/MEMDISK initrd /HBCD/BOOT.GZ You have to do this to all entries in menu.lst As option you can as last procedure copy folder hbcd to easyboot\disk1 and in this way you have the original one with no changes done (no uppercase done) – in this case it works okay. I have to admit, I was almost lost in that part... :S You mention your script, but I don't know what is it for... Can you explain me? PS: When i wrote my post last night I though I would have to wait a couple days for an answer, and if you saw it. I deeply thank you for your speed and concern. ;) Posted by balder on Apr. 11 2010,10:38
@AlegomQuote: ”The files inside hirens.img are in uppercase and the files to replace from hbcd folder are in lowercase. Must I put the files in upper case when replacing in hirens.img? And do I keep them in hbcd folder or should I delete them after?” It doesn’t matter if you keep file grldr and menu.lst in folder hbcd because files are not used – as you instead launch hiren from easyboot (memdisk hiren.img) Seems to me that you haven’t tested my different script to “make life easier”. Test and enjoy ![]() The point with copying grldr and menu.lst from folder hbcd is that you get the last update in hiren – and further more – you get the right case for letters automatically. BUT – if you later use my script easyboot-iso.script to integrate a Windows live-build (BartPE, Reatogo or ERD5 or ERD7 or Msdart60 etcetera) letters to files and folders are automatically uppercased bye script – and now you get problems with folder hbcd as file menu.lst in hiren.img is case-sensitiv and all files in folder hbcd is now uppercased. To avoid problems, copy folder hbcd as the last point in your build (to keep case in names in original shape). Quote: “The thing is, there were already described so many ways to do it and so many alternative methods that I lost myself and I ended up not knowing which one to use.” Welcome onboard you are not alone – he, he here you have another lost “soul” and his name is balder ![]() Quote: “Besides the fact that I saw that almost each version of Hirens required a different way, so I didn't know if any would work” That’s why I decided to inject menu.lst into hiren.img. In this way we easily can update for next release of hiren - only change file menu.lst in hiren.img - “easy as a cake” ![]() Quote: “two error messages: "Boot Image File 'Ezboot\isolinux' not Exist!" and "Boot Image File 'Ezboot\memdisk' not Exist!” What version of EasyBoot do you use? If using EasyBoot_version:51288 you should have a file “Isolinux” and a file “Memdisk” in folder ezboot. If not – I can provide them to you - but I'm unsure if your version of EasyBoot can use them?. You need these files to 100% - and updated EasyBoot should be of high priority for you! Quote: “I deeply thank you for your speed” He, he I thought I was a “slow person” – I was a pretty “high speeded” soccer and hand-boll player when I was in the “right age” ![]() ![]() Best regards balder Posted by Alegom on Apr. 11 2010,12:22
QUOTE Seems to me that you haven’t tested my different script to “make life easier”. Test and enjoy ![]() Will do, some time soon. QUOTE The point with copying grldr and menu.lst from folder hbcd is that you get the last update in hiren – and further more – you get the right case for letters automatically. Hum... That's smart. ;) QUOTE What version of EasyBoot do you use? If using EasyBoot_version:51288 you should have a file “Isolinux” and a file “Memdisk” in folder ezboot. If not – I can provide them to you - but I'm unsure if your version of EasyBoot can use them?. You need these files to 100% - and updated EasyBoot should be of high priority for you! Don't worry about my version, it's I don't know how, but I must have deleted them accidentaly, so now I placed them back and the error is gone. QUOTE He, he I thought I was a “slow person” – I was a pretty “high speeded” soccer and hand-boll player when I was in the “right age” ![]() ![]() From what I see in this forum, you're an EasyBoot God, so don't worry about physical speed. Your brain makes up for that by far. Now, let's back to Hiren's... It is now booting, and the menu shows up. But... there's an error... See for yourself. < > Posted by balder on Apr. 11 2010,14:02
@AlegomQuote: ” there's an error” Did you run this test in a “virtual PC” ![]() Error code-7 indicates problem with used memory (RAM-modules). If testing in MicroSoft Virtual PC – please set RAM used in Virtual PC to at least 300 MB By the way – Virtual PC is not a good tester for this application. Best result with this sensitive hiren is to use a CD-RW or test from USB device You can also use this freeware < HERE > Note: you do not need to create a “Hard Disk Image” (select NO) when you use this test program. Best regards balder Posted by Alegom on Apr. 11 2010,15:49
QUOTE Did you run this test in a “virtual PC” ![]() Yes, otherwise I couldn't take a printscreen. ![]() QUOTE Error code-7 indicates problem with used memory (RAM-modules). If testing in MicroSoft Virtual PC – please set RAM used in Virtual PC to at least 300 MB God, what a dork I am... Why didn't I think of that? ![]() QUOTE By the way – Virtual PC is not a good tester for this application. Ok. I am just used to it... I am now glad to tell you that everything is working fine. ![]() Once again, your support was decisive to my success in this task. Thank you so much. Take care, balder. ;) We shall meet again. ![]() Posted by balder on Apr. 12 2010,03:18
@AlegomQuote: ”I am now glad to tell you that everything is working fine”. Excellent – I’m happy that you are happy ![]() Note: I use “virtual PC” in 99% of the cases when testing created ISO – but this way of launching hiren seems to be sensitive (to sensitive) – so in this particular case I use “MobaLiveCD”. Keep on using “virtual PC” as it works fine (and he, he it’s freeware). Quote: ” We shall meet again.” Always welcome – and take care yourself ![]() By the way - I need that “take care” - stupid as I from time to time can behave ![]() ![]() Regards balder Posted by Behdadsoft on May 04 2010,08:36
Hello dear friendI got the help you practice but still gives an error message. ![]() Posted by balder on May 07 2010,03:28
@BehdadsoftQuote: “still gives an error message” It looks that you test ISO in some kind of “Virtual PC” ![]() Please read post nr:59 in this topic you are reading – or use direct linke < HERE > and read post nr:59 ![]() balder Posted by Evandson on May 21 2010,12:04
Balder Hello! alright dude.Brother I have a problem here, I made a multiboot DVD with Windows XP and 7, so far everything ok, so I decided to join the Hiren BootCD 10.4, use the method that was posted by you Post Number: 55, then presents the following issue when I create iso with the option "Allow lower case" selected the perfect work already Hiren BootCD Windows 7 not to give more boot so I can install the following error appears "CDBOOT: Could not find BOOTMGR" and does not work when I create the iso with the option "Allow lower case" cleared the Windows 7 operating normally to boot and start the normal installation already Hiren BootCD stops working right I can get Hiren's menu and access the Windows XP Mini the rest of the options give an error N º 15 and can not access anything on Hiren BootCD. Help me Dude, I wonder what is contecendo, how do you work right the Two? Since already I thank you and await response, a hug is with God Sorry for my english Posted by balder on May 21 2010,13:45
@EvandsonAs this looks to be your first post here – I say welcome ![]() Quote: “CDBOOT: Could not find BOOTMGR” This is because you must check “Allow lower case” to get Hiren boot-cd to work properly (as far as it is possible). Please download my scrip-collection and use easyboot-uppercase.script and run uppercase to everything in folder “disk1” in easyboot. Note: only have files from WinXP and Win-7 in folder disk1 when run uppercase. Then copy folder hbcd from Hiren-ISO to folder “disk1” and follow tutorial for Hiren as usual. You find my scripts below in every post I put in this forum. And PLEASE – read help-file “READ_ME.html” in folder “balder” how to handle scripts. Note: in script “easyboot-iso.script” you even have an extra button that automatically integrates hiren’s boot-CD. But before pushing that button use easyboot-uppercase.script and run uppercase to folder disk1 in easyboot. PS. You have a new message ![]() balder Posted by Evandson on May 21 2010,19:13
(balder @ May 21 2010,18:45) QUOTE @Evandson As this looks to be your first post here – I say welcome ![]() Quote: “CDBOOT: Could not find BOOTMGR” This is because you must check “Allow lower case” to get Hiren boot-cd to work properly (as far as it is possible). Please download my scrip-collection and use easyboot-uppercase.script and run uppercase to everything in folder “disk1” in easyboot. Note: only have files from WinXP and Win-7 in folder disk1 when run uppercase. Then copy folder hbcd from Hiren-ISO to folder “disk1” and follow tutorial for Hiren as usual. You find my scripts below in every post I put in this forum. And PLEASE – read help-file “READ_ME.html” in folder “balder” how to handle scripts. Note: in script “easyboot-iso.script” you even have an extra button that automatically integrates hiren’s boot-CD. But before pushing that button use easyboot-uppercase.script and run uppercase to folder disk1 in easyboot. PS. You have a new message ![]() balder Balder Thanks, worked perfect thanks ![]() Posted by Orochi on Jun. 03 2010,16:47
Oh God ![]() I managed to make Paragon HDM 2009 work now I have problems with Hiren MiniXP. I don't understand where could be the problem I think I wrote iso to USB over 8 times now. On top of that I test USB live not in Virtual Machine, so literally this process ate my whole day. I badly need your help balder ![]() Ok this is my situation. Trying to boot from USB using your USB-Easyboot script. In easyboot folder I have hiren.ima command in easyboot is "run hiren.ima also tried using and the command was "memdisk hiren.img" Both hiren.img and hiren.ima are injected with latest gldr and menu.lst from the HBCD folder of hiren bootcd 10.4. I create iso by clicking on allow lower case. Then I ran your usb script. After I copy HBCD folder to the root of my usb drive. It seems that the dos part launches fine from easyboot menu; however when i try to launch miniXP all i get is a black screen with no errors just a black screen. Am i missing something ![]() Thanks for any help ![]() EDIT: Also tried using your ISO script with a specific feature for Hiren. The script copies HBCD folder to Disk1 folder. I had to move it to the root of my USB in order for things to work. This time MiniXP started loading and was stopped by some sort of error. There was some exception error, seems like it is memory related. When hiren.ima is used screen is black, when is used I get an exception error. I am lost... Posted by balder on Jun. 04 2010,10:31
@OrochiQuote: ”today is one of those days” He, he welcome to the “party” – he, he now you are on my “level” = “troubleshooting” ![]() Some remarks… Make sure that USB is formatted to FAT32 (NTFS doesn’t work for Hiren) ![]() And check “Allow lower case” when creating ISO in EasyBoot. Note: When creating ISO you don’t need folder HBCD in folder “disk1”. I shouldn’t matter if you use hiren.ima or hiren.img – it’s the menu.lst that’s in charge. I use a 20 GB “old hard-disk connected with a adapter – look < HERE > However it’s a old disk unit which makes it very noisy – but fast ![]() I can rapidly “design” my USB in less than 60 seconds - including transferring EasyBoot-ISO-file and folder HBCD to disk unit ![]() Attention! Do a new download of scripts. I have updated easyboot-usb.script so that you now can force format to FAT32 even if you use a “fixed disk” (usually “fixed disk” is the same as a hard-disk unit – but not always) ![]() Regards balder Posted by Orochi on Jun. 04 2010,12:48
balder thanks for your time. ![]() Your link says Invalid or Deleted File. Some updates. I tried launching MiniXP directly from grub menu and it launches fine. It seems that easyboot uses the same memory address as minixp because every time xp is launched there is a memory exception error. By the way Hiren Boot CD 10.5 is out will see if it is would be easier to launch it from easyboot. balder also wanted to ask you a slightly different question. I have a multiboot iso created by some guy on a another forum. The ISO has windows PE it uses mnpe folder which is somewhat similar to i386 folder I believe, it has hiren 10, and bunch of other small floppy images. this is the structure of the iso: ====================== bcdw Hbcd images mnpe Programs autorun.inf bootcat.ini bootsect.bin Win51 Win51ip Win51ip.sp1 Win51ip.sp2 Win51is Winbom.ini ==================== What would be the command to launch this iso from grub menu ? Thank you... Posted by balder on Jun. 04 2010,13:32
@OrochiQuote: ”Your link says Invalid or Deleted File” Fixed – sorry for the delay ![]() Quote: ”mnpe folder” Seems to be a “normal” LiveXP (or similar) that has folder i386 hex edit to folder name ”mnpe”. To launch this you need to find bootsect.bin file that is hex edit to “mnpe” – or hex edit W2ksect.bin in folder ezboot to point to folder “mnpe”. EasyBoot can do hex edit: Make a copy of W2ksect.bin and rename it to “mnpe.bin” 1. Launch easyboot and choose “Tools>>”Replace Text” 2. Find mnpe.bin in “File” 3. In “Text to find” you insert I386 and in “Replace with” you put in MNPE 4. Push “Replace” 5. Put mnpe.bin in folder ezboot 6. Use menu command in easyboot: run mnpe.bin Another way is to test this: in easyboot menu use command: bcdw /mnpe/setupldr.bin It can work if build is created using WinXP as source (it doesn’t work if build is based on server-2003_sp1) ![]() Regards balder Posted by Orochi on Jun. 04 2010,13:46
balder, this might not work.I want to be able to launch the whole iso from usb either through grub or easyboot. Windows live is only one of the options in the menu, there are other programs as well. Like I said it is a multiboot ISO. It has a menu based on bcdw. I tried this in menu.lst title MiniPE find --set-root /iso/minipe.iso map --mem /iso/minipe.iso (hd32) map --hook root (hd32) chainloader (hd32) I also tried just the map /iso/minipe.iso (hd32) method but than LiveXP doesn't start at all. This causes the whole iso to be loaded into memory. I am not sure if there is an easier method. I guess i can also try using your iso script and enable run from ram, if I don't LiveXP will not load. what do you think. Posted by balder on Jun. 04 2010,15:13
@OrochiQuote: ” this might not work” Sorry I misunderstood you – didn’t get the full picture ![]() Quote: “I want to be able to launch the whole iso” Hmmm… Have you seen “Mission impossible” ![]() I think we are pretty close to such “mission” ![]() This is certainly a “multiboot-ISO” and I’m pretty sure you cannot launch it directly (even not from RAM) ![]() Maybe if you disassemble the original ISO and do some rework – but is it worth it ![]() Regards balder Posted by Orochi on Jun. 04 2010,17:54
QUOTE Hmmm… Have you seen “Mission impossible” LOL You made me laugh here ![]() I see your point. Actually launching from ram works. Both your script and the map --mem /iso/minipe.iso (hd32) allows for this to happen. At least the livexp portion loads fine. I have to test other utilities to fully confirm this. Also launching the whole ISO from ram is maybe a good idea on my PC, I have 8GB of ram, but launching it on an older computer might be a problem. Will see. Worse comes to worse I will have to disassemble livexp portion from the whole iso and try to manipulate in the way that you described on a previous page. Thank you so much easyboot/Grub4Dos Sensei. ![]() Posted by Orochi on Jun. 04 2010,18:09
balder I decided to de-compile the iso. I am gonna try the easiest method first. bcdw /mnpe/setupldr.bin I am assuming I have to move all folders related to livexp to Disk1 folder? thanks. EDIT: well this command "bcdw /mnpe/setupldr.bin" didn't work computer simply rebooted. I just realized that that it won't be convenient updating this boot cd if it launched from within easyboot. what would be the right procedure to launch it under Grub. Thanks balder. Posted by balder on Jun. 05 2010,04:54
@OrochiQuote: ”bcdw /mnpe/setupldr.bin” This can only work if build is based on WinXP as source. Note: If build is based on server-2003 – the “bcdw-command” doesn’t work at all. It seems that we are dealing with server-2003_sp1 If size to setupldr.bin in folder "mnpe" is 298096 byte, then its from server-2003_sp1 If I understand you right: A. You want to use the “Live-system” as a “stand-alone-solution”. B. You also want to be able to launch this “Live-system” from USB as well C. As a alternative, you would like to launch it under Grub Let’s start with this: Launch UltraIso and choose to create a new ISO. Copy folder mnpe, folder programs, files bootcat.ini, bootsect.bin, Winbom.ini and all ident-files (Win51 etcetera) to UltraISO. Make a copy of W2ksect.bin from folder ezboot. Do hex edit to this copy (follow guide lines in post nr:70) Use this hex edit W2ksect.bin as bootfile in UltraIso. Create ISO and test if it works okay. You can then use easyboot-iso.script to integrate ISO-file into EasyBoot as usual. Note: check "Run from RAM" as this is a NT5-system (folder i386 renamed to mnpe). How to make it work from USB you already now (I hope ![]() You can use command lines in “menu.lst” from compressed floppy image (created by easyboot-iso.script) in folder ezboot and insert these into menu.lst on USB – in case it doesn’t work from EasyBoot menu. Quote: “I have 8GB of ram” He, he sounds like I need to “snatch” some memory from you ![]() ![]() Regards balder Posted by Orochi on Jun. 05 2010,14:06
balder first of all want to thank you for willing to help me. ![]() I don't know what I would do without you ![]() 1. File Setupldr.bin in mnpe folder is 245,920 bytes not 298096. Also want to tell you that this multiboot iso uses BCDW for menu. Before I begin the surgery I will wait a bit for your reply. I am concerned with the file size. My goal is to completely disassemble this iso in such a way that I am only left with WinPE portion of the ISO. Then I want to be able to extract all the components related to WinPe to the iso/MiniPe/*.* folder of my USB root. And finally be able to launch this WinPe via chainloader of setupldr.bin via grub4dos menu not easyboot. I prefer having winpe in not in iso because it makes it easier to update. QUOTE You can use command lines in “menu.lst” from compressed floppy image (created by easyboot-iso.script) What would be the command there? I am also sending you a PM. Posted by balder on Jun. 05 2010,17:26
@OrochiQuote: ”Also want to tell you that this multiboot iso uses BCDW for menu” Yes I have already noticed this ![]() If size to setupldr.bin is 260784 byte its from WinXP-source. But you saying setupldr.bin is 245,920 – so what is this? Could it be setupldr.bin from WinXP (without servicepack) – it’s very close that size Or is it from Microsoft WinPE? Anyway test this: Download USB-MININT.script from < HERE >(extract script from zip-file to WinBuilder_complete\Projects\LiveXP\EasyBoot Launch WinBuilder and you now have a brand new script “USB-minint.script” You need a USB that has menu.lst on the root (you can use easyboot-usb.script and put whatever you like on USB (even a simple floppy-image can do) Create a new folder myproject Copy folder “mnpe” and folder “programs” to folder myproject Rename folder mnpe to i386 Activate USB-minint.script Set a name in text-box (something 6-letters name like MYTEST – as you see - use CAPS) Press start and open folder “myproject” (don’t open folder i386 when scrolling - only folder myproject as script need to "see" folder i386 by itself)) Script starts to prepare and copying files and folders (including hex edit) – it can takes several minutes before any copying is started and then it can take several minutes before copying is finished – let it take its time (while waiting - take a cup of tea or whatever) When script is finished you get a new “title-line” in the very end of menu.lst (you can later edit menu.lst to look different and more appropriated – or the Style” you like it to have). If above doesn’t work you can use the name MININT in text-box and see if it works better. Regards balder Posted by Orochi on Jun. 05 2010,18:34
balder, thank you so much for your effort.I will give it a go as soon as I come back from work. Meanwhile I am sending you the the iso file that was driving me crazy for the past few days. Check your PM. Also QUOTE Create a new folder myproject Where? On the USB itself or anywhere on the HDD? QUOTE When script is finished you get a new “title-line” in the very end of menu.lst (you can later edit menu.lst to look different and more appropriated – or the Style” you like it to have). Once the script completes its task: Will it be possible to rename project folder to anything else? Will it be possible to move project folder to any other folder? ==> Say iso/project Thank you balder. Posted by balder on Jun. 06 2010,03:45
@OrochiQuote: ” Where? On the USB itself or anywhere on the HDD?” On the HDD – sorry for being a little bit cryptic there ![]() Folder is only used as a “workbench” for usb-minint.script. Create a new folder “myproject” on the HDD And then simply extract folder “mnpe” and folder “programs” to folder “myproject” Rename folder "mnpe" to i386 Run usb-minint.script (select “minint-solution” in script as you are not going to launch any ISO-file directly) Put in a 6-letters name in text-box (use CAPS) When you push “start” - script will ask for the location of folder i386 - Point (open) folder “myproject” (don't open folder i386 only folder “myproject” so that script can "see" folder i386) Relax and take a cup of tea or coffee as this take a while to finish ![]() I can now confirm that it works ![]() Note1: you need to have USB device connected all the time as this “Live-system” is run in “real time” and not from RAM. Note2: It’s possible to launch this from EasyBoot menu as well (using grub-kicker-image). Quote: “Will it be possible to rename project folder to anything else?” No, you choose name in script! Quote: “Will it be possible to move project folder to any other folder? ==> Say iso/project” No, it must be run from the root of USB! But you can always hide files and folders on the root - if it helps ![]() As I pointed out before – you can create a new ISO (post nr: 75) and choose to run this ISO from RAM – then you can move ISO and change path in menu.lst accordingly – or use easyboot-iso.script Regards balder Posted by Orochi on Jun. 06 2010,16:30
balder you are god ![]() Your method worked beautifully. I was able to launch MINIPE successfully everything worked great. Thanks so much for the script. I am still aiming to launch the iso directly using grub4dos. This way I can hide the minipe.iso inside the iso folder, it will look more aesthetic. Ok this what I did: 1. Made a copy of W2ksect.bin and renamed to mnpe.bin 2. Used Easyboot to find and replace i386 to mnpe 3. Went to UltraIso and clicked on create new bootable image. 4. As a boot file I selected mnpe.bin 5. Then copied to Ultraiso Programs, mnpe, and all the files in the root of the mnpe.iso 6. Saved as mnpe.iso and put it into iso folder on the root of the USB. 7. In menu.lst I tied several methods to launch this mnpe.iso using both Direct and Memory method but none of them worked. This is the problem. The mnpe.iso starts loading, it shows a familiar white and black bar where you have an option to click F6. Once the bar completes comes a news screen sort of WinXP modified boot logo screen. This is the screen where computers hangs and nothing happens. I know that the commands I use are good. I made about 4 or 5 different commands to launch the iso and none of them work. I need to get to the bottom of this mystery... ![]() Posted by balder on Jun. 07 2010,03:35
@OrochiQuote: ” This is the problem” This is an NT5-system and must be run from RAM ![]() Use easyboot-iso.script (check: “Run from RAM”) to integrate ISO-file to easyboot then use command-lines from created “grub-kicker-image” that script put in folder ezboot. Copy compressed mnpe-ISO-file and firadisk-file from folder ISO in easyboot to folder ISO on USB and use this command-lines in menu.lst on USB: title Launch mnpe find --set-root --ignore-floppies /ISO/FIRADISK.GZ map --mem /ISO/FIRADISK.GZ (fd0) map --hook find --set-root --ignore-floppies /ISO/MNPE.ISO.GZ map --mem /ISO/MNPE.ISO.GZ (0xff) map --hook chainloader (0xff) Note: Make sure you have enough RAM-memory when testing in Virtual PC or whatever ![]() Quote: “it will look more aesthetic” He, he – now you are talking… Sure I can agree that a clean environment is always nice – but sometimes “reality” must override “good looking” – have that in mind ![]() What I mean is that “good functionality” is the superior goal – but again – combined with “good looking” is even better ![]() Regards balder Posted by Orochi on Jun. 07 2010,13:27
balder thank you so much for dedicating your time to this ![]() QUOTE Use easyboot-iso.script (check: “Run from RAM”) to integrate ISO-file to easyboot then use command-lines from created “grub-kicker-image” that script put in folder ezboot. Copy compressed mnpe-ISO-file and firadisk-file from folder ISO in easyboot to folder ISO on USB and use this command-lines in menu.lst on USB: This part: "Use easyboot-iso.script (check: “Run from RAM”) to integrate ISO-file to easyboot" I understand but the next part simply eludes me. I am sorry can you elaborate this sentence "use command-lines from created “grub-kicker-image” that script put in folder ezboot." Thank you balder, I can smell the victory ![]() Posted by balder on Jun. 07 2010,14:45
@OrochiQuote: ” This is the problem” Let’s assume you put in MNPE as name in script and checked “Run from RAM” – then script does following: 1. If folder ISO doesn’t exist in easyboot\disk1, script creates folder ISO 2. Script run g-zip to chosen ISO-file in chosen source directory 3. Script copy g-zipped ISO-file to easyboot\disk1\ISO 4. Script run un-zip to chosen ISO-file in chosen source directory 5. Script extract g-zipped “firadisk”-floppy to easyboot\disk1\ISO 6. Script creates grub-“kicker-image” (MNPE .img.gz) and modify menu.lst accordingly to chosen name in script text-box (in this case: MNPE) A. You then copy files from folder ISO to folder ISO on USB B. Extract floppy-image from created grub-“kicker-image” (MNPE .img.gz ) and extract menu.lst inside floppy – there you have command-lines to be used in menu.lst on USB (you only need to put in a “title”-line for your own convenience) – or use example-lines in post: 81 ![]() Regards balder Posted by Orochi on Jun. 07 2010,20:53
balder you are genius ![]() I had trouble in the beginning. But at the end I was able to make it work with your instructions. I was not very successful with creating a new minipe.iso from scratch with minipe.bin as a bootfile. I was able to start the original image with your instructions. ![]() Now my spouse is very upset because I spent three days in a row trying to make this thing work and didn't dedicate any time for her. Thank balder you have been a great help ![]() Best of Luck to You. |