Forum: EasyBoot Topic: Paragon Drive Copy 10 started by: allgames71 Posted by allgames71 on Oct. 14 2010,07:58
hello balder,I've download "Paragon Drive Copy 10" program and burn that into cd. It's bootable and work properly. I use UltraISO to generate ISO , then test with VMWare. But boot fail with only a blinking cursor at the beginning ? This cd is very strange. So I use "Power ISO" to generate "DCopy10.ISO" and it works in VMWare perfectly.Then I use Easyboot-iso script with this "DCopy10.ISO" When I test it with VMWare it boots but fails to continue. Is there a special way to make this strange ISO? < > < > Posted by balder on Oct. 14 2010,09:03
@allgames71Quote: ” Is there a special way to make this strange ISO?” Well – yes ![]() You are advised to use the built-in “Live-CD” instead of the full program CD – that part is not intended for use the way we launch ISO-files ![]() Test this way: 1. Install Paragon-Drive-Copy as usual 2. Scroll to installed folder “Paragon Software” >> search and find folder ISO (inside you have the "target-ISO") 3. Launch easyboot-iso.script and use “bootcd.iso” inside folder ISO Note: You don’t need to check “Run ISO from RAM” – but take attention to that Paragon take some time to “analyze” (something between 3 to 5 minutes before it goes further – this is normal behavior. Another note is that Paragon on some system can bee really slow during “up-loading” – this is not Easyboot or grub that have infuence to this behavior – it’s the Paragon-“syndrom” ![]() balder Posted by allgames71 on Oct. 14 2010,15:49
hello balder,You are right , when I use the supplied iso file, everything goes normal. If you don't tell me that. I'll never find there's a hidden iso. Is that you're too clever or I'm too careless. If I guess right, the program's cd maker is only to write that bootcd.iso to cd. So if I use ultraiso or poweriso to write the cd image back to iso. It should be normal. But it was not. That why I feel very strange. Anyway thanks for your help and I've to close this topic. Thanks again. |