Forum: EasyBoot
Topic: ERD commander instead miniXP
started by: zia abbas

Posted by zia abbas on Mar. 31 2010,08:56
Hello all,

I need to know how MiniXP can be replaced from Hiren BootCD with ERD Commander 2005.

Have learnt that it have a xp.ca_ file which is IMG, how can I make a IMG file of ERD Commander and put it on Hiren.

Also how can I make ERD Commander to boot from USB.

Thnx in Advance.

Posted by balder on Mar. 31 2010,09:38
@ zia abbas

Welcome to this forum zia abbas :)  (I noticed this is you first post)

To replace MiniXP in Hiren read < HERE >

Quote: “Also how can I make ERD Commander to boot from USB”
Download my set of script. Scroll down to “Download complete set of scripts including help file HERE” and do your download.

Use "easyboot-iso.script" to integrate ERD ISO-file into EasyBoot (read help in script to better understand what you must do to get it working from USB).

Use "easyboot-usb.script" to make USB device bootable and to also in same time integrate EasyBoot-ISO-file into USB device.

Note: Please! Read help file integrated in download BEFORE asking for help – and same to help file integrated into different scripts. Take attention to that script works optimal if run in WinXP.


Posted by zia abbas on Mar. 31 2010,23:46
Dear Balder..
Thnx for instant reply.. I will try the earliest

Posted by balder on Apr. 01 2010,01:22
@ zia abbas

I realized that this didn’t replace MiniXP with ERD :O
Solution to replace is this (note: this is a “EasyBoot-solution”):

1. Copy (or extract from ISO-file) folder HBCD to EasyBoot\disk1
2. Delete following files in folder HBCD; XP, XP.bin, Xp.dat, XpAutorun.cmd, Xploader.bin and finally Xp.ca_
3. Use "easyboot-iso.script" to integrate ERD ISO-file into EasyBoot (you must use the name ERD in script)
4. When finished with step 3 - move files Firadisk.gz and ERD.ISO.GZ from EasyBoot\disk1\ISO to folder HBCD
5. Download file from < HERE > and put file in folder ezboot
6. To launch hiren use menu command: memdisk
7. Create ISO in EasyBoot as usual (no need to check “Allow lower case”)

Note: this solution can also be used from USB, but then you must remove folder HBCD to a temporay folder, followed by creating ISO in EasyBoot as usual (it’s now less in size). Use this EasyBoot-ISO-file in script easyboot-usb.script. Then finally copy folder HBCD from temporay folder to the root of USB device.

Regards balder

Posted by zia abbas on Apr. 01 2010,09:39
I get error file attached error snapshot.

I put ERD  under source and given source as E:\ ERd CD
given the ISO file when asked and later the script tried to ren it to gz and failed.

kindly guide

Posted by balder on Apr. 01 2010,09:57
@ zia abbas

Make sure to not use CD/DVD as source :O . Put a copy of ERD ISO-file on the root [C:\] (or in a folder on the root) and do not use a compressed ISO-file.

Note1: Best result is to have easyboot installed on the root and not in a folder “Program files” – same to downloaded folder “winbuilder_complete” – put (or copy) this folder to the root [C:\] and run winbuilder from this folder.

Note2: Always avoid spaces in names to folders and files – don’t use folder like “Program files”. Folder "Documents and settings" has spaces in name - not good. Avoid using folders with spaces. Generally - do not use desktop as working area :O  Please use the root [C:\]

Regards balder

Posted by zia abbas on Apr. 02 2010,00:40
Balder :)

You know I got a software Wintoflash which converts CDs to USBs.

The ERD CD is now got converted to USB and that booting too. Actually I am more keen on USB now. Now I need this USB version of ERD to be on Hiren USB.

Actually, I have got another utility Hiren on USB by which I can make Hiren CD to USB.

1. Hiren on USB (transfer CD to USB hiren)
2. Wintoflash (transfer WinXP CD to USB)
3. Wintoflash (transfer ERD (Live CD) to USB)

In this way I can have Hiren and WinXP on single USB.

Now, I cant have ERD on this USB because while making USB Wintoflash format the USB by default.

My query how can I get ERD on the same USB just by adding it entry to menu.lst  as I have added WinXP Installer on menu.lst.

My Menu.lst read as

default /default

title Boot from Hard Drive\n
rootnoverify (hd1,0)
chainloader (hd1,0)+1


title Setup Windows XP SP3 via USB (1st Text Mode)\nSetup Windows XP SP3 (1st Text Mode) right from USB
find --set-root /hbcd/XPSP3USB.gz
chainloader /$WIN_NT$.~LS/i386/setupldr.BIN

title Setup windows XP SP3 via USB (2nd Gui Mode)\nSetup Windows XP SP3 (2nd GUI Mode) right from USB
find --set-root --ignore-floppies --ignore-cd /ntldr
map () (hd1)
map (hd1) ()
map --rehook
find --set-root --ignore-floppies --ignore-cd /ntldr
chainloader /ntldr
savedefault --wait=2

title Dos BootCD\nRun Dos Programs
find --set-root /hbcd/boot.gz
kernel /hbcd/memdisk
initrd /hbcd/boot.gz

title Mini Windows Xp\nRun Antivirus and other windows programs
find --set-root /hbcd/XPLOADER.BIN
chainloader /hbcd/XPLOADER.BIN


title Offline NT/2000/XP/Vista/7 Password Changer\nWindows Password Reset
find --set-root /hbcd/boot.gz
kernel /hbcd/chntpw
initrd /hbcd/chntpw.gz

title Darik's Boot and Nuke\nHard Disk Eraser
find --set-root /hbcd/boot.gz
kernel /hbcd/memdisk
initrd /hbcd/dban.gz

title Windows Memory Diagnostic\n
find --set-root /hbcd/memtest.gz
kernel /hbcd/memdisk
initrd /hbcd/memtest.gz

title ³              Advanced Boot Options               ³

title ³ Boot from Hard Drive - Windows XP (NTLDR)        ³\n
find --set-root --ignore-floppies --ignore-cd /ntldr
map () (hd1)
map (hd1) ()
map --rehook
find --set-root --ignore-floppies --ignore-cd /ntldr
chainloader /ntldr
savedefault --wait=2

title ³ Boot from Hard Drive - Windows Vista/7 (BOOTMGR) ³\n
find --set-root --ignore-floppies --ignore-cd /bootmgr
map () (hd0)
map (hd0) ()
map --rehook
find --set-root --ignore-floppies --ignore-cd /bootmgr
chainloader /bootmgr
savedefault --wait=2

title ³ Start Hiren's BootCD (Alternative Boot Method)   ³\n Using Grub4Dos map
find --set-root /hbcd/boot.gz
map --mem /hbcd/boot.gz (fd0)
map --hook
chainloader (fd0)+1
rootnoverify (fd0)
map --floppies=1

title ³ Chainload isolinux.bin                           ³\n
find --set-root /hbcd/isolinux.bin
chainloader /hbcd/isolinux.bin



Posted by balder on Apr. 02 2010,07:15
@ zia abbas

Yes I know what tool you used (already tested that one – and it works).

However I recommend this tool instead (it’s freeware) – download < HERE >

First I recommend following procedure
The easiest way is to use my script easyboot-iso.script. And this time put ERD-ISO-file on the root with a name like ERDISO.ISO or something (NO SPACES IN NAMES! The same to folder where you keep ISO-files - NO SPACES IN FOLDER NAMES!). Please work from the root and not from folder that have spaces in name.

Take advantage of EasyBoot superior :;):  capacity to launch floppy images etcetera.
I mean - create your menu for ghost (floppy images) and/or Acronis different utilities etcetera (you can use the “rescue-ISO” from Acronis here as well). Integrate how many ISO-files you like using EasyBoot-ISO.script (integrate for example; BartPE, Reatogo, ERD5, ERD7, MsDart60, MsDart65 or whatever you like).
Note: you must check “Run from RAM” if integrating “Live-systems” based on folder i386 (ERD is such “Live-system” and need to be run from RAM as this is a NT5-system, but MsDart60 is a NT6-system and doesn’t need check “Run from RAM”)

When you are finished with integrating ISO-file(s) to EasyBoot menu (and different sub –menus) – then remove folder ISO in EasyBoot\disk1 to a temporary folder, followed by creating ISO in EasyBoot as usual (it’s now less in size only holding floppy images menu(s) and backgrounds etcetera in folder ezboot).

Copy folder ISO from temporary folder to the root of USB device and copy your newly created EasyBoot-ISO-file to same folder (ISO) on USB device (important: rename Easyboot-ISO-file to easyboot.iso).
Note: All this copy procedures can take some time

Insert following text in text-file menu.lst on USB device:

title Launch EasyBoot
find --set-root --ignore-floppies /iso/easyboot.iso
map /iso/easyboot.iso (hd32)
map --hook
chainloader (hd32)

Attention: You most likely get this when you later launch EasyBoot-ISO-file: "Error 60: File for drive emulation must be in one contiguous disk area"
To fix this push defrag-button in EasyBoot-USB.script and your problems are fixed (can take some time to run defrag to USB device)

And finally – the “shortcut-way” :cool:
Create a folder ISO on the root of USB device
Copy ERD-ISO-file to folder ISO on USB device
Rename ERD-ISO-file to ERD.iso
Download “firadisk” from < HERE >
Put “firadisk” (Firadisk.gz) in folder ISO on USB device
Insert following lines to menu.lst

title Launch ERD
find --set-root --ignore-floppies /ISO/FIRADISK.GZ
map --mem /ISO/FIRADISK.GZ (fd0)
map --hook
find --set-root --ignore-floppies /ISO/ERD.iso
map --mem /ISO/ERD.iso (0xff)
map --hook
chainloader (0xff)

Note: To reduce loading time you are advised to run Gzip to ERD-ISO-file.
You can use easyboot_cab.script to fix this (again - no spaces to folder and file names when run this script!).
Change accordingly menu.lst (instead of “/ISO/ERD.iso” you now use “/ISO/ERD.ISO.GZ”)

Regards balder

Posted by zia abbas on Apr. 03 2010,02:10
Balder :D

Happy to see ERD Commander on Hiren and that too on USB.

The given script works like a charm for me.
And finally – the “shortcut-way”  
Create a folder ISO on the root of USB device
Copy ERD-ISO-file to folder ISO on USB device
Rename ERD-ISO-file to ERD.iso
Download “firadisk” from HERE
Put “firadisk” (Firadisk.gz) in folder ISO on USB device
Insert following lines to menu.lst

title Launch ERD
find --set-root --ignore-floppies /ISO/FIRADISK.GZ
map --mem /ISO/FIRADISK.GZ (fd0)
map --hook
find --set-root --ignore-floppies /ISO/ERD.iso
map --mem /ISO/ERD.iso (0xff)
map --hook
chainloader (0xff

I wonder if can make the XP CD to GZ and put it in the same way would work ?

Thnx for Co-operation.

Posted by balder on Apr. 03 2010,03:28
@ zia abbas

Quote: “I wonder if can make the XP CD to GZ and put it in the same way would work ?”

If you by this mean XP-setup, it doesn’t work, but if you mean run a “complete XP-system” it can - in theory work (never tested by me) – but I have my doubt ???  It most likely fails, as “firadisk” is a kind of “virtual harddisk”, the whole “setup” of the system is wrong on such “virtual harddisk”.

Happy to notice that scripts seems to work all right for you :D
Tip: Take advantage of easyboot-usb.script and create a ghost-image of you USB device (when you are finished with all “things”). Note: you need ghost.exe for windows (ghost32.exe) and recommended is to use ghost32.exe_v8.2. In this way you can transfer your ghost-image to any USB device you own or use.  

Regards balder

Posted by zia abbas on Apr. 03 2010,04:16
Balder   :O

Okies the Setup XP CD cant be booted right.

Now, can you tell me where can I get ERD for Vista and Win7 and that too English... I have got russian version. So that even that can be put on the same USB.

About XP Setup, that winfoflash or winsetupfromUSB is fine.

Posted by Guest on Oct. 13 2010,09:45

(zia abbas @ Apr. 03 2010,07:10)
title Launch ERD
find --set-root --ignore-floppies /ISO/FIRADISK.GZ
map --mem /ISO/FIRADISK.GZ (fd0)
map --hook
find --set-root --ignore-floppies /ISO/ERD.iso
map --mem /ISO/ERD.iso (0xff)
map --hook
chainloader (0xff

Hi Balder

What the advantage of adding FIRADISK.GZ ?

It still takes the same amount of time in loading ERD
using these command:

title ERD Commander 5.0 method 1
find --set-root --ignore-floppies /FIRADISK.GZ
map --mem /FIRADISK.GZ (fd0)
map --hook
find --set-root --ignore-floppies /erd50.iso.gz
map --mem /erd50.iso.gz (0xff)
map --hook
chainloader (0xff)

-- or --

title ERD Commander 5.0 method 2
map --mem /erd50.iso.gz (0xff)
map --hook
chainloader (0xff)

Posted by balder on Oct. 13 2010,10:19
@ illusions

Quote: ”What the advantage of adding FIRADISK.GZ ?”

This command works for NT5-systems :;): :

find --set-root --ignore-floppies /FIRADISK.GZ
map --mem /FIRADISK.GZ (fd0)
map --hook
find --set-root --ignore-floppies /erd50.iso.gz
map --mem /erd50.iso.gz (0xff)
map --hook
chainloader (0xff)

And this command doesn’t work :(  for NT5-systems (folder i386):

map --mem /erd50.iso.gz (0xff)
map --hook
chainloader (0xff)

Using last command you get a blue screen ”*** STOP: 0x0000007B”

Note: Firadisk primary target is to support NT5-systems – but may be usefull for some other ISO-files as well.
But as I point out – main target for firadisk is to support NT5-systems that is impossible to launch using this command:

map --mem /erd50.iso.gz (0xff)
map --hook
chainloader (0xff)
