Forum: EasyBoot
Topic: Driverpacks
started by: Asenk

Posted by Asenk on Nov. 02 2010,08:46
i have created an ISO (multiboot XP+HBCD) and then i realize that i need to integrated driverpacks too on it. can i do that?
Posted by balder on Nov. 02 2010,09:49

Quote: ”i realize that i need to integrated driverpacks too on it. can i do that?”

Sure you can :)

I guess this is what you are looking for < HERE >

You have both application to integrate driverpacks and driverpacks themselves to download :O
Don’t forget to read “Beginners guide” < HERE >

You have to redo your build as source (WinXP) is “updated” with “multi-drivers” for all kind motherboards :O

I think “nLite” is capable to integrate driverpacks as well – read < HERE >


Posted by Asenk on Nov. 02 2010,11:07
i have downloded DP base and the driverpacks and read the forum as well but it seem i couldnt find a simple way (like you do with your amazing script in making multiboot) to integrate the driverpack on a mulltiboot environment.
should i integrate the driverpacks on each version of my XP before i make it to an ISO file with Easyboot?

Posted by balder on Nov. 02 2010,13:07

Quote: ”should i integrate the driverpacks on each version of my XP before i make it to an ISO file with Easyboot?!”

Yes, you must integrate the driverpacks to each version of XP – then create the All-In-One-build in EasyBoot :O
And yes I know it is a “long-winded“ procedure - but unfortunately needed :O  

Note: You can test checking "Optimize" when creating ISO.
Optimize reduce size to created ISO-file as your different XP uses same files :cool:  
For example: you only need one driver file if same files is integrated into all different XP.

However, if build (setup of your different XP-versions) doesn’t work as suggested, then test creating ISO without having “Optimize” checked - though in normal case - Optimize works fine :;):

Regards balder

Posted by Asenk on Nov. 07 2010,22:19
i used driverpacks from < > and choose option multiboot when integrated them. when i was tested it on Virtual machine its said "Line 1 in INF file txtsetup.sif is invalid".
Posted by Asenk on Nov. 10 2010,08:09
i have tried for several times and then i got the following error when integrated driverpack. somebody can help me please..?
Posted by madar on Nov. 10 2010,09:57
When you use driverpacks to make xp by full drivers,it injects some files to xp source that you addressed.
one of them is presetup.cmd.(and also it makes several changes in some files)
You can not change your source of xp after doing job above by driverpack.

Any way the presetup.cmd is missing in your source files and you should add it.

Edit 2:

If you are using several xp source in your project,the system may not find/extract some files.because the address is you should be able to change the addresses or you should select multiboot option when using driverpacks