Forum: EasyBoot
Topic: Directory xxx not found
started by: vodka

Posted by vodka on Sep. 06 2010,03:17

I didn'nt use ezb since one year now. I made severall disks in the past but today my memory failed to remember parameters. :(

I start to create a disk, I make iso When I tryed disk, I always get directory "ROOT" not found.
file dir=D:\EasyBoot\root
I have ezb menu and all files in this directory.

In iso choices I have
CD file Dir =D:\EasyBoot\root\

When I change CD file Dir to D:\EasyBoot\, it works but with all files copied including program and is directory :(

I'm confused to ask this simple question but after two days I start to become crazy !!!

Thanks. Have a nice day.

Posted by balder on Sep. 06 2010,09:22

Quote: ”I'm confused to ask this simple question”

It’s hard to say why EasyBoot behaves like this ???  – as it is possible to change name to “root”-folder disk1 – as you prefer.

However – test this:
1. Make sure you use path: “D:\EasyBoot\root” and not “D:\EasyBoot\root\” - it really shouldn’t make any difference – but who knows ???
2. Press button “Save” (if you haven’t already done so) so that your ***.ezb-file is saved to the different “root”-folder name (folder "root" that you use)
3. Reinstall you EasyBoot :O
