Forum: EasyBoot
Topic: Multiboot DVD - Win7PE,Hiren,Active@,ERD,...
started by: nordi2005

Posted by nordi2005 on Sep. 28 2010,16:04
Hi there,

I managed to get a Multiboot DVD with Balder
script "Easyboot-ISO" - created in Windows XP... ( Balder - THX for THIS !!! )

- Hiren Boot 11 (no RAM activated - Hiren button)
- Win7PE LiveCD (no RAM) created by a script in Winbuilder  
<   Link -> German Website ( I changed background and so on ) >
- Active@ Boot Disk 5.0 LiveCD (no RAM)
- Erdcommander/MSDart  Win7 32bit/64bit (no RAM)
- Erdcommander/MSDart  Vista 32bit/64bit (no RAM)
- Erdcommander/MSDart  XP (RAM activated !!!)
- UBCD (DOS) 5.01 (no RAM)
- Seatools ISO 2.2 with Sata (no RAM)
- MEMTest86+ 3.5 (no RAM)

For all above I said in Easyboot: memdisk XXXX.img.gz
(XXXX = name from script, I used only 4 letters for each iso)

look post 7 from balder:
Yes it’s a huge difference, "bootinfotable;run XXXX.bif" is more addressed to linux-aplications (as far as I know).
The "run XXXX.bif" is more addressed to floppy images or “bin-files”.

==>  KASPERSKY RESCUE CD 10   (worked for me)
1. Extract all files from kaspersky.iso to EasyBoot\disk1
2. Extract boot-file from kaspersky.iso and save boot-file with name kaspersky.bif to folder ezboot
3. Use menu command in Easyboot.:  run kaspersky.bif
4. Check “Joliet” when creating ISO

 =>Iso (named acronis.iso) copied in "Ezboot"
      in Easyboot I said: "bcdw /ezboot/acronis.iso"

(see post 6)
I downloaded the gparted iso "gparted-livecd-0.6.3-3.iso"
< here >
extracted all to folder "disk1" with UltraISO and said command in easyboot: "bcdw /isolinux/isolinux.bin"
iso created with and without juliet

==>  Booting XP + Vista / Win7 on one DVD
extract / copy all files (xp) to folder "disk1"
extract the bootfile XXXX.bif from Image to folder "ezboot"
enter command in easyboot: "run XXXX.BIF"
(XXXX = name from file)
(you can rename the setup.exe files e.g. to Setup-XP.exe before copying the next dvd...)

vista / win7   ---   run Balder script "easyboot-vista_win7.script"
in easyboot take the new created *.bin as command

All is working for me...
( previous or newer versions of this programms above should run too created on this way )

Perhaps this info is useful for someone...

Posted by balder on Sep. 29 2010,11:05
@ nordi2005

As you are a new member I say welcome :)  @ nordi2005

Quote: ”Does anyone know a good solution for

Yes and No :(

Downloaded SUPERGRUB ISO from < HERE >

I used easyboot-iso.script to launch ISO and it seems to work without hesitating :;):
For fun I tested it on USB as well– and managed to wipe out MBR on USB :O  – He, he no problem – my USB-script fixes this with a breeze :;):

GPARTED ISO is a pain – need a lot of analyse to solve (hopefully in the near future)

regards balder

Posted by nordi2005 on Sep. 29 2010,18:17
@ balder

thx for your welcome and tip with Supergrub (but worked not for me, I don`t know why).    :(

GParted doesn`t matter, because it`s inside Hiren...   ;-)

regards Nordi

Edit: I have also a little Problem with my selfmade Win7PE (see 1. post). When I boot with the original cd all programms are there (like sala's Password Renew / a43 /.....) .
When I integrated it and boot from the MultiDVD then not all programms are seen... Any solution yet ?!

Posted by balder on Sep. 30 2010,10:46
@ nordi2005

Quote: “When I integrated it and boot from the MultiDVD then not all programms are seen”

It can be related to how ISO is built ???
Note: larger ISO-files intend to be a little bit hazardous as information (data) is “stapled” on each other. You can test to create ISO using UltraIso – do it this way (no guaranties but worth a try):

1. Start UltraIso and choose “New”
2. Use “drag and drop” to inject all files and folders from inside of folder “disk1”.
3. Use “loader.bin” in folder “ezboot” as boot-file.
4. You have to check needed “Joliet”, “Allow lower case” etcetera in “Properties” as usual.

Regards balder

Posted by nordi2005 on Sep. 30 2010,14:02

I tried it again and suddenly it works ...

I installed Easyboot new again, so i had cleared folder.
I downloaded the gparted iso "gparted-livecd-0.6.3-3.iso"
< here >
extracted all to folder "disk1" with UltraISO and said command in easyboot:
bcdw /isolinux/isolinux.bin
-no boot file extraction-
iso created

first i tried it in VirtualBox und MobaLive (based on Qemu)...

burned on CD, rebooted the pc and ......     WORKING !  (for me)

Posted by nordi2005 on Oct. 01 2010,01:48
Question: Is there a difference if I use this command in easyboot "bootinfotable;run XXXX.bif" or only "run XXXX.bif" ?  
               And is there a difference if I use Easyboot / Balder scripts on a NTFS or FAT partition, to create the isos ? (like in WinBuilder)

Supergrub - runs as you explained...  thx
Gparted - look above - for me it`s working...

Posted by balder on Oct. 01 2010,02:39
@ nordi2005

Quote: ”Question: Is there a difference if I use this command in easyboot "bootinfotable;run XXXX.bif" or only "run XXXX.bif" ?

Yes it’s a huge difference, bootinfotable;run XXXX.bif" is more addressed to linux-aplications (as far as I know).
The "run XXXX.bif" is more addressed to floppy images or “bin-files”.
However you can also use “memdisk xxx.bif” – sometimes useful as xxx.bif is loaded and run from “memory”.
I use “memdisk” in script to avoid problem with “Allow lower case” as grub isn’t case sensitive when run from “disk”
Note: grub is used inside my "floppy-kicker-images" in case you wonder :)
Quote: “And is there a difference if I use Easyboot / Balder scripts on a NTFS or FAT partition, to create the isos ?”
Generally no difference - with the exception that NTFS is more versatile (and reliable) file-system :cool:
However – if you run my script on NT6-system (Vista/Win7) you have to do some changes – typically release “safety and security-latches” so that script (WinBuilder) is able to run smooth – but in WinXP everything works excellent.
Comments to post nr; 5
Yes this is so typically – I have noticed this behavior before ???
Note: I “ghost” my first hard-disk nearly each week to have a working fresh system up and run (this is also to avoid the risk that I got a virus in system) – in this way EasyBoot is “reinstalled” :laugh:

Really nice to see that you have practically solved everything – congratulations to you :)

Regards balder

Posted by nordi2005 on Oct. 01 2010,14:52
@ balder

i made it, but only with your advice...
i also will try it now with "bootinfotable; run..." ...

thx for all  :)

Posted by nordi2005 on Oct. 03 2010,14:47
For all interested people....

< >      DOS Isos Download

< >    Info Win 3.1   ;-)

< >   Virtuel PC

Posted by jobz000 on Oct. 18 2010,06:34
nordi2005, thanks for this post.  This is perfect post a beginner needs to get off the ground quickly. It should be pinned.  It is must easier than searching the forums, where a lot of the posts refer to EasyBoot or apps that are out-of-date.