Forum: EasyBoot
Topic: Can't boot Linux LiveCD
started by: allgames71

Posted by allgames71 on Sep. 18 2010,11:12
hello balder,

I have download some Linux LiveCD [Startnix] and [Damn Small Linux]. I've test them seperately under vmware. That works fine. But when I put them in Easyboot DVD or USB thumb drive. [Startnix] reboot during first boot, [Damn Small Linux] stop during booting

< >

Please help, thanks

Posted by balder on Sep. 18 2010,15:17

Quote: ”[Damn Small Linux] stop during booting”

For “Dam Small Linux” - do as following:
1. Extract folder knoppix from DSL-ISO to Easyboot\disk1
2. Delete folder knoppix inside DSL.ISO (we don’t need this folder there as it is extracted to folder disk1). I use UltraIso when doing this operation. Save reduced ISO-file as DSL.ISO to a temporary folder somewhere.
3. Use my script “Easyboot-ISO.script” to integrate reduced DSL.iso to EasyBoot.
4. When script is finished you automatically get the right command for your menu.
5. When creating ISO in EasyBoot check “Joliet”.

Note1: I used “dsl-4.4.10-syslinux.iso” in above tutorial
Note2: No solution to “stanixcr3” :(  as it uses same folder name (knoppix)


Posted by allgames71 on Sep. 18 2010,18:24
hello balder,

Thanks for you reply. I've tried your way in [Starnix] with "Knoppix" folder, it works. But when I start the firefox browser or any other applications in there, it hangs up easily (unlike the original iso tested under VMWare).

1. In the [Starnix] iso file there's not only folder "knoppix", but also :

Shoud I extract all these 3 folder to C:\EasyBoot\disk1 ?
I think may be I miss extracting some file there to make the "mycd.iso" -- "Starnix" also hang !
2. My [DSL] iso file is Chinese Version which may be modified by someone. So it doesn't have any "knoppix" folder in it. So I think [Startnix] and [DSL] may can exist together with different folder names. But which folders do I have to extract them to C:\EasyBoot\disk1 ?

Chinese DSL
< >

Chinese Starnix
< >

Thanks for your effort in advance, thank you.

Posted by balder on Sep. 19 2010,04:30

Let’s get started with the [Starnix] and see if we can sort it out :;):

Quote: “Shoud I extract all these 3 folder to C:\EasyBoot\disk1 ?”
Let’s put it this way: As long as files or folders do not interfere with other in names you are recommended to extract those files and folders, as this doesn’t harm anything.

But personally I think problem with your [Starnix] is related to in what way ISO is built (in EasyBoot)
Read some interesting point < HERE > in post nr: 5 from @Ursus (the “winbom”-scenario is a problem that pops up from time to time)

Let’s move to ”DSL” and see if we can sort it out :;):
Quote: “But which folders do I have to extract them to C:\EasyBoot\disk1 ?”
As told above: As long as files or folders do not interfere with other in names you are recommended to extract those files and folders, as this doesn’t harm anything.

However it’s been reported that a special made DSL-ISO can be launched directly using “(hd32) mapping” but you need this one: dsl-4.4.10-initrd.iso (if you can find it)
If you can find DSL.ISO with “initrd” you can test using my script easyboot-iso.script and launch ISO as it is as script uses “(hd32) mapping” as standard.

Epilogue (the “standard and reliable way”)
For DSL:
1. Extract every folder to easyboot\disk1
2. Open DSL.ISO with UltraIso and save boot-file as dsl.bif
3. Use menu command:   bootinfotable;run dsl.bif
4. Check “Joliet” and “Allow lower case” when creating ISO

For Stanix:
1. Extract folder image, isolinux and knoppix and files root_home.tgz, and to easyboot\disk1
2. Open Stanix.ISO with UltraIso and save boot-file as stanix.bif
3. Use menu command:   bootinfotable;run stanix.bif
4. Check “Joliet” and “Allow lower case” when creating ISO

I tested Firefox in both distros and it worked
Note: be aware that it is a very slow process to test firefox in a virtual PC (it seems dead but finally launched Firefox) – have patience when testing :cool:

PS! Thanks for download-links and informative pictures, as this makes life much easier :)

Regards balder

Posted by allgames71 on Sep. 19 2010,14:40
hello balder,

Thanks for your tutor.

Quote : "(the “standard and reliable way”)"

This are really "standard and reliable way". I made DSL and Starnix work successfully with no error under your way of tutoring.

Thanks a lot.

But still I've some question, what's the meaning of "Check “Joliet” and “Allow lower case” when creating ISO" ? What's the use of "Allow lower case" and "Juliet" seperately.

As I've tried your way for making DSL, but without checking "Juliet" , error comes as the following picture !

Thanks balder, and I've to close this topic, thanks and wait for your answer.

Posted by balder on Sep. 19 2010,18:00

Quote: ”what's the meaning of "Check “Joliet” and “Allow lower case” when creating ISO?”

Note: I do not consider me as any expert on this field but have some “know how” (hope it full fills you claim for a good answer :;):
The “Joliet case”:
By checking “Joliet “ ISO can be created to allow filenames to be up to 103 Unicode characters, instead of 64. Most Knoppix-distro seems to use such file-names and therefore need the “Joliet”-extension to allow 103 Unicode characters.

The “Allow lower case”:
As example DamnSmallLinux and plenty of linux distro use grub boot-loader/manager.
Grub is case sensitive when used on CD/DVD and floppy disk/image.
You need to check “Allow lower case” to make it work as long you launch such distro from CD/DVD

However - Grub is NOT case sensitive when used on harddisk units - including USB stick/Thumbdrive or USB harddrive units. No problem with the “case sensitivity syndrome” on such units.

This means that some distro (linux as well) that do not use grub as BOOT manager, is not dependent of “Allow lower case”
Same to “Joliet” there are some rare Linux distro that is not dependent of “Joliet”.
However in your case you have two different distro and you need to check both “Allow lower case” as “Joliet” to make it work.

There are some drawback with this "Allow lower case" :O
If you integrate a setup-folder from a NT5-system (typically Winxp-family) you need to run “uppercase” to all files and folder names related to WinXP-folder.
Otherwise setupldr.bin cannot run it’s “case”.

He, he in my arsenal of scripts I have of course already created a script that automatically run uppercase (or lower case) to files and folders :laugh:  
It’s a question to look ahead :;):

Regards balder

Posted by allgames71 on Sep. 26 2010,18:56
hello balder,

I've test both DSL and Stanix in VMWare , they work fine. But when I use Winbuilder USB script to write their "mycd.iso" is my usb thumb drive. They have the same symptom :

Stanix :
Uncompressing Linux... OK, booting the kernel.
Stanix Boot Loader RC3
Can't find KNOPPIX filesystem, sorry
Dropping you to a (very limited) shell.
Press reset button to quit.

Welcome to Stanix Mini OS:


For DSL , then same error message like Post Number. 5

Can these 2 Linux LiveCD be used in USB thumb drive and how ?

Please help, thanks a lot.

Posted by balder on Sep. 27 2010,09:39

Quote: ”I've test both DSL and Stanix in VMWare , they work fine. But when I use Winbuilder USB script to write their "mycd.iso" is my usb thumb drive.”

You cannot simply use the created ISO ("mycd.iso") and letting easyboot-usb.script integrate this ISO to USB device. It’s more complicated than this :O

When you launch "mycd.iso" you have files and folders inside ISO-file and not on the “root”.
You can argue that “root” is lost because the “new root” is the root of USB device :O
You already have this “USB-issue” up for discussion before < HERE >

For the moment I too have problem to launch DSL from USB (I have not used this distro before on USB before) :angry:
I have to come back – if and when – I have a solution to this problem.

However, nothing stops you to do your own experiments. And yes I know – it takes time and efforts and is also very frustrating (I know by experience).
I would appreciate such “commitment”.
Help is always welcome in my “view of life” :cool:

”Heureka” I have found solution to the DamnSmallLinux-problem :laugh:

Do this:
1. Download dsl-4.4.10-initrd.iso from < HERE >
2. Use easyboot.iso.script to integrate ISO-file to Easyboot as usual. Note: do not check "Run ISO from RAM". Use recommended command you get by script in Easyboot-menu as usual. You can create ISO in EasyBoot to check that it works okay. Note: it doesn’t matter if you check “Joliet” or check “Allow lower case” script launch ISO anyway.
3. Attention! Now use easyboot-grub-iso.script to create a new ISO and then test this ISO-file (this new ISO-file is created inside folder “WinBuilder_complete”).
4. Push button "Make USB bootable and transfer ISO-build to USB" in easyboot-grub-iso.script

For stanix you can test using tutorial in post nr; 2 above (same procedure as for DSL)
Use easyboot-iso.script to integrate reduced stanix.iso-file into EasyBoot
Folder knoppix that belongs to stanix must be extracted to the root of EasyBoot (folder disk1)

That’s it!

Regards balder

Posted by allgames71 on Sep. 28 2010,14:44
hello balder,

Thanks for all these tutorial. I've tested them all. But still I want to make my"Stanix" to usb. As for the normal "Stanix", they are all English version. When boot up, they can't see Chinese Language which turns to strange symbols.

I can give up DSL as I found "Stanix" is much better. The "Stanix" I mentioned above is a Chinese one, that's why I keen on this one.

For "Stanix", I've tried "tutorial in post nr; 2" , but also fail.

Would you mind to tell me again the way to put my "Stanix" to USB please.

Thanks in advance.

Posted by balder on Sep. 28 2010,16:12

Quote: ”Would you mind to tell me again the way to put my "Stanix" to USB please”

Sure :;):

1. Open Stanix.ISO-file (stanix_rc3.iso) and extract folder “KNOPPIX” to EasyBoot\disk1  (Note: I used UltraIso for the whole operation)
2. Delete folder “KNOPPIX” in Stanix.ISO-file and save reduced ISO-file as “stanix-reduced.iso” to some temporary folder somewhere.
3. Use easyboot-iso.script to integrate reduced ISO-file (“stanix-reduced.iso”) into EasyBoot (Note: I used name STANIX in script). Do not check "Run ISO from RAM". Use recommended command you get by script in Easyboot-menu as usual.
4. Attention! Now use easyboot-grub-iso.script and very Important - check “Integrate EasyBoot-files” in script followed by checking “Joliet” and checking “Allow lower case” ("Joliet" is needed as you have KNOPPIX onboard). Push start-button to create this “super-ISO-file”. Note: ISO is created in folder “WinBuilder_complete”
5. You can test ISO that it works properly. If it works okay – do next step.
6. Have a USB device in computer (test with a USB Stick\Thumb-drive) and push button "Make USB bootable and transfer ISO-build to USB" in easyboot-grub-iso.script The whole build is now transferred to USB device (can take some time).
7. Reboot computer and set BIOS to boot from USB device.

That’s it :;):

Some notes…
I’m in a progress to soon upgrade easyboot-grub-iso.script to make it possible to force format to FAT32 to USB devices - in case you use a “fixed disk” (usually a “hard-disk unit of some kind). You cannot run KNOPPIX on a NTFS-formated disk unit – or at least – it seems to not work that well.


Posted by allgames71 on Sep. 28 2010,18:20
hello balder,

I've tried your way 2 times :

1. Fail to boot "mycd.iso" with error message like :
Uncompressing Linux... OK, booting the kernel.
Stanix Boot Loader RC3
Can't find KNOPPIX filesystem, sorry
Dropping you to a (very limited) shell.
Press reset button to quit.

Welcome to Stanix Mini OS:


2. Boot ok till end and can see the Stanix desktop, it's fine. But when I use Winbuilder script "Easyboot-grub-iso" to transfer "mycd.iso" to my usb finger and boot , the same error message comes out like above error message !

Balder, I know you've tried and tried to help me all along, I fail you, I'm sorry to waste your time. I think this is the most hard stuff I've met since my first creation of bootmenu. So I think I've to give up this time or that will keep on spending your time.

Frankly speaking balder, I can hardly find a forum with a person like you to answer all the question and try to help them with your time and heart. All the way long, I've already made a lot of bootable iso under your tutorial. I really say thanks to your from my heart (what more can I ask for ?). Actually I can't go on from the beginning without balder-you. Thanks again.

Posted by balder on Sep. 29 2010,02:17

Quote: ”But when I use Winbuilder script "Easyboot-grub-iso" to transfer "mycd.iso" to my usb finger and boot , the same error message comes out like above error message !”

Questions ???
1. Did you check ”Joliet” and ”Allow lower case” in easyboot-grub-iso.script?
2. Did you first push the Button “Create ISO-file” before pushing "Make USB bootable and transfer ISO-build to USB"?
3. Important! What kind of USB device did you use – USB stick or a USB hard-disk unit?

Note: I have tested ISO created by easyboot-grub-iso.script in Virtual PC and it worked.
I then transferred build (pushed button "Make USB bootable and transfer ISO-build to USB") to a USB hard-disk – but that didn’t work as script uses NTFS on “fixed disk”-units. I therefore used a USB stick – and it worked okay.

Please be aware that using USB device is much more hazardous than using “standard” CD/DVD-solution. It is more like a game and need plenty of time and efforts to make it work as suggested :O


Posted by allgames71 on Sep. 30 2010,12:37
hello balder,

I've made the "mycd.iso" boot ok , it's normal. After I use Easyboot-grub-iso to make the "Stanix.iso" under C:\winbuilder_complete , I test it with vmware.

At the very first beginning , an error message comes out :

chainloader (hd0)+1

Error 13: Invalid or unsupported executable format

Press any key to continue ...

And that's why I can't continue with the USB portion. Thanks for your help.

Posted by allgames71 on Oct. 01 2010,17:04
hello balder,

Sorry for spending you too much time on Stanix, yesterday I burn this Stanix to CD and boot it up. I found that it can't be boot even in iso2cd burn. The same error message came out like before. So I think the Stanix.iso may have error itself and that's why I can't test it in usb drive. But it's very strange that I can boot in up all time time under VMWare in Windows ? So forget about this Stanix.

Anyway, today I've download any linux livecd. The first thing I do is to burn this iso to cd. It boots normally and fine. I test it under VMWare, it works ok also. I like it very much as it's only 258MB and boot up fast. Also, it has versions of Traditional Chinese, Simplify Chinese and English to choose at first boot.

It has many folder in this iso. As I don't know exactly what folder to extract to C:\EasyBoot\disk1 , so I extract all the contents of this iso to C:\EasyBoot\disk1. I don't delete anything in this iso under UltraISO , just keep the original one. I know the mycd.iso will be very big, but just let it be.

Then I use Winbuilder-Easyboot-iso script to make it and use command "run pud.img" as it was given. I save the iso to mycd.iso , then use Easyboot-usb script to usb drive. But it boots fail and can't go to the desktop screen ! Please help. Thanks

Download "pud-" at < >

Posted by balder on Oct. 02 2010,14:04

Quote: ”But it boots fail and can't go to the desktop screen ! Please help”

Took me more than 8 hours to download this ISO (slow server :angry: )
Anyway – I managed to solve this issue - but it was a hard nut to crack :cool:
Do it this way:

1. Make a copy of your “pud-linux” ISO-file to play with.
2. Open ISO with UltraIso and extract folder “casper” to the root of EasyBoot (folder disk1 is the root for EasyBoot if you wonder)
3. Delete folder “casper” inside ISO (folder “casper” isn’t needed there anymore as we have folder on the root)
4. Save reduced ISO-file with a new name.
5. Launch easyboot-iso.script and set name;  PUDLXE   to ISO-file (ISO-file must have exactly this name in script). Press start-button and choose reduced ISO-file
6. Download “PUDLXE.IMG.GZ” from < HERE > and put file as it is in folder ezboot overwriting already created “PUDLXE.IMG.GZ”
7. Use menu command in Easyboot:  memdisk PUDLXE.IMG.GZ
8. When creating ISO check “Joliet” (checking “allow lower case” doesn’t affect PUDLXE.ISO but might be needed by some other software like Hiren’s)
9. You cannot be sure that “Virtual test” is working okay – you need to run test in “reality” to be sure.
10. To get this complete build onboard USB device - use easyboot-grub-iso.script – and check “Joliet” here to as EasyBoot-ISO-file is recreated in this script
11. IMPORTANT!!! Check that folder “casper” and file “filesystem.squashfs” has its names “lowercased” (small letters) – otherwise it doesn’t work from nowhere – including CD/DVD-unit. Note: it can happen that folder names in easyboot\disk1 is uppercased by some other scrip (when integrating Hiren’s) – then manually do lowercase to folder “casper” and file “filesystem.squashfs”

Note1: It wasn’t possible to use the “stage2”-menu that is used in ISO – I was forced to create a special “grub-kicker-image” to solve this issue. But I put in both English as “Simplified Chinese” as option to choose between.

Note2: I have updated script easyboot-grub-iso.script with two more options:
1. A check box; “Remove previously created files in folder WinBuilder_Complete\ISO”
2. A check box; “Force Format to FAT32” in “USB-Section”
You have to download the complete ZIP-file and replace old folder “WinBuilder_Complete” :O


Posted by allgames71 on Oct. 02 2010,18:40
hello balder,

quote : "Took me more than 8 hours to download this ISO "

For this reason a redownload the iso , with less than 3 minutes. The download speed is 4.5 to 5 MB averagely (not mb). My broadband is Hong Kong 100MB. Anyway I'm sorry to spend your time on download this iso as you are only helping me. Thanks.

I tried your way of making the "mycd.iso". It works fine. Also I can use stage2 (Traditional Chinese, It's my language). I think the reason I failed before is because after used Easyboot-iso script , that turned the folder and content of "casper" to CAPITAL letter. So you are really clever enough and spent time on this.

But I failed in usb drive boot in 2 ways :

1. I use Easyboot-usb script to write "mycd.iso" to usb drive that boots fail.

2. I use Easyboot-grub-iso script to write a new "abc.iso" in "C:\winbuilder_complete" , then use Easyboot-usb script to write this "abc.iso" to usb drive , when boot, it boot and restart to the first menu ?

Any idea ? It doesn't matter if I can't solve the usb drive boot Linux. As you have already gave the the cd/dvd boot Linux answer already. Thanks again.

Posted by allgames71 on Oct. 02 2010,19:04
hello nordi2005 ,

Thanks very much for your advise and help. Thanks.

Firstly I don't want anybody's multiboot cd/dvd. As some others know it this site, that they want to make their own cd/dvd/usb multiboot that would exactly fit their own requirement and have fun on achievement. Or may be I can add some other new stuff any time I want. Of course you are helping, thanks.

Secondly, I don't want a mix cd/dvd/usb to have xp/vista/7 together (I think a blueray disc can do). I think the main purpose of this kind of disc is only for setting up windows conveniently. But I myself have the more convenient way. I don't install windows. I restore universal windows images (xp/vista/7). My images include os , all software, drivers and even ahci drivers for that HP notebooks that can't change the bios to ide for setting up windows xp with a bluescreen.

I'm here is to say thank you , and not discussing how I made my images. As this is forum of multiboot discusion.

Again , I really appreciate your suggestion and help , at least I can learn a lot from the site you mentioned. Thanks again and hope you can keep on helping me like helping the others.

Posted by balder on Oct. 03 2010,02:02

Quote: ”I use Easyboot-usb script to write "mycd.iso" to usb drive that boots fail”
Hmmm… Surely the USB device itself do BOOT and in fact you surely also can launch EasyBoot menu as well – correct? But when launching PUTLXE.ISO it fails as grub “kicker-image” isn’t able to find any ISO as root is hided inside ISO – don’t you agree?
That’s why I designed script “easyboot-grub-iso” that solves the “root”-problem!

Quote: “I use Easyboot-grub-iso script to write a new "abc.iso" in "C:\winbuilder_complete" , then use Easyboot-usb script to write this "abc.iso" to usb drive , when boot, it boot and restart to the first menu ?” Yes sure, but can you continue and finally get “PUTLXE” up and run as I did when using my own “kicker-image” (I didn’t use the original “PUTLXE”-menu)
Anyway - I draw the conclusion that problem is solved – correct? :)

Quote: “I think the reason I failed before is because after used Easyboot-iso script , that turned the folder and content of "casper" to CAPITAL letter”
Yes you are right in your conclusion.
It’s correct that script run uppercase – but this too can be avoided - if you check “Do not run uppercase to file and folder names” in script.
However this uppercase-thing might be needed by some other reason – if having setup-files from the NT5-family (WinXP setup-files for example) on CD/DVD.

Quote: “can use stage2 (Traditional Chinese, It's my language).”
This is interesting – I couldn’t take advantages of this – I was forced to “cut out” grub-lines from ISO and launch my own “grub-kicker-image” that worked fine.

The broadband issue…
I too have of course high-speed broadband. The problem I experienced was that I several times got: “All available slots to you are occupied. Try later” – and that from a “public server” ???
And when I finally was able to start download, it was really slow – but I have other thing going on while waiting for a download  - reworking my house – and taking care of my grandchild that runs with turbo around me :O
She’s only 18 month old but seems to have built-in turbo system in both legs – combined with “long and quick fingers” that finds everything that She shouldn’t touch (hiding my USB-sticks for example :angry: ). The remote-control to the TV-set is gone (hided) somewhere – guess who :D


Posted by allgames71 on Oct. 03 2010,06:40
hello balder,

Thanks for all the way help in Linux, I'll continue to try usb drive.

Anyway, I've to close this topic. Again thanks for all your help.