Forum: EasyBoot
Topic: Easyboot usb
started by: bugme

Posted by bugme on Sep. 06 2010,14:17

i am using your script but i getting a error if i start the easyboot-usb it says ''script has found more than one usb oe serveral partitions '' but i only have on usb in my pc. so can u help me with this?

Posted by balder on Sep. 06 2010,15:04

Quote: ”script has found more than one usb oe serveral partitions”

This message means that script has found a security problem :O
This message may pop up if:

1. Computer has more than one USB disk unit connected to computer.
2. OR that connected USB disk unit has more than one partition.

Note: As a precaution to not destroy data on a second USB disk OR a second partition - includes both hided as unhidden partition(s) - script automatically scan what is connected to your computer with a USB.
Either do you have more than one USB unit that script has discovered (or think is) a second USB disk OR a USB disk with several partitions?

It could be a hided partition that you do not have knowledge of :p
Download HP USB format tool from < HERE >
Use this tool to wipe out everything on USB unit
Note: This tool should only be use to “removable” disk units (USB stick/thumb drives) and not to “fixed” disk units like harddisk connected with USB (or some kind of USB-adapter.

Attention! If it is a harddisk (fixed disk) open instead “My computer” and right-click to the USB disk and choose to format (you can use any file-system as it doesn’t matter at this point) - make sure that you only have one partition on the fixed disk as well!

Some explanation how script works…
Script analyse if USB device is a “fixed” (in most cases a harddisk) or “removable” (USB-stick/thumb-drive).
If script detect USB device as “fixed” it automatically use NTFS as file system (can be overridden with checking “Force Format to FAT32”).
If script detect USB device as “removable” it automatically use FAT32 as file system
However - even if script detect USB device as “removable”, and USB device is larger than 32 GB in size (let’s say 64GB), it automatically select NTFS as file system to avoid the 32GB-limit to FAT32 (can be overridden with checking “Force Format to FAT32” but not recommended).
Read < HERE > about FAT32 and the 32GB-limit

As far as I know there is no script that can do all this fully automatically – no need to set a lot of parameters manually (and make mistakes this way).
The “backside” is that to make script as safe as possible – script must refuse to handle more than one USB device or more than one partition on USB device, to not get confused what is the target for the whole operation.

Anyway… What kind of USB unit (disk) is it that generate this message ???
Is it a “SanDisk” with U3-function or what?


Posted by bugme on Sep. 09 2010,13:59
I used the format tool and tryed your script again
but its the same result.
but imy computer has 2 partitions is that maybe the problem?

I`m using a hdd connecting through a usb

Posted by balder on Sep. 09 2010,14:54

Quote: ”I`m using a hdd connecting through a usb”

Are you sure that this “hdd” doesn’t have two partitions (watch out for hided partition).

Quote: “but my computer has 2 partitions is that maybe the problem?”

No, this is not a problem. Script doesn’t care (scan) for IDE/Sata-units – script only scans for what’s connected to USB.

Most likely there is something strange with the connected USB-hdd-unit.
Make sure that you don not use some kind of USB-Hub when connecting hdd-unit.

Hmmmm… Hard to say what irritate script so bad that it halt it’s process ???


Posted by bugme on Sep. 09 2010,15:53
I dont know but i tryed your script on a laptop and then it says 'could not create wallpaper folder'
and then the script stops again...

Posted by balder on Sep. 09 2010,17:10

Quote: ”could not create wallpaper folder”

Well this time it seems that your USB-hdd-unit was formatted, but then USB-hdd-unit stopped script from creating a simple folder on its only partition.
This is a very odd behaviour ???

What system are you running script on?
Is it Vista or Win-7?
I know by experience that Vista seems more sensitive (or shell we say – stupid)
Win-7 is a little less bad than Vista :laugh:
Most reliable is to run a WinXP-system :;):

Note: make sure to NOT CHECK; “Repair BOOT-record during process” as this is a USB-hdd-unit you are using :O
You don’t by any chance have a USB stick/thumbdrive to test with? If so, test with that instead

If you are using script on a Vista or Win-7 system - Please be aware that these systems prevent script-engine (WinBuilder.exe) from running smooth.
Note: There is a lot of “security latches” in Vista and/or Win-7
You have to make sure that your OP-system (Vista or Win-7) doesn’t interrupt winbuilder.exe/scripts from working.
You have to look over these problems by your self.

I can (when done all changes) run every script in my “Bare Bone”-computer (my spare computer with installed Win-7) – but when I first tested nothing worked all right – especially there was problem with the easyboot-usb.script as this involves formatting and injecting of MBR to disk-units.

Again – look over what you can change to allow winbuilder/scripts to work without being stopped by “security latches” in your system

Regards balder

Posted by bugme on Sep. 11 2010,07:22
finaly it worked but when i used the usb then the iso wouldn`t start
Posted by balder on Sep. 11 2010,10:57

Quote: ”finaly it worked but when i used the usb then the iso wouldn`t start”

What kind of ISO is it you are trying to launch directly ???

I can guarantee that if you point to created Easyboot-ISO-file it works :;):  (if easyboot-usb.script can fully run without being disturbed by your OP-system)
