Forum: EasyBoot
Topic: how to make hiren's boot cd 10.6 + winxp+vista
started by: rasooli

Posted by rasooli on Jul. 19 2010,01:23
hello 2 all i am a new member of this forum.
I can make a multi boot cd hiren's boot cd 10.0+winxp but i have a problem to making multi boot between hiren's boot cd 10.6+winxp+vista+win 7.
pleas help me thanks :)

Posted by balder on Jul. 19 2010,03:31

As this seems to be your first post in this forum – I say welcome @rasooli :)

Quote: “i have a problem to making multi boot between hiren's boot cd 10.6+winxp+vista+win 7”

As it seems that you already have solved hiren's boot cd and WinXP – I leave that issue without any comment :;):
But to have Vista and Win-7 on same DVD is a problem ???  
We have problem to combine this two system to the same “root” (folder disk1 is the “root” for EasyBoot if you wonder)

The easy way is to only use one of this NT6-systems and I recommend Win-7 as Vista is such a “crap”. To get Win-7 onboard the DVD, read post nr.2 < HERE >

However there is solutions to have both Vista and Win-7 on same DVD – but it isn’t that easy - read post nr: 2 < HERE >


Posted by rasooli on Jul. 19 2010,05:38
thank you for quick response.
so i download hiren's boot cd 10.6 iso file and it seems disparate with less version and when i try to make multi easy boot with hiren's boot cd 10.6+winxp it doesn't work normally just it work like hiren's 10. what is the problem.

i am sorry for for my English typing

Posted by balder on Jul. 19 2010,10:18

Quote: “hiren's boot cd 10.6+winxp it doesn't work normally just it work like hiren's 10”

Okay let’s focus on Hiren 10.6 as WinXP shouldn’t interfere with Hiren :cool:

I integrated Hiren 10.6 using my script "easyboot-iso.script" (pushed special button in script – “Integrate Hiren's BOOT-CD”).
Seems to work just fine as far as I have time to test :)
Note: testing Hiren in “virtual environment” doesn’t always works as supposed :O

You can download the whole bunch of scripts (you have it below: Download complete set of scripts including help file …)
Please read “READ_ME.html” to better understand how you handle scripts.
Note: scripts are free of charge :;):    


Posted by rasooli on Jul. 20 2010,02:41
thanks for helping me
i download script and help file but i can't make a script for hiren's iso file
can you help me in an easier way .
thanks for your attentions

Posted by balder on Jul. 20 2010,03:41

The simplest way is to activate easyboot-iso.script and then push on the button “Integrate Hiren's BOOT-CD” – everything is done fully automatically :)

However – it looks that you have trouble how to manage “script-engine” – and this is bad – as you later will run in to some trouble as we need to check “Allow lower case” when creating ISO :O
Note: using my script gives you advantage (and control) in your ambition to create multi-boot CD/DVD – the choice is yours not mine :cool:

Do it this way (Hiren 10.6):

1. Extract folder HBCD from Hiren ISO-file to folder disk1 in EasyBoot
2. Download floppy image from < HERE >
3. Copy downloaded floppy image to folder ezboot
4. In your created EasyBoot menu use start command:  run hiren.img
5. When creating ISO in EasyBoot – tick “Allow lower case”

regards balder

Posted by rasooli on Jul. 21 2010,03:39
I am sorry, I do all the instruction you say but it still doesn't work.

Qoute: Note: using my script gives you advantage (and control) in your ambition to create multi-boot CD/DVD – the choice is yours not mine.

your right can you help me to obviation this problem.

regards Rasooli

Posted by balder on Jul. 21 2010,03:53

You need to give me some more information :O
What happens when you start Hiren in EasyBoot menu ???

What is showed on the black screen ???

Note: make sure that name to folder HBCD is uppercase (big letters)
